Veronica (8)

I moved from around her and started to walk away.

"Ty", She called out.

I turned my head and looked over my shoulder.

"Never mind," She mumbled.

I walked through the cafeteria and out the front door. I got in my car and started driving down the street when I looked in my mirror to see the red headed girl sitting in my back seat. She sat there staring at me through the mirror. I constantly glanced at her as I drove. A mild scent of pumpkin filled my nose as I drove.

"Who are you?" I asked while glancing at her.

She didn't reply.

"Well who are you?" I asked once more while pulling into my driveway next to Alex's car. I parked and turned around and looked into the backseat but she was gone, along with her scent. There was a note lying in the spot she was sitting matching the one she gave me earlier. I picked it up and looked at it. It read Horrigan.

"Horrigan," I said to myself. I pulled out the note from inside my pocket. That one read Asher. "Asher," I repeated.

I flipped both notes over to check for more writing but it was blank. I walked to the front door to see Naylie standing there with a worried expression. "why didn't you show up to class?" she asked.

I apologized and told her about my strange run in with the petite girl along with my conversation with Veronica. She stood there silently thinking then said to herself, "petite girl with short red hair."

"I don't know any succubus of that caliber, "she responded. "well let's not dwell on it," I said, "anyway since you're here let's meet Alex, she's dying to meet you."

She shrugged and smiled. I unlocked the door and headed inside. "Alex," I yelled.

"What!" Alex screamed while stomping from out of the living room. She stopped in the hallway in shock when she saw Naylie.

Her cigarette hung out her mouth as she stared at her with amazement. She took a puff then raised her eyebrow at me then beckoned us into the living room. She sat on the sofa and motioned Naylie to sit next to her.

She put out her cigarette in the dragon ashtray and looked at Naylie once more then turned towards me.

"Well she's very pretty, "Alex said, "I'm surprised."

Naylie giggled and replied, "It's very nice to meet you."

Alex smiled," It's a pleasure to meet you as well miss?"

"Naylie, Naylie Asher," Naylie replied.

"Asher, that's a very uncommon and unique last name," Alex replied.

"It's unique, just like her," I cut in. Naylie smiled sweetly at me then turned towards Alex. "I hope we get along just fine from now on," She said sweetly showing Alex a gentle smile.