Dreams (1)

I had the same dream again last night, but unlike before this one was more vivid.

I saw Naylie twirling around in a field giggling wearing a purple dressed that appeared to be from an older time. As she twirled she whispered my name over and over, louder and louder.

"Ty". I shifted in my sleep. "TY".

It was so loud I jumped.

I looked around the room and noticed a pair of bright red eyes peering into my room. I felt uneasy yet at the same time calm, for I felt as if I knew my perpetrator. I stared at the eyes peering into my room not wanting to miss a single blink. With every blink, I moved closer and closer to the edge of the bed. To the point I was sitting on the edge staring out the window at the eyes. I was so close I could nearly see a face.

I tried to move closer but suddenly everything went black.

I could hear my alarm in the distance and Alex yelling as she pounded on the door screaming for me to wake up. I turned over and grabbed my head thinking when did I fall asleep.

I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs.

I yelled at Alex I was leaving before running outside and hopping in the car. I pulled out my phone and texted Hunter telling him I needed to talk about something strange.

I started the car. Before I could pull out of the driveway my phone buzzed with a text from Ryan asking me to come pick him up for school. I picked up Ryan and started to drive towards school.

"Man, dude you look like sh*t", said Ryan as he peered into my face, "what's wrong with you, not enough sleep?"

I huffed and tilted my head from side to side. "Man, to be honest I don't even know, I fell asleep in the strangest way," I said, "then I had a strange dream when I woke up I seen a pair of red eyes staring at me outside my window".

Ryan listened for a moment then he grabbed his chin. "that is strange and can't be explained but maybe it was all a part of your dream did you ever think about that?" Ryan asked.

"No, I didn't think about it that way," I said," Maybe you are right I'm over extravagant over a stupid dream." I chuckled and pulled into the school parking lot.

"Glad I can be of help dude, "he said as he climbed out of the car. I walked into the school and dabbed Hunter off before we headed for class.

I couldn't wait to get the Mr. Connor's class so I can talk to Naylie about the strange things I've been feeling around her. Before we got into class Hunter stopped me. "so, dude what did you want to talk to me about?" Hunter asked.