Preparing to attack the hidden leaf

It has been 2 years since the incident with pain, everything has been going smoothly for Akatsuki, as for Aki, he is sitting atop a stone in a forest enjoying the morning breeze thinking ' I hope Konan won't get angry this time hehe, I always need to sneak out to get some air ah, why is she such a slave driver I am the damn second Hokage where is my prestige (crying face) '.

you might be wondering how this happened well it happened like this:

Konan was a war orphan she lived a very poor life since she was born, always struggling with hunger or shelter.

One day when she was 9 years old she met a boy named Yahiko, they both became friends and he helped her in many occasions so she started developing feelings for him, but Yahiko was very dense and he had this dream of saving the world and ending all wars by talking to people, this caused her to be disappointed and she put him in her friend zone.

she always wanted to find the perfect partner for herself a man strong to protect her and handsome too so that it causes all the other girls to be jealous of her luck (Konan giggling in her thoughts), Yahiko wasn't that type, he was good-looking but he wasn't either strong or very handsome, he was way too dense for her, so she moved on in her search while struggling to survive.

One day when the 2 of them were walking by a shop, they heard a very interesting tale so they stopped by to listen, like many others who had gathered there.

It was about 4 Legendary ninja 2 pairs of 2 brothers who changed the fate of countless people for the better ending the warring states era, 2 of them respectively were from Uchiha clan called Akihiro and Madara, the other 2 were from their enemy clan Senju respectively called Tobirama and Hashirama.

The Uchiha and Senju were sworn enemies but under the leadership of Madara and Hashirama with the influence of their brothers, they signed an alliance treaty creating a village and ended the era with constant wars which increased the life expectancy of people by a huge margin, the main reason being no more children were sacrificed for war.

But the reality wasn't kind, all over the world the villages created by mimicking their way of an alliance, joined together to attack them because of fear but the result of this war was something that will be forever remembered in history.

4 ninjas each suppressed a whole village by himself inflicting countless casualties showing godlike powers and abilities.

Hashirama Senju the 1st Hokage created a whole forest with his legendary wood style completely encompassing all his enemies, nearly all of the main island was tangled in a forest, after that poisonous flower appeared and all his enemies fainted from its toxic air they couldn't even fight back all it took was 1 jutsu, the jutsu was called: Wood Release: Divine Advent of a World of Flowering Trees, he got the moniker god of shinobi.

Madara Uchiha alone Decimated and crushed the village hidden in the stone the way he did it is still a mystery to this day but the stone ninjas started calling him the strongest shinobi of all time after that.

Tobirama Senju the 3rd Hokage was a super genius he created many S and SS rank jutsus he suppressed the sand village without even lifting a finger, he simply used divine and impossible strategies with Konoha's forces it was a one-sided crushing, he got the moniker Godly Genius.

Akihiro Uchiha the 2nd Hokage summoned countless sakura leaves which created a beautiful but deadly sight, cutting down enemies left and right while riding a titanic white angle with 4 wings which was overflowing with blue lightning he moved at extreme speeds creating chaos and unimaginable destruction upon his wake, he nearly wiped out the village hidden in the clouds from the maps he got the moniker Godspeed Uchiha because he had the power, destructiveness, grace and extreme speed of a god.

While Konan was thinking that her perfect partner would be someone like them, like many other little girls, The storytelling man showed them a picture of the 4 legendary ninja.

Hashirama seemed like a warm and friendly guy, Madara seemed like a strict and arrogant man with a powerful aura he looked handsome, Tobirama was a serious person with good looks, Akihiro was an extremely handsome guy with a mesmerizing aura.

When Konan's eye fell on the last one, she felt her heart stop like many other girls and the perfect image of her partner in her head formed after his image.

That's why you could imagine her extreme shock when she looked at Aki's uncovered face in Akatsuki hideout many years later, she swore she would make him hers even after 1.5 years he seemed uninterested (in fact he was interested but he had many targets to make his Mei, Tsunade, even Mikoto{if she is not married}, his so he didn't pay too much attention like it was natural) which caused her some grievances, it resulted in her torturing him by giving him all the hard works and missions of Akatsuki.

As Aki was silently enjoying the calm of the forest, Tobi (I will call Obito Tobi from now on in the Akatsuki) appeared beside him in a swirl saying " the past 2 years was a success, the Akatsuki has started to get strong, we have scouted possible recruits for the future, I am controlling the mizukage behind the scenes now, The only thing left to do is to attack Konoha and weaken them, in fact, Kushina will give birth in the next 2-3 days according to Zetsu, and we need to sow even more discord between Uchiha and Senju so they wipe each other out."

Aki became serious and replied, " indeed the progress is decent but I have a plan for the leaf, I don't wish to hurt my descendants ".

Tobi frowned and asked, " what is your plan? ".

Aki answered solemnly: " you see first I need one of Nagato's rinnegan, I will kidnap a rogue evil ninja, transplant the eye in him and control him with my Mangekyou Sharingan ( Kyoka Suigetsu ) ( he hasn't explained to anyone his Kyoka Suigetsu's power they only now that its a Genjutsu ) from the other eye and have him use Rinne rebirth on Kushina and Minato after we attack. my morals won't let me attack anyone who has 1 drop of my blood running through their veins then we return the eye to Nagato the only one who dies is an evil ninja. Fast and efficient the only problem is convincing Nagato ".(you see Obito could resurrect Madara with 1 rinnegan and he was in fact controlled by black Zetsu and Madara so it's completely possible)

Tobi struggled internally for 1 minute before replying " fine let's go ask Nagato and see what happens ".

Aki and Tobi approached a hidden room in the Akatsuki base only Konan, Aki and Tobi knew that this place was where Nagato real body resides, after opening the door Nagato and Konan that were discussing some matters inside stopped and looked towards them, after 20 awkward seconds Aki sighed and dropped the bomb.

Aki " Nagato I need to borrow one of your Rinnegans if you loan to me for 3 days, you can ask any 1 thing if it doesn't go against my morals, I swear upon my name Akihiro Uchiha I will accomplish it. "