
Three shadows were traveling at very fast speeds while jumping from branch to branch, Zetsu was informing them about recent happening with Akatsuki " Behind the scenes Danzo has sent some of the root's ninjas and they have clashed with Nagato's group, although Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan won the battle because of Nagato, it alarmed Danzo which is why he considers Nagato a threat to the leaf now. I predict that Danzo will use Hanzo the half-god as a pawn to get rid of Nagato. As for the Akatsuki, they are keeping silent for now and minding their own business. "

While moving and listening on Zetsu's report he was thinking ' These matters are going just like the series, fortunately. I need to get another type of mask, this mask looks badass and all but it will attract too much attention the last thing I need right now is attention. hmm, I think I can allow myself to go a bit fanboy mode and get black bandage covering my face Ichigo mugetsu style hehe '.

Obito chuckled and said " Danzo, Danzo, he thinks everything is within his control he doesn't realize that we are manipulating him behind the series to show Nagato the truth of this world "

Aki replied " Oh, how are you manipulating this Danzo person? "

Obito said: " well, how do you think Danzo found out the existence of Nagato and his Rinnegan? "

Aki "I see you manipulated the information, very clever indeed "

Obito "It's an honor to be praised by Godspeed Uchiha the 2nd Hokage "

Aki " you flatter me, in fact, it doesn't matter at all because from this point onward we are partners. at least till I see Madara "

Obito Replied " Right " while thinking to the hour before Madara brought Akihiro back from death with Rinne rebirth ' Madara said: "Obito under no circumstances are you and Zetsu allowed to tell Akihiro about The Infinite Tsukuyomi. I know his character, he won't agree to such things, unless he is directly convinced by me, so I will tell him myself when I am brought back to life, just tell him the surface and show him the necessary memories with Sharingan enough for him to trust you, Understood? ".

Never in their wildest imagination could they imagine that Akihiro knew it all before they even knew what The Infinite Tsukuyomi is.

Zetsu " we have reached the Akatsuki's base ".

Obito " Akihiro let me handle everything for now "

Aki " do as you wish "

They walked slowly toward the base, suddenly Nagato teleported in front of them with one rinnegan eye and one normal eye(the first eye was transplanted when he was a kid and he awakened it like the story, the other one has been transplanted just recently by black Zetsu when he was sleeping and is yet to awaken), Nagato said: " What do you want Madara ? ".

Obito replied: " you didn't believe I was Madara Uchiha and now you are still doubtful regarding my identity and goal right? "

Nagato " yes, why don't you take your mask off, the Face of Madara, Hashirama and Akihiro is World renown and I have seen them all ".

Obito turned to Aki and said in Madara's voice " Brother take your mask off so that he can confirm our identity I don't wish to exist any mistrust between us "

Aki was taken aback but after thinking a bit, he realized it won't pose a problem anyway, he complied.

Nagato face turned into pure shock after seeing the face behind the mask ' impossible it cant be he died 80 years ago, even if he is alive he should look like an old man with half a foot in the grave '.

Nagato " KAI ", Obito said:" this is not a Genjutsu as for why I don't show you my face the reason is personal ".

Aki was in thought ' I see now since in the anime Madara's face wasn't that well known he could pose as Madara easily, but somehow the changes I made in history caused our generation to be very famous. it's probably because of the first war the way it happened its nothing like the original especially the ending result. With me here everything will go smoothly, no one would have the gall to say he is Madara in front of me and live to tell the tale hehe things are getting more interesting now '.

After the initial shock, Nagato got his bearing back saying: " you are Madara without doubt, I won't ask how you are alive or how the 2 of you are not old men, What do you hope to achieve with this now Madara? "

Obito turned his single Sharingan toward Nagato and said: " its simple I want to save this world and to do this I need your help, I can help you harness the power of those eyes to their full potential, isn't that Akatsuki's goal?".

Nagato shook his head replying: " Even if you two are Madara Uchiha and Akihiro Uchiha it doesn't matter to me, we will save this world our way if you are so interested you can join Akatsuki and help us do it, and you joining isn't my decision its Yahiko's ".

Obito chuckled saying: " you don't know true pain, you have not seen the true reality of this world, take your time, one day you shall realize these words then come and find me you know where I will be. Brother, Zetsu lets go "

The three left a pondering Nagato behind, Aki said: " you are a pretty good actor and all, with that voice if I didn't know you, I might have believed you were Madara for a split second there "

Obito replied: " if I have to pretend to be someone else losing my own identity so that this world becomes a better place, so be it "

Aki said with an amused tone: " What's next then MADARA? hahaha "

Obito replied a bit annoyed: " We have to annihilate the current Akatsuki and remake it "

Aki pretended not to understand and said: " and how do you wish to do that? "

Obito answered: " we first wait for Hanzo to attack them, get rid of their members secretly and then Nagato will know pain. We can manipulate Nagato easily then, remake the Akatsuki and start gathering members, after that, we begin the plan to weaken the leaf, we will focus on the Uchiha and Senju. recruiting members might take a while after all the members are recruited and the foundation of my other plans are in place, we shall begin hunting the tailed beasts. it will take a few years placing every piece in place to win. "

Aki said with an impressed tone: " what is my role in your plans? "

Obito replied: "I need you to instigate the 4th shinobi world war by destroying one of the hidden villages and showing Akatsuki's might to the world, help me with weakening the leaf and the Uchiha and Senju, out of that do whatever you want to. "

After that, it went exactly as the anime, Danzo attacked Akatsuki with the hand of Hanzo, Nagato became crazy over Yahiko's death, he awakened both his rinnegan completely and summoned the Gedo statue and killed everyone. Hanzo managed to flee in time to save his life, Nagato turned Yahiko's corpse to his Rinnegan puppet and began calling himself pain. he found us and accepted our proposal and started to gather members for collecting the tailed beasts in the future.

That was how I became a member of Akatsuki got my super awesome Akatsuki cloak *cough**cough* well you now know how Akatsuki came to be in this timeline.

As for the other Members of the Akatsuki:

As they were running because they had gotten news of the fact that Hanzo schemed to kill their leader Yahiko.

they abruptly came to stop staring at a man covered in a black cloak, wearing Anbu pants and black ninja scandals, long waist length very dark blue hair, below his Sharingan eyes everything was hidden with black bandages, he had a mesmerizing vibe, he said coolly "I can't let you advance further I am afraid ".

They immediately charged at him, their temporary leader said: " we don't have time for this move or die ".

The figure's Vibe suddenly grew sinister, he said with the same cool voice: "oh die huh well, then you will just do that I suppose ".

Suddenly his eye's changed to a weird Sharingan shape (Mangekyou), the atmosphere became very oppressive under his terrifying chakra and imposing matter, it was as if a Demonic Monster was standing there, he just said 2 words " Senbonzakura Kageyoshi ".

Tens of thousands of sakura leaves materialized out of thin air, each one was shining with a delicate but deadly pink light, it was a very beautiful and mesmerizing sight in the night under the full moon.

Suddenly all the leaves moved with intense speed and vanished just as soon as they appeared, The Akatsuki members were so mesmerized by that sight that they didn't even realize how they died.

The only things remaining of them were a red and white pool of blood and a crimson fog scattering in the wind.

A man covered in a black cloak with a swirling dark orange mask covering all of his face except his single Sharingan appeared in a swirling vortex, he said to the figure: " One of the most powerful, if not the most powerful ability amongst the Mangekyou Sharingans ''Senbonzakura Kageyoshi'' it was called The Mesmerizing death by those few that saw it and lived to tell the tale. It's indeed very terrifying and beautiful, Remind me not to you piss off ok Akihiro ?"

The figure turned towards The masked one saying: " you don't need to worry we are comrades, after all, right? ", after saying that he vanished from the spot.

The masked man Shivered suddenly for unknown reasons and disappeared in a swirl as well.