Naylie (2)

I wanted to ask what she meant by that but I was over taken by a short sense of lightheadedness.

She looked up at the clock then back at me and smiled. "well our time is over," she said.

The bell rung and she got up to leave clacking her sandals against the floor as she left. When she disappeared the lightheaded feeling I felt disappeared, I no longer smelled the faint scent of honey and roses.

It was as if my trance has been lifted.

Hunter approached me. "Hey dude you alright you don't look so hot?" he asked. I nodded my head and said," yeah I'm fine just felt a little light headed".

I stood up and headed towards the door and peaked into the hallway to see Naylie standing by a locker. Hunter stood next to me and stared into the distant where I was looking.

"Naylie Asher huh," he said," that girl is hot but don't get involved with her something isn't right".

"like what?" I asked as I stared at her. "well for one," he replied," a lot of guys say she gives off the vibe like she's sucking the life out of them, it's weird but I just think its cause she's hot you know."

"Yeah," I half replied.

"Anyway, I got to get to class see you later dude," Hunter said before walking off.

Naylie closed her locker before turning in my direction. Her eyes met mine. She smiled then turned away and walked down the hall.

I looked down and headed in the opposite direction towards my next class.

For the rest of the day I couldn't concentrate. It was if Naylie was in my head from the giggle that escaped her lips to the way she looked at me with her brown eyes.

I felt intoxicated with her presence and didn't quite know why. It was if she was in my head, I couldn't help but think of her.

Come lunch time the thoughts of her finally subsided. I walked into the cafeteria and grabbed my tray full of food.

"Yo Ty," shouted Evan," Over here dude". He waved towards a table where he sat with Ryan, Grayson and Hunter.

I approached the table and took a seat. "how's your first day of school treating you?" asked Grayson as he bit into an apple.

"You'll never believe this but Mr. Connor has him sitting next to Naylie Asher in class," said Hunter with his head low to the table.

"Naylie Asher whoa dude that's nice, she's like totally hot," said Evan.

"Yeah hot and weird," replied Ryan.

"Don't get your jock strap in a twist," joked Grayson," Ol Ryan here is just mad because he asked out little Ms. Asher and she turned him down."

I laughed at the thought of what was probably said during their exchange.