The Holy Grail War Begins

Archer was having a bad day already, after seeing two lowly mongrels call themselves king in his presence he felt rage burn within him, even after he had shown them his royal presence they didn't prostrate themselves in front of him.

especially the oaf who called himself king of conquerors, Gilgamesh's patience was beginning to thin out and he decided to use the gate of Babylon to teach these mongrels a lesson.

Before he could activate his noble phantasm, he heard a voice similar to his claim to be the true king and call him, HIM, a mongrel, How DARING, eyes filled with wrath he turned toward the source of that voice.

when he saw a version of himself, something snapped within him. 'How DARE Someone Impersonate my magnificent being, ONLY I AM THE TRUE KING.', not only did his rage intensify, a rare crazed look appeared on his face.

Saber felt shocked and confused at seeing two identical people but she instantly connected the dots and figured out that they were probably two different versions of the same person.

Rider and Lancer were shocked as well but they didn't care either, both came to the same conclusion as Saber shortly after. they were curious to see what will become of this situation, it's not every day you see two arrogant beings face each other like this.

Inside the Tohsaka manor, Master of archer had a rare solemn look on his face he said: "Kirei This is really bad, find out who is Caster's master as fast you can and kill him. The situation has become truly dire."

Damon feeling quite pleased continued saying in an arrogant yet mature tone "How disgusting, An inferior version of my great self has been summoned as well, what's with that look on your face, Cant stand yourself? do you secretly hate yourself?! I am not surprised, I felt those kind feelings too when I was your age."

Damon wanted to continue but Archer didn't give him the time, several projectiles were fired toward him, he swiftly dodged them and blankly looked at Gilgamesh, chuckling he said: "Is that all you got?".

It seemed Gilgamesh became crazy and opened the Gate of Babylon to its limits, thousands of golden portals opened up, this kind of attack was something even Damon had to take seriously.

Everyone was looking with widened eyes at the terrifying power of Archer Servant and Master alike.

At this moment berserker appeared and attacked Saber, Lancer's master used a command seal to kill saber too, Iskandar not pleased with the way Lancer's master handled matters, interfered and stopped them.

They all looked above and saw Archer shooting seemingly endless projectiles that were noble phantasm at Caster. Caster dodged most of them and those which were not evadable he blocked with the big weapon he had summoned.

They could hear Caster mocking Archer "I can deal with these without even using my noble phantasm, you realize that I am better than you are, it's in your best interest if you pipe down, lest I show you what it means to be a True King."

This seemed to drive Gilgamesh into a frenzy and yet before he could take out EA and kill this imposter, he calmed down and looked at Caster deeply and began vanishing but he didn't forget to say"You will pay dearly for this, pray we don't meet again Imposter, that day shall be your last."

Caster laughed mockingly and replied, "Sure, Running away now, that's quite shameful, don't act like a coward wearing my face, it will ruin my reputation Mongrel.".

Archer had never felt so much anger in his life, he would surely punish Tokiomi for using a command seal and making him retreat, He only looked Coldly at the imposter till he disappeared.

He would kill him for his insolence and find a new vassal to provide him with the mana to supply him with prana, Archer remembered Tokiomi's student Kirei, 'he would do fine, I will kill this imposter next time I see him.'

berserker retreated seeing he couldn't fight three servants on his own so did Lancer and his master, Rider rode off leaving only Saver and her master.

Caster turned and looked at Saber deeply and vanished as well, all the participants in the Holy grail war were worrying. seeing Caster and Archer battle first hand left them in awe and terror of their power. the other masters came with many speculations for their identity but none of them were sure.

Damon didn't want to majorly change the timeline just yet, that's why at the proper time he appeared near the Einzbern Castle, challenging Saber by just appearing there.

Saber and Caster faced each other in combat, Damon didn't use Yamato because he knew it would damage Excalibur and he didn't want to sadden Artoria for some reason. he used an ordinary sword made from truth seeker orbs.

Not long after, Lancer appeared and declaring that only he could kill Saber, began fighting him too, he easily kept up with them and retreated when the original Caster would have.

he didn't leave immediately, he searched and found the injured Irisviel, "Finally a chance comes, Angra Mainyu its time that I disposed of you." Damon's Red eyes began shining he shouted "Planetary Devastation: BlackHole".

Ever since the time his eyes had evolved, He didn't possess any transformations, all his previous visual powers including those of other Doujutsu users from Narutoverse had been awakened in his eyes. He possessed them all, some of the stronger ones had great changes, for example, Planetary devastation of Rinnegan's Deva path had gotten many minor abilities.

Using planetary devastation with Kamui let him create a Blackhole that would suck all he targeted inside a dimension of darkness, physical or metaphysical things could be targeted. it was a form of banishment if the target wasn't strong enough to break out of that dimension, he would be banished for eternity. Only Damon had complete access to that dimension.

He targeted Angra Mainyu, a black hole appeared inside Irisviel's body. it sucked everything related to Angra Mainyu, it took only 4 seconds for it to be over. seeing no changes and confirming that Angra Mainyu was banished, Damon left leaving no evidence of his presence behind.

The Grail now could grant wishes Safely.