Truth (1)

I sat in silence for a moment sighing and rubbing my forehead with my fingers.

Suddenly a pair of hands stretched out on both sides of me and relaxed around my neck. I chuckled and looked up to see a pair of brown eyes peering into my face. "couldn't stay away," I joked.

She smiled and moved from behind me to sit on my lap. "I'm terribly sorry for the intrusion, but I just simply couldn't stay away from you young sir," She said with a giggle. "you really are old," I joked.

She chuckled and placed her head on my chest and sighed.

I placed my hand under her chin and stroked her chin for a moment. She looked up at me and stared for a moment.

Her scent slightly tickled my nose in a mild fragrance. Her energy became sweet and hot as she stared at me. She climbed off my lap and reached out her hand. I grabbed her hand and stood up.

She wrapped my arms around her back and stared me in the eye. "I want to get to know you better," she whispered, "I want to know why you're here in Santa Monica and not at home with your family.

My face tensed up at her request. She softened her gaze and kissed my cheek. "you invaded my privacy and pulled out one of my ultimate secrets, its only right you tell me yours, "She said while staring at me.

I sighed and nodded my head. My feet started to tingle. I looked down and saw a black fog like mist appear beneath us.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned in closer to my ear. "don't be nervous," She whispered. We sunk deep into the mist and appeared in a cemetery. She grabbed my hand and dragged me towards a large burial Mausoleum. She jumped up and pulled me on top the roof. I looked down to try and see the last name but she pulled my chin towards her and gave me a kiss.

"Tell me please," she whispered. I looked her up and down then sighed. I cleared my throat and decided to begin my story.