New Beginnings (4)

She clicked her tongue and tilted her head to the side. "come on Ty at least let me try to be friendly we will be living under the same roof," she said as she sighed.

I leaned forward to balance myself and replied," We can try in the morning I'm pretty tired plus I have school". "right school," she said.

She leaned forward and headed for the hallway before turning around to face me. "I placed you in advanced placement classes in case you didn't already look at your schedule, Auntie said you was a smart kid and from your grades I know you can survive."

"thanks, I guess, "I replied as I walked past her towards the stairs, "and goodnight".

"goodnight," she said. I walked upstairs into my room and turned to close the door just to see Alex walk into her room and light a cigarette before throwing herself backwards on the bed and grunting.

I cracked the door and slipped out of my hoodie and placed it on the stack of boxes. I laid backwards on the bed only in my jeans and stared up at the fan as the cool breeze hit my chest.

I started to think about my past. I grunted at the idea of everything that happened before turning over on my side. I hated myself I couldn't stand the thought of everything. I closed my eyes and thought about how tomorrow should be.

My dream was strange. There was a strange girl, I couldn't see her face but she had long black hair. She twirled around in a field wearing a long purple dress from what appeared to be another time. She just twirled around giggling calling my name louder and louder.

"Ty". I shifted a little. "Ty". I grumbled. "TY". I grumbled again.

I felt somebody shaking me. "TY". Smack!

I jumped out of my sleep to Alex peering into my face with an angry expression. "you idiot are you trying to be late on your first day wake up and get dressed," she said angrily.

Alex turned around and stomped out of the room going into her own and slammed the door.

I walked over to my box of clothes and pulled out and outfit to wear. After getting dressed I grabbed my back pack and walked downstairs into the kitchen to see Alex slumped over the counter drinking coffee.

"Hey nice outfit weirdo," she said in between sips.

" yeah, I guess so I'm not really trying to impress anybody", I replied while grabbing an apple.

"Jeez you're such a little smart a** can't you tell when I'm just messing with you", she sighed. "anyway, can you drive?" she asked.

"yeah, I have my license", I replied.

She tossed a pair of keys at me. I caught them and looked at Alex.