
Aki appeared in the air, in front of the opening portal, he looked at the land below him, his eyes were filled with emotion, this land had been his home for years and it counted as a second true home for him, he was going to miss it, but there was no other choice, he had to do this, for this world, for himself, for the people he had become attached too even if a little.

his eyes became cold, his face emotionless, his aura had changed completely if anyone were to look at him, they would see an indifferent person who didn't care for anything and looked down upon the world, his Sharingan added a bit of an evil aura onto him.

he said in a low voice "Do what I told you too, one day I will find a way to resurrect you and free you, that is my promise, my gratitude to you, the word impossible doesn't exist in my dictionary."

[Yes, The Sword Yamato purchased (-500k SP), Upgrade Done (-100k SP)] (it's from DMC)

[Blood Clone dispatched, estimated lifespan = 25 years.]

[Two world travel tickets used, last World travel ticket ready to be used on the Host in the last moment before System ceases to exist.]

[World travel manual ready to be bought and stored in soul as memory, Cost 200 mil SP, Insufficient SP.]

"Good, after I kill this thing, buy The World Travel manual, I know it is pointless to buy it but I know a place where I can get it to work somehow, This is goodbye, for now." he sighed, if one listened carefully they would be able to hear hidden sorrow within it.

He had considered using world travel ticket and fleeing, leaving this world to its fate, yet the system told him it was pointless, Annoxath had locked onto him, he couldn't escape, as for his true body, he had long since forgotten about it, his current body was equal if not greater than his true body, he would eventually go get his true body.

[Fare... well.] it was possible to make out a little bit of emotion in the system's voice for the first time, a feeling of relief and regret. Relief for becoming free of this torture, even if it was in death. regret over the fact that it couldn't serve his Host anymore, the first Host to have treated him as a person, even if for a brief period of several minutes.

Aki said in a low voice but it somehow resonated into the heart of the many people below everyone could hear what he said "I will be back someday", then he went inside the portal and it closed up behind him, no one knew when but everybody knew that he would come back.

As he left this world, the event that would come to be known as The Calamity of Leaf came to an End.

Kagami Uchiha was freed from the effect of Kyoka Suigetsu, but before he could do anything, a hand appeared in front of his face, he tried to dodge but it was too late, the hand ripped out The Rinnegan from his eyes.

Before he could react a black rod pierced into his skull from behind his head, he died not knowing how.

Obito appeared before him, he looked at the spot in the sky where Aki vanished and thought ' How very interesting, it seems there is more to this world than I had previously thought, where did The 2nd Hokage go?, I wonder what is a System, I need to be more careful.', he picked up a coin that was held tightly by Kagami before his death, on one side was the carving of his sensei, on the other Kushina.

He chuckled darkly "What to do with this? I will keep it, might come in handy in the future.", he vanished without a trace, Kagami Uchiha's corpse began burning until nothing but ash remained.

Black Zetsu looked at the sky for a long time, eventually, he muttered " I will resurrect mother, no matter the cost, soon, it will be soon.", he vanished too.

The events of that night shook the world, Orochimaru fled Konoha the next day and became a missing Nin, he had committed the grave sin of defiling the 1st and 3rd Hokage's grave.

Enmity appeared between Uchiha clan and Senju clan by the planning of Danzo, the Senju blamed the attack on Uchiha for valid reasons, the Uchiha blamed the attack on Senju, since hashirama was present in the battle, because of the great chaos it was not possible to make out who was fighting for the village and who was fighting against it, who knows what will become of that.

the gears of Fate began moving, The boy that was born that night still became the same Jinchuriki, the only difference, his eyes were not blue but black, his hair red, one might wonder if he would become the same savior he was supposed to be, or he would become consumed by the curse of hatred.

Eventually, the world returned to its peaceful state but everyone knew it was the calm before the storm, the longer the calm lasted, the greater the storm would be.

Aki appeared in a strange space, Black lightning flashed around, space appeared rainbow-colored, he could see the silhouette of a monster, it was massive beyond comparison, as big as the stars, it was so grotesque and heinous, the space around him constantly rippled like it was trying to avoid him.

it was covered in small black eyes and appeared to look like a squid, with many tentacles covering every part of it, it had two big eyes the size of moons, both Red as if filled with madness.

The moment it laid its eyes on Aki, it screamed and moved faster towards his direction, Aki was inwardly terrified but he didn't show it on his face, he calmed down his heart "System NOW." he shouted.

A Strange haze covered him, he seemed to have become almost illusionary, it was not possible to see him anymore, but if anyone could see him they would be shocked to see him transforming into something greater.

His hair Turned darker and darker until his hair was like a black hole absorbing light, an impossibly black color, it grew longer till his it reached his feet, his eyes instantly transformed into Mangekyou Sharingan and then proceeded to become Rinnegan and yet it wasn't over.

A strange pattern appeared in his eyes, they were still purple-colored but a shocking Mangekyou like pattern appeared, it was the Ultimate evolution called Mangekyou Rinnegan, it still wasn't over. (search in the net and you will see what it looks like.)

The purple in his eyes vanished and became rainbow-colored, another evolution on its way, He heard an echo in his head, like his subconscious mind shouting, Mangekyou Rinne-Tenseigan.

it wasn't over yet, all his eye power started changing again, it felt like going back to the beginning, the Origin, his eyes collapsed into themselves, reconstructing into two demonic-looking eyes.

His sclera became pitch black, the edge of his iris turned crimson-colored, the closer it got to his pupils, it was visible to see they changed color and formed connected rings, almost like a rainbow.

From Crimson to Golden to Emerald to Azure to Violet and black at the innermost section, all of them shined with a mysterious light.

there was a pattern visible in both his eyes, in his left eye The flower of life, in his right eye The Metatron Cube, both were made from flickers of white light. ( search for sacred geometry and you will see the patterns and their meaning.)

His skin became perfect, his body transformed into the best form possible, he looked like a Supreme being Unrivaled and Unparalleled in existence.

he felt Powerful, so free and unchained that it was impossible to describe, he could have never imagined how fragile and limited he was before, he could control everything around him, the universe, his playground.

' if this is what it means to be a Supreme God I can't even imagine how it feels to go even beyond', he felt a thirst, a desire to achieve those heights, to trample all in his wake and reach the apex, to become Omnipotent.

as the saying goes, once you have tasted the taste of the sky you will forever look up, Aki knew his power was temporary but that didn't discourage him at all, in fact, it motivated him to achieve it with his own hands. (it's from Da Vinci)

He looked toward his enemy before he felt very intimidated by Annoxath but now he looked down upon it, Annoxath had long since noticed what was happening and had begun to flee he had gotten quite far away.

Aki frowned and said, " be gone.", Annoxath felt a Strange force grip his existence before he could even scream, he was decimated.

it didn't even last 1 second, the next second Aki suddenly felt like he was going to explode he could only endure his current power for 2 seconds.

Cracks appeared all over his soul and body, The pain became so excruciating that he couldn't help but scream, his scream shook the void around him, all manner of terrifying creatures that were hidden in the void began to flee for their lives.

it was not supposed to happen like this, he should have been able to endure it for a bit more, the reason this happened was his eyes, he did technically have the power of a Supreme God but his eyes possessed the might of a Quasi-Omnipotent Deity due to their unusual evolution.

Thankfully he began reverting back, so did his eyes, strangely though they didn't go through the same process when reverting back, instead his sclera turned white, his iris a deep red color, his pupils the same black, all his eye powers were now always active without negative side effects, he might one day be able to awaken this transformation again.

his body was destroyed during the process of reverting, he had anticipated that of course, which is why he had planned everything, his soul had some changes, just touching that kind of power had a profound effect on his soul.

A black hole opened in front of his soul and sucked it in, he had fallen in an unconscious state the moment he began reverting.

his soul floated in a strange space if one looked around carefully it was possible to make out other souls floating around, a throne was visible in the distance where a goddess-like entity sat upon it, she didn't notice a new soul being added here. as if she couldn't perceive how it happened, she noticed Aki's soul after a while but didn't do anything as if it was natural that his soul ended up there.

Aki floated around for a very long time, the invisible cracks on his souls gradually healed, he was back in perfect condition, it was then that he heard a voice speaking to him.

"Fill, Fill, Fill her up, Fill... Repeat four times, or was it five times? and then I h..."

"filled? wai... is that Right?"

" ah, and now, fill and fill and fill and fill and fill, okay that's... Five..."


for the first time since arriving here, Aki began to slowly wake up, he felt a tugging sensation, he didn't resist as his soul began vanishing from the strange place.

His eyes opened, he said slowly "All according to plan".