New Beginnings (3)

The furniture was dusty and the bed had a comforter set folded and neatly place on the corner of the mattress. My suitcase was tucked underneath the bed, which also had dust covered all on the floor. I can tell the room hasn't been cleaned nor used in what seems like months.

I walked down the stairs an into the kitchen looking around for a broom. I found it tucked on the side of the fridge. I walked over to the sink and started searching under the cabinet before finding furniture cleaner. I grabbed the can and a roll of paper towels before retreating upstairs.

I wiped all the dust off the dressers and shelves then swept the dusty floor. When I finally finished cleaning the suffocating place I'm supposed to call a room I returned the cleaning supplies back to the place they belong.

As I walked out of the kitchen I heard the front door slam. Alex stomped heavily into the kitchen tossing her keys on the counter as she sped walked past me with an arm full of bags.

"Well don't just stand there go get the rest of the bags from by the door"' she said annoyed.

I turned around and rolled my eyes making sure I was out of view before walking towards the door and picking up the remainder of the bags.

I placed the remainder of the bags on the counter with the rest. She opened the fridge and started to put away the groceries. "I didn't know what all you liked eat so I grabbed things I thought any average teenager would like to eat," she said as she placed a few things in the pantry.

"That's fine I can eat whatever", I said half sarcastically.

She slammed the fridge closed and leaned against the door with her hand on her hip. "look I know I came off kind of like an uncaring and mean person but I do care ok I'm trying, this is new for me, so work with me," she said angrily.

"I don't hate you Alex I barely know you, you did come off kind of strong but let's just get to know each other and start off fresh," I replied. She threw her hands up and slapped them on her thighs and walked back towards the counter.

"Fine by me no hostility just good old family bonding I guess", she said while removing the last of the groceries from the bags. I leaned against the counter and crossed my arms in front my chest.

She cleared the counter then stood next to me leaning her back against the counter. "SOOO um how's life I know it's not all like perfect and stuff but hey its life," she said. I looked at her through the corner of my eye then focused back on the cabinet in front of me.