Veronica (7)

I followed behind her but felt and odd sensation. I looked around the cafeteria to see a Petite girl with short red hair staring at me through a group of kids. She peered at me with her green eyes as if she was sizing me up and down. She smiled and disappeared in the crowd.

I walked over to where the girl was standing and looked around till I saw her standing outside. I opened the doors and crept outside across the field where she was standing. I stood in front of her as the fresh scent of pumpkin filled my nose. "

Why hello," She said politely while blinking her large green eyes.

"Hello," I said. I knelt in front of her and stared at her with curiosity.

"tsk tsk tsk," she clicked as she shook her head from side to side while staring at me. "you have been a naughty boy Ty Green," She said.

"How do you know my name?" I asked. She held out her small hand towards me. I reached for her hand and she dropped a note in it. I looked up at her as she stared at me with her green eyes. "All will be made clear, just know I am an ally," She smiled a sly grin and walked across the field towards a young-looking gentleman.

She grabbed his hand as they disappeared into the distance.

"Why are you out here", called out a familiar voice.

"Why are you following me Veronica?" I asked. She clicked her tongue and walked around towards me till she was in front of me. "That's not answering my question," She snapped.

"I wasn't trying to," I replied. Veronica clicked her tongue and sized me up and down.

"Now that I have a proper look at you, you're not so bad looking I'm a fan of guys with piercings and blue eyes," She said flirtishly.

I sighed and turned around to leave but she jumped in front of me. "Where are you going," she teased as she blocked my path.

"Ty Green troubled youth who beat the crap out of his best friend with a bat, what a rebel," She joked.

"How do you know that," I asked shocked.

"I'm a hundred and seventy-three years old, it's not hard for me to get information," She joked and walked closer towards me.

I backed away from her.

"Stop being so hostile I promise I won't bite, much," She said with a snicker. She looked me up and down then asked, "Why aren't you afraid?"

I shrugged my shoulders and replied, "There's nothing to be afraid of."

She snickered, "there's plenty to be afraid of, for one she can drain the very soul out of your body."

"I love her, love conquers all," I said.

"That's a load of bull," she said with disgust. The bell rung in the distance.