Attacking The hidden leaf

Nagato and Konan were taken aback by this request, Konan's face turned a bit cold he turned to Tobi and said with a chilly tone "What's the meaning of this ?".

Tobi replied "I didn't do anything, he needs it for personal reasons" he pointed his finger at Aki and said, "ask him yourself ".

Konan looked really pissed she turned to look towards Aki with an angry face completely different than her usual cold and calm attitude saying with a low voice " Explain or else ".

Aki ignored her for the moment and only continued to look at Nagato with a determined face, Nagato suddenly realized he is not joking, his face turned cold saying " explain and I will consider it ".

Aki replied " I need to save the life of 2 very important people to me, you don't need to worry we are in this together, I have no reasons to betray you and I already have 2 Eternal Mangekyou, replacing your eye with one of them instead of strengthening me will weaken me, only when a pair of eyes come together does their complete potential appear. " while thinking 'I already have Rinnegan, its just laying Dormant, what use do I have for your eye '.

Nagato suddenly realized he was right, Konan was really pissed for being ignored but decided to take revenge in the future, Nagato said " indeed it is of no use to you and we are partners you don't have a reason to betray me now. I will ask 2 things of you for exchange, I can still operate pain with one rinnegan so just take this as a show of good faith from me ".

In the future, this single decision shall change Nagato's fate but let's continue with the conversation.

Aki Said " Ask away "

Nagato replied: " the 1st one is a question I have been meaning to ask regarding Yahiko's Death, you were the 2nd Hokage so you should have figured it out in these 2 years easily, tell which people had a hand in it? "

Aki replied without hesitation " Danzo of the leaf was the main reason behind Yahiko's Death, he manipulated Hanzo behind the scenes " while he said the rest in his mind ' and we might have had a hand in it but it was mainly Danzo '.

Nagato expression became sad and then wrathful and cold while saying " I knew it, someone was manipulating that incident behind the scenes, I will kill Hanzo myself because he was the main reason, as for the 2nd one, kill this Danzo for me in exchange for what you asked for "

Aki replied with mirth " with pleasure " he was thinking ' actually it worked out pretty well the sooner Danzo dies the better, I hate his guts, if I kill him now I will save hundreds of children from the root '.

After getting one of Nagato's Rinnegans ( i won't describe the process, Nope ) both of them vanished leaving behind a Nagato who was lost in his thoughts and a very pissed off Konan.

Tobi who was silent this whole time suddenly said to Aki " I have completely thought of your plan it will work but there is a single flaw, the Rinnegan is not so easily wielded by a person they either need a very high amount of chakra and a strong physic or very strong spiritual power to be able to use its powers, so we either need a kage lvl ninja or a strong member of the Uchiha or Senju to control and sacrifice with Rinne rebirth "

Aki's face smirked behind the Bandages covering his face (I will say mask from now) and said " it doesn't make a difference but it would be better to choose an Uchiha, we don't want to make a sage now, do we? " ( Tobi already told him of how rinnegan is awakened and by sage, he means sage lvl power )

tobi replied " right, I know of a suitable Uchiha let's find him first ".

They arrived near a small house by the lake in the forest quite close to the leaf village, Aki asked puzzled " and who lives here ? ".

Obito replied " here is the home of a man who used to be a very strong member of the Uchiha clan, Kagami Uchiha, Zetsu told me that, he is 55 now and was very strong, his tale is a very sad one, he chose the village over his clan, he was very faithful to the will of fire and paid the price for it, when he was 25 his friend Danzo betrayed him and stole his eyes in the 2nd shinobi world war, he managed to escape due to the chaos of war but never returned to the leaf and his family, he chose not to sell out his once comrade for the sake of the village, stopping the possible vengeance of Uchiha from Danzo".

Aki thought ' Shisui was Kagami's descendant I think, he died when he was 25 in the series so him being alive is probably one of the butterfly effects as well, but Damn this Danzo I feel so much hatred for him it's a bit scary, is this the curse of hatred? no wonder they all went crazy when I think of Danzo it's as if lava is overflowing in my veins instead of blood and my heart is the source like a volcano, holy shit I think I am going crazy with hatred really scary, calm down, calm down '.

Noticing Aki's face becoming even paler from anger Tobi's face also became cold while internally he was pitying Danzo to have provoked the 2nd Hokage but he continued saying nonetheless " He is not blind though, he transplanted an ordinary Sharingan from a deceased Uchiha member and burned the body what should we do now? "

Aki answered with an emotionless tone " even though I hate Danzo and I will kill him, I don't like people like Kagami Uchiha who chose to suffer for no real reason, why would you suffer silently, if he didn't want there to be conflict, then he should have attacked Danzo in shadows with all his might, took his eyes back while killing Danzo in the process even if he died no one would, out of their own mind inform the Uchiha about it, and he would have died with dignity and the pride of Uchiha rather than hiding here. "

Aki didn't wait for Tobi's response he walked into the house while activating his Mangekyou Sharingan, a man in his 50's was sitting there meditating with one missing eye he opened his eye but before he could even say anything Aki Said " I am sorry you are a good man but your life has lost any meaning the moment you forsake your pride and dignity, I will make good use of it "Kyoka Suigetsu". "(until mc breaks the curse of hatred he will be evil sometimes)

After taking control of all the senses of Kagami Uchiha, he could control him easily now he said to Tobi " transplant the Rinnegan, when are we attacking the leaf? ". ("Kyoka Suigetsu" power is deception and manipulation, not control but after getting Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan his "Kyoka Suigetsu" grow strong enough to control people easily)

Tobi answered " tomorrow I will go past their barrier with Kamui release the 9 tails during Kushina's childbirth, bring it outside the village with the summoning jutsu, you take control over it with "Kyoka Suigetsu" and take on the bigshots of the Konoha like the Sannin and crush them, you can revive whom you want after the battle, a reminder don't use your Mangekyou or its abilities because the pattern and its powers except "Kyoka Suigetsu" are all very well known throughout the world it will expose your identity and we should wear simple black cloaks we don't want them to discover and attack Akatsuki."

Aki asked curiously " what do others now of my Mangekyou? "

Tobi answered solemnly " The pattern of your eyes, the shape of your Susano, and "Senbonzakura Kageyoshi" is world famous, only your "Kyoka Suigetsu" which is a Genjutsu is unknown "

Aki replied in an amused tone " well there is no problem with the pattern, back then I didn't have Eternal Mangekyou so the new pattern is unknown, although they are similar it's different in the end, at most they would be suspicious of me being a relative of the 2nd Hokage ".

Aki fell in thought for a while, continuing " All those who possess the power of Eternal Mangekyou and have enough mastery over susano, can change the shape of their susano and perfect susano (since Madara and Sasuke could do it like where Madara did it with nine tails then others should be able to do as well), I should be able to make my susano in the shape of a white dragon with my current mastery, so there is no need to worry about using susano as well " Aki was thinking 'Just you wait, I will manifest my Susano as a gigantic white version of Skiadrum (Fairy tail's shadow dragon), and enjoy the look of shock and terror on your faces hahaha '

Tobi said after pondering a bit "I see, you are right, please don't use "Senbonzakura Kageyoshi" though "

Aki replied " Ok " while saying in his mind ' you don't know of the most terrifying attack of my Mangekyou the Divine rank Mugetsu I wonder if I should use it '.

The fated day arrived, Aki was standing at the edge of the barrier calmly looking at Konoha with his Eternal Mangekyou waiting for Tobi to arrive ' although I have a lot of memories regarding the leaf it has changed a lot, seeing it in person is a whole new feeling altogether, it is a very good feeling especially looking at my face carved there, what a pity this needs to happen '.

Tobi appeared beside him in a swirl and without wasting time cast the "summoning jutsu" saying "I will go fight Minato, take care of the rest ".

a massive fox nearly the size of a Giant hill with 9 tails appeared there, bringing an aura of doom and death filled with rage with him.

The fox stared at Aki standing in front of him saying in wrath " pitiful human you dare stand before me die " as the fox attacked Aki said Disdainfully " a mere beast dares to call me pitiful hmph ".

After snorting arrogantly he looked the fox in the eye and put him under his control with "Kyoka Suigetsu" and said with a commanding voice " go attack the village 9 tails ".

Kurama was so angry his anger could burn the world because those eyes reminded him of Madara, but having no other choice he complied but chose to vent his anger on the village.

Minato and Tobi were fighting just like the series the only difference being Minato was using the Sharingan so he had the upper hand, his midnight blue hair coupled with the red of Sharingan and his handsome face made him look very elegant while fighting.

Minato asked the masked figure " who are you and why are you attacking the leaf ? ".

the masked man answered, "I am Madara Uchiha, I can't tell you why ".

Minato sneered saying " if you were Madara I would be dead already, who are you really? "

the masked man chuckled replying " I am injured but you can Believe what you want, it hardly changes the outcome ".

Minato was confused about what outcome he meant, he was thinking 'I need to beat him whoever he is fast and seal the 9 tails before the village is destroyed ', a terrifying aura of majesty appeared and suppressed the aura of 9 tails easily, which shocked him speechless as he turned to look toward the aura, he stood rooted to the ground with a stunned face his heart beating faster due to immense fear he felt the only thing he could think of was ' is this how it ends ?!'.

as Aki stood atop a building wearing his mask and all, watching Kurama destroying everything in sight while having the Sharingan pattern in his eyes he knew the Uchiha would get isolated in the near future and eventually every piece will be in place to resurrect Madara, he will have his desired battles and lvl up then steal the spiritual chakra of the 10 tails as much as possible.

suddenly 3 chakra signatures appeared not too far behind him one of them saying " who are you Uchiha? identify yourself, I don't recognize your chakra ".

Aki chuckled remembering that Jiraiya is a sage, he can feel his chakra. he turned around facing them saying disdainfully " all you need to know now is that we are enemies, for now, so what are you gonna do about it ".

all three of them became battle ready, the atmosphere turned tense but Aki laughed arrogantly and disappeared, suddenly appearing behind Tsunade whispering in her ears " where is Danzo dear? ".

tsunade's heart started beating really fast and she turned red embarrassed but she remembered he is an enemy she replied: " why should I tell you ? ".

Orochimaru was watching with interest while Jiraiya was nearly exploding from rage, Aki said: " because you are going to be my wife in the future so you should be honest with your future husband ".

Tsunade nearly fainted from embarrassment and became angry with a red face, she yelled: " shut up and get serious ".

Aki turned serious and reappeared in his original position saying " fine as you wish, come at me together or you won't even know how you died ".

Jiraiya was the first one to attack, he and Aki started clashing in a taijutsu battle with kunai, Orochimaru used shuriken and snake attacks to bind and distract Aki, Tsunade was on the lookout for any opportunity to land a heavy hit.

they fought like that for 2 minutes, Aki elegantly dodged all of Orochimaru's assaults while beating Jiraiya right and left because there never existed an opening, Tsunade could only look with amazement at how easily he beat them both in taijutsu, her heart was beating fast, looking at his grace and power she was thinking " what's this feeling I have ? ".

her train of thoughts was broken by a serious Orochimaru " Tsunade we need to use the three-way deadlock and all our strongest jutsu if we want to beat him " seeing Jiraiya nodding she agreed and they started to get serious.

Aki who was staring at them said in an amused tone " so finally, serious ha show me your strongest jutsu you might last longer that way if I get serious ".

three of them yelled " Summoning Jutsu " and executed their summoning, Jiraiya summoned 1 massive toad with a pipe in its mouth and two older small ones on his shoulder and went sage mode, Orochimaru summoned a massive snake and Tsunade a gigantic slug while activating the seal on her forehead.

this display gathered the attention of countless shinobi even the 4th Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen which was fighting the nine tails was distracted 'who are they fighting to even use the three-way deadlock' he realized the answer immediately after.

Aki looked and said with an impressed tone " impressive but it's not even nearly enough, haha watch and learn your place ".

Aki imposing matter erupted, he started emitting a massive amount of chakra and made a hand sign he yelled " Wood Style: Skiadrum's Vendetta ".

A monstrous dragon which was a copy of Skiadrum without the shadows made of wood, bigger than the 9 tails appeared, Aki wasn't finished though he activated his Mangekyou and yelled again "Susano: Silver Skiadrum" a very bright silver armor completely engulfed the dragon, Aki prepared to cast the last jutsu he has been working the past 2 years on he made 20 handsigns and yelled " god Style: Blazing Silver Skiadrum's Revenge ".

The result of all that was a monstrous dragon 30% bigger than the nine tails which looked exactly like Skiadrum with crimson eyes but instead of dark shadows it had white flames burning the silver susano armor all over, when the armor was being burnt as a fuel it was repaired instantly by Aki, the heat of the white flames was so horrifying, ninjas could feel the heat miles away which made their throats dry.

Aki ' hahaha witness what power is, I created it like this, wood style working as the base, susano as an armor and weapon in the dragons hand, I created a jutsu that burns Susano's armor in exchange for terrifying heat, its only possible because of my monstrous chakra regeneration it costs 45k chk points per minute, it is several times stronger than the perfect susano, its defense is terrifying it has a flame domain and the most powerful is the roar I created, I create a ball of wood and put susano armor around it several times and burn it with white flames and start blowing out the flames a white flame dragon roar f**k, yeah, I named it God style because system ranked it as divine '

Akihiro arrogantly said out loud: " what now Konoha? tremble ".

Orochimaru who was terrified out of his wits could only throw all caution to the wind:" summoning jutsu: impure world reincarnation ".

2 coffins emerged and opened, 2 figures walked out they were Hashirama and Tobirama, they both looked at the situation and the dragon and immediately grew solemn and started to spike their chakra.