Naylie (1)

"Nah bruh you are being a jerk, anyway welcome to Olympic High Ty", said Hunter, "you can follow me to class". I nodded my head and said thanks and followed Hunter.

"Later, "yelled Ryan as He, Evan and Grayson turned around to leave.

I walked down the hallway with Hunter.

"Say lil dude don't worry about Ryan he's a jerk but he's cool," he said.

I snorted and replied, "yeah a jerk but its fine I guess". Hunter looked at me through the corner of his eye as we walked and asked, "so Ty where you from?"

"Greenville, Alabama" I replied. "huh long way from home, "he joked.

"yeah, I guess so", I mumbled.

We stopped in front of a classroom. "Hey kid you don't have to be hostile with me we're buddies now so let's get along," he said and stretched out his hand towards me.

I shook his hand and said sure. Then headed into the classroom.

"Ty Green, I presume?" asked a tall older looking man.

"Yes," I answered.

"Good I'm Mr. Connor, I'm your AP Chemistry teacher along with your homeroom teacher, "he said, "there's a seat towards the back just sit next to the young lady with the long black hair".

I walked towards the back of the class and took a seat next to my partner. I glanced at her through the corner of my eye and couldn't help as if I seen her before.

She turned and looked at me. Her long silky hair touched her back and flowed over her shoulder. She looked at me with her brown eyes and parted her pink lips as if to say something before turning back around.

I felt strange sitting next to her. A shock wave of sensation passed through my body the longer I sat next to her to the point I smelled a faint scent of honey and roses in the air.

I turned towards the board to try and concentrate on class but something about her kept making me glance at her through the corner of my eye. It was almost as if I was drawn to her.

My energy felt as if it was being sucked dry as I watched her and I couldn't help feeling weak.

She turned and looked at me then stuck out her hand. Her slender fingers just inches from my chest. "Hi, I'm Naylie," she said," I couldn't help but say something since you keep peaking at me".

I stared at her as if in a trance then shook my head.

I shook her hand and replied, "Ty, nice to meet you".

She giggled and placed her hand on the desk, you can hear the faint sound of her bracelets dangle as they hit the desk.

"Ty that's a cute name for an interesting looking guy, "she giggled then licked her lips, "I hope we can get along very, very well from now on".