Truth (5)

I went against Grayson and won. He caught a tantrum and hurdled the controller across the room striking Evan across the back of his head as he headed towards the kitchen.

He hit the floor and passed out. We turned over and looked at him before exchanging a large laugh. Ryan stood up and walked towards Evan nudging him in the side.

When he groaned, we all turned our attention back towards the game till He eventually came too. He stood up half dazed and walked towards Grayson and smacked him across the head as hard as he could. Grayson placed the controller on the floor then turned around and tackled Evan across the chair falling backwards on the floor. They wrestled for a while before calling a truce and sitting back into their chairs.

We joked around for a while before we all started to slowly leave. I was second to leave. I dabbed everybody off and drove home. I locked the car and darted into the house. I ran into my room and locked the door behind me.

Naylie stood up off the bed with a huge grin on her face. I embraced her and twirled her around in a strong embrace before sitting on the bed. She sat next to me. "So, what did you want to talk about?" She asked.

"Naylie," I said as I cleared my throat," I'm interested in how you died."

She looked at me curiously and squinted her eyes. "I don't remember how I died," she said softly.

"Yeah but I do, I mean at least I think I do," I said confused.

She stared at me. "I think I've been having more than just dreams about you Naylie, I think I've been having dreams about your death," I said slowly.

She inched closer to the point she nearly sat on my lap. "Well tell," she said.

I cleared my throat and began. "You ran through a field with a fearful expression on your face. You kept looking over your shoulder as you ran clutching your bible. Then a hand yanked you by your hair to the ground where you screamed an agonizing scream. They held you low to the ground by your hair while they spat on you and called you horrible names. One man had a sword. He slid the tip of the blade across your shoulder and up your neck. When he swung his blade and you ducked down, he cut your hair. You scrambled away as he screamed in anger. You ran through a cemetery panting and staggering. You placed a hand on a tree to balance yourself. When suddenly you were struck from behind." I went silent.

"well", she said impatiently.

"That's all I know," I answered. She looked at me frustrated, then winched in pain.