Attack (1)

She clutched her head and grinded her teeth as she sunk to the floor. She sat on the floor winching in pain. I lunged by her side and cradled her. "Naylie, what's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"I have to go," she faintly whispered.

"What?" I asked. "

I have to go!" She yelled. She pushed me towards the ground and disappeared in a pile of black smoke.

I laid there confused. I grabbed my phone and called her, but there was no answer. I tried a few more times but got the same result. I decided to just sleep it off and talk to her in class tomorrow. I laid down and drifted off to sleep. My dream started off where it ended.

Naylie was knocked to the ground unconscious. She winched and slowly opened her eyes. She was laying on the ground with her hands and feet tied up. She struggled trying to untie herself when she heard a group of men's laughter. They circled her laughing at how helpless she looked.

One of them kicked her in her stomach a few times till she coughed up blood. The men stood around her in a circle taking turns spitting on her and kicking her. A torch approached from the distance as the men separated. A tall dark haired older looking male approached through the gap. She gasped and flinched forward furiously while glaring at the man.

He laughed and raised his hand. A man standing behind the tree nodded and started to pull on a rope. The noose around her throat tightened as she was pulled higher up the tree. She flinched and groaned wiggling trying to get free. The higher she rose the more the men laughed. She swung from the tree wiggling till all she can do is look forward at her family grave. A single tear fell down her swollen eye.

She looked down at the strange man and opened her bruised and cut up lips. "I will kill you all, you and your families, I swear," She said before finally growing quiet.

The men laughed and joked taking turns throwing rocks at her body before walking away. I lunged awake.

A tear fell down my eye as I thought about the pain and suffering she must have gone through. I heard sobbing in the corner.

I turned over to see a black figure crouched in the corner sobbing. I felt a cold sensation crawl up my back as I stared at the figure. An intense feeling of fear washed over me.

It wasn't Naylie, this was something dark. I tried my best to sit still as the figure sobbed.

It lifted its head and turned towards me. It had no face, nor eyes. It stood up and staggered towards me.