Dreams (2)

"I'll call you about it later I need to confirm something that's been bugging me first, "I said.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked into class. I followed him and headed towards my desk where Naylie was sitting with her legs crossed staring out the window.

I sat down next to her and she turned to look at me. "Good morning," she said happily.

"Good morning," I replied, "Naylie I have something to talk to you about its been bothering me since yesterday."

She stared me in the eye and I couldn't help but feel a sense of Déjà vu as she looked at me.

"Something about you is off," I said.

"Like what?" she asked.

I cleared my throat and looked at her. "well for one your scent I noticed different guys say they smell something different around you," I said.

Her face grew stern and she went quiet.

I continued, "also whenever I'm around you I feel as if my energy is being drained and I feel intoxicated to the point I want to faint, I heard other guys have been feeling the same way."

Her expression turned dark as she stared me in the eyes. "Can you please explain that, I feel like I'm going crazy," I said.

She stared me in the face.

"Naylie," I said.

She sucked her teeth and bit her lip staring me in the eye.

"Naylie answer me, "I said.

Her scent became stronger and the feeling of unease quickly washed over me. I wanted to faint and drop to the floor right then and there but I had to stay strong to get the answers I needed.

She moved her face closer to mines to the point our noses were just inches from each other.

"sleep," she whispered.

My vision blurred. I laid my head on the desk and stared up at her to see a faint grin on her face as she tapped her pen on the desk. Then everything around me went black.

I awoke to the sound of Mr. Connor yelling my name. The classroom was empty. I raised my head with a huge headache. I grabbed my forehead.

"Ouch," I whispered.

"Mr. Green, if you're going to sleep in my class at least have the decency to wake up when the bell rings!" Mr. Connor yelled.

"I'm sorry Mr. Connor I didn't mean to fall asleep I don't know what came over me," I replied while looking around. I got up and quickly left the classroom.

"Mr. Green!" Mr. Connor yelled.

I rushed down the hall just to see Hunter leaning against a locker waiting on me. He nudged me in my shoulder. "Ty what happened to you," He asked, "One minute I see you talking to Naylie and the next your knocked out sleep it was weird".

"Yeah weird," I said.