Naylie (4)

She looked at me with a stern expression and turned on her heels.

"I'm sorry I should leave I'm causing quite a bit of trouble," she said and left.

I wanted to tell her don't go but I had a bit of trouble keeping my balance. When she was gone it felt as if my strength returned to me. It was odd I couldn't explain it, but it feels as if Naylie literally takes my breath away.

Ryan came up and slapped me on the back. "later dude we'll see you after class in front of school," said Ryan.

"Later," I replied as I watched Naylie walk out of the cafeteria.

I walked into my last class which was AP English to be met by a woman with a messy bun and glasses covering most of her face.

She had on an old worn down looking skirt which stopped right above her ankles.

She pulled her sweater closer together as she approached me. "Mr. Green?" she asked with a hoarse voice.

"yes," I replied.

"O good, my name is Mrs. Elisabeth but you can call me Mrs. Beth for short," she said," you can take a seat in the back corner next to Ms. Asher."

I walked further into the Ice-cold class room and sat my backpack on the floor next to the desk.

"so, we meet again", she said, "seems you just can't stay away from me."

"more like the other way around Naylie", I replied laughing.

The classroom was so cold I can literally see my breath, but sitting next to Naylie I felt hot. My breathing started to become heavy as I became intoxicated in her scent. I started to sweat just faintly.

I pulled on the front of my shirt just a little as my breathing became more rapid. I glanced at Naylie and she looked at me with a troubled expression before turning around and looking at the time on her phone.

The bell rung and she quickly grabbed her bag and darted out of the classroom. Just then everything felt fine. I felt normal again, I don't know why this keeps happening to me when I'm around her but I plan to ask.

I walked to the front of the school to see Evan, Grayson, Ryan and Hunter waiting.

"Wassap dude, "said Evan as he slapped me in the back.

"Damn dude you look like crap," said Grayson.

"I do?" I asked.

"yeah dude you look like you could drop dead any minute now," replied Ryan. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "well I'm fine now so let's get going."

We all piled into the car and started driving towards Alex's house. "so," I said as I drove, "what's up with that Naylie girl every time I'm near her I feel weak and I smell Honey and roses".

"honey and roses, "joked Evan, "more like tulips and cupcakes to me."