
A figure stood atop a tall building, he was very handsome, he had fair skin and a lithe and thin body filled with explosive and powerful muscles, even with all the muscles he wasn't bulky, he seemed very graceful and radiated a Noble and great aura.

his long dark hair fell over his black kimono in a low ponytail till it reached his waist, several bangs left loose in front of his face, it made him seem even more elegant. his red eyes flickered with faint crimson light, it added a slight demonic feeling to him.

his vision was focused on a distant mansion, even from so far away he could observe everything happening with extreme precision as if it was right in front of his face.

This figure was Aki After he had viewed his stats, he had wiped the child's memory of the last day and put his summoner, the psychopath, into a powerful illusion then set the house on fire. he didn't need chakra to exist in the body of the victim to cast Genjustsu anymore, his eye powers had evolved significantly.

He kept his summoner alive since his current manifestation as a servant relied on the prana supplied by his summoner. for the duration of this war, he had sent the psychopath into a coma-like state with his powers of illusion and compelled a very ordinary family on the edge of the town to take care of his body as if he were their family member.

His prana supply safe, he began touring the city to become familiar with its terrain, there were many things to consider before taking part in a battle to the death with another servant. he was certain that once his plan succeded he wouldn't need to fear any being in Nasuverse.

He had faced an immediate problem upon being summoned, he had massive energy reserves but there existed a problem, he couldn't bring out his full power, the reason being his summoner, he simply didn't have enough prana to support that kind of power.

which is why he came up with a plan, he needed to return to life, there were no problems with a living servant making wishes to the grail, as for Angra Mainyu, he could easily force him out of the grail with the help of his visual powers. he possessed the upgraded version of all visual powers in the entire Narutoverse including Kamui.

He Figured out he couldn't use Rinne-rebirth in this universe since souls after death went into the swirl of the root and fused into it. he didn't have enough juice to go against the root, what he could do was bring a soul that hasn't fused into the root back after obstructing the soul's way before it fused into it.

of course, he didn't have these problems, his soul was ready, he only needed to sever his bindings to the throne and alter his servant body so that it became suitable and fuse with it, a simple matter for him.

Doing that would, unfortunately, alarm Alaya and the counterforce, he didn't wish to fight them yet, so he decided to observe the battles and lay low for as long as possible till the right moment arrived.

He was observing Assasin getting shredded by Gilgamesh, it was quite a spectacular sight, firing noble phantasms like arrows with the speed of bullets.

even he would have some trouble facing that, not to mention EA, he was confident he could win even in his current condition since he had Yamato but he wasn't willing to bet on that. when it comes to survival one has to be cautious when necessary.

He vanished from the building and appeared neared the shore, a safe distance away from the place he knew the next battle would happen and sat under the shadow of a tree, concealing his presence.

he fell into deep thought 'Since I have been reborn in a way, I should change my name too.', he gazed at the rising moon and said: " I will use my original name from now on, Henceforth my name is Damon."

after saying that he seemed to have remembered something he had forgotten. since time meant jackshit between different worlds and dimensions, he didn't worry about his family on earth and eventually forgot about them. he could always appear the moment he vanished.

"I should definitely visit them after this, I miss them greatly.", he sighed and closed his eyes and waited, the pressure of survival in the shinobi world with all the excitement of his situation made him forget some very important matters, it's not every day you get your wish granted.

time passed and eventually, he sensed two servants in the vicinity, knowing full well what was going to happen he rose to his feet to go watch the battle, he wanted to experience the skill of heroic spirits up close.

he fused with the shadows and disappeared.

Soon after, he could make out Saber and Lancer standing in front of each other. they suddenly began fighting each other, it seemed more like a dance than a battle to the death.

every blow aimed to kill, every strike perfectly calculated, every move filled with skill, the precision of the way they wielded their weapons, it was a spectacular sight.

it was one thing seeing it behind a screen but another matter entirely seeing it up close, in fact, an ordinary person would feel overwhelmed by seeing the sheer speed and sensing their focus in the fight, or better to say killing intent, these things cant be felt over a screen.

Damon was amazed by the level of skill he was witnessing, he realized he couldn't underestimate his opponents, although he was many times stronger if he grew arrogant it might cost him greatly when facing opponents this skilled.

what instantly captured his complete attention though was not their skill or battle, it was Saber. She was beautiful, he was instantly attracted by her demeanor, her graceful movements, and her heroic bearings.

She was different from every other woman he had ever seen, she had this inexplicable aura to her that could only be felt by seeing her in person. it was a unique charm, the likes of which he had never encountered before in his life, it was pure and innocent at the same time dignified.

As he watched her hair float around her as she fought and her face looking serious, her green eyes in focus, it made her even more beautiful in his eyes and his heart began beating faster.

Since he had lived in elemental nations he had experienced no true romantic relationship, the only thing that came close was with his blood clone but the blood clone couldn't feel emotions, it could only imitate them, that was one of its flaws which is why he was so confused after he learned he had sired a family somehow without knowing it, even the memories seemed like an outsiders no feelings attached to them. in a world of death and slaughter, he didn't have the luxury of falling in love.

because of all that he was very new to this kind of feeling, he wasn't sure what was happening but couldn't stop himself from looking.

while all this was happening a boom went off in the skies and a chariot crashed into the middle of the battlefield, atop it stood a giant of a man. Damon instantly woke up from that strange state he was in, feeling conflicted he decided to ignore it for now.

The man said "I am Iskandar the king of conquerers, in this battle for the holy grail I am of the rider class of servants.", Saber gawked and lancer sweatdropped, a tiny person beside The man in the chariot rose up and began saying "What The Hell where you thinking?! Announcing yourself that way, you IDIOT." with tears in his eyes.

The man flicked him across the forehead and he fell down ignoring him he smiled and continued "Fate has brought us all together in this place to do battle for the possession of the holy grail, but first I wish to make a proposition, an offer.".

He threw his hand up, his smile widened and said louder "What do you think of yielding the holy grail to me and joining my glorious and invincible army? You would be treated as honored allies, friends, and brothers in arms. Together we shall share in the glory of battle and the joy of world conquest."

Lancer shook his head slightly and replied "I am afraid I have to decline that offer, as tempting as it may be, I may give the grail to but one man my new master and not the likes of you, Rider." in the end he glared at the Man in the chariot.

Saber replied "Tell me Rider, did you come here and interfere with our battle, rudely, merely to profit that ridiculous and laughable plan of yours? This is a grave offense against my honor."

Iskandar scratched his head and said "I would be willing to discuss compensation." before he could talk more both Servants yelled "Enough!".

Damon watched as Rider made a fool of himself and couldn't help but chuckle, Sometimes the existence of people like him was quite a necessity to uplift the mood.

Then came Lancer's master who began terrorizing velvet, which ended in Iskandar Shouting "Heroic Spirits born again through the holy grail, gather here and now, those too cowardly to show themselves here tonight will draw the vicious scorn of Iskandar, King of conquerors".

As Damon was preparing to show himself Gilgamesh materialized near the site and said with an arrogant tone "So, two lesser beings dare to name themselves kings even in my royal presence."

as rider and Archer began to argue, Damon had a sudden urge to troll these guys, he thought for a moment and the perfect idea struck him, He Used Henge to transform into someone else and with his eye powers made it seem as realistic as possible, it had reached the realm of shapeshifting not just body but even attire, smiling in a mischievous way he came out of hiding.

A very arrogant voice appeared, it gathered everyone's attention "How very amusing, this is not what I thought when I was summoned in this era.!". A virtual Copy of Gilgamesh began manifesting on the rooftop, his attire was different though and he held a strange-looking book-like object in his hands. (Search Caster Gilgamesh)

Everyone was gobsmacked including Gilgamesh, Damon was laughing in his heart and committed their expression into his memory, He looked calm and amused on the surface and continued "I am Caster, the one true King, in my eyes All of you are Mongrels."