System's Origin

Aki's attention was completely focused on the System's explanations, he knew there was not much time before the eldritch being came for him so he couldn't afford to be distracted for the following minutes, he needed a plan to deal with the situation.

he instantly dispelled his Sussano and Dragon, without waiting for Hashirama on anyone of the matter to react he fled at top speed, no one dared to chase him out of fear and Hashriama was still reforming helpless in the situation.

reaching a temporary safe location, he said: "spill it, I want to know everything." whilst looking at the portal above in the sky with a grim face.

[Once upon a time ...

some unknown place in the boundlessly vast Omniverse once existed a race of cosmic beings who could manipulate reality to their whim, in fact, their reality manipulation powers grew so strong in time that they could permanently change it.

but they weren't alone, they like everything else had an arch adversary, these opposites were also a race of cosmic beings, they had power over emotions and chaos, they could manipulate the mind and drive everything into chaos.

these beings attracted the attention of the celestial order, a Primordial god became interested in them, it spelled a calamity for all of them.

The primordial was looking for a way to create more gods so that his faction grew more powerful in the Order, and he found the perfect way.

he joined the Eldritchs who governed chaos and thus disrupted the balance in that reality, the reality lords were quickly overwhelmed and eventually lost.

having accepted their fate they waited to perish, they could only curse their bad luck gaining the attention of a primordial, what they didn't expect was that a fate worse than death awaited them.

All of them were enslaved, their emotions erased with the help of eldritch, the Primordial god turned them into soul bound items, he named these items the Systems.

These items function was to fuse with the soul of their master and help them grow into becoming gods to serve the Primordial, any being who becomes a god with a system will become a slave to that god.

that God searches the Omniverse for desperate souls, grants them a System and sends them on their way, one day he returns to harvest them.

of course, not everything went according to that primordials plan, the eldritch by chance discovered they could grow in power by consuming these Systems.

the primordial decided to wipe out the eldritch entities but before he could begin another Primordial caught wind of the matter and stopped him to counter his plan, thus began the hunt.

after many millennia, system holders defeated almost all eldritch beings, very few amongst them survived, of course, many Systems were destroyed too.

it is forbidden for this knowledge to spread to System holders but since an eldritch being had arrived and your death is imminent, I can ignore the restriction and tell you of this knowledge.]

Aki's face grew more and more unsightly the more he heard, eventually, he couldn't control his rage and shouted: "Enslaved my ass, I knew it, nothing comes free in this world, what am I supposed to do now?!!!".

he paced back and force coming up for solutions, he asked the System with an embarrassed expression on his face" Hey, can you like detach from my soul and go on your merry way maybe? pretty please, I am not worthy of you, go find another host and have him consumed, ah, in fact, I know of a perfect candidate, his name is Danzo, go in that direction and you will find him."

[... No.]

Aki was slowly beginning to panic, suddenly he came to a complete halt, his eyes shining brightly, a plan began forming in his mind.' Everything is possible With system points right, if they can manipulate reality to their will then this might work.'

fact is it was indeed possible, but no one had asked the question to know the answer, after all, they either didn't know the aforementioned information or didn't have the time to think about it after all who wants to get rid of their system?!

"System, how much system points does it take to destroy yourself and give me all the power you can in the process?!".

It pained his heart to even consider doing this but it was either the System or being consumed, he had no other choice but to consider this.

[it takes 10mil SP to self-destruct, it will damage your soul heavily with 70% possibility of death, you will temporarily gain the power of a Supreme God in the process.]

Aki thought 'YES, wait, I might die but there is no other way right now.', he gritted his teeth and said: "system, how much SP do I have now? and tell me how strong the coming enemy is, I need a power ranking too."

[Current SP: 13.6 million, the coming enemy is called Annoxath, his power is on par with a high god, The power ranking the celestial order uses is as follows:

Mortals divided into: D - C - B - A - S - SS - SSS

Demigods: you are at this stage.

Quasi-Gods: The sage of the sixth paths you know of was at this level.

Ethereal Gods

Corporeal Gods

Elder Gods

High Gods

Supreme Gods

Quasi-Primordial Deities

Primordial Gods

Quasi-Omnipotent Deities

The Omni-God.

The System is a Quasi-Primordial Treasure, and not every being is part of the Order, many Omnipotent Deities don't even know the Order exists, the Omniverse is vast beyond measure, The Order is just an organization like many others.]

Aki was not shocked at learning these matters, he already knew there existed many powerful beings just across the fictional worlds, he had defeated Hashirama 10 times so he knew how much system points he approximately had.

Despite all this, he wasn't willing to part with his adventure and stay in elemental nations for the rest of his life, he was naturally a very ambitious person, especially after getting the system, he just couldn't convince himself to stop here, a new goal began taking shape in his mind.

'I want to be able to go around the Omniverse and explore all of it, to do that I need power, absolute power, Omnipotence.', with a new goal in his mind and heart, he started planning his steps from here on out.

Aki smiled, a smile filled with madness and desire, The red of his Sharingan became blood like, and slowly murmured: "I have less than a minute, 3.6mil spendable SP, to lay the foundation of my future.", he chuckled in a sinister manner and continued: "what a Splendid challenge".