Gathering of Kings

Damon was studying Angra Mainyu to see its essence, he discovered something less than pleasing when doing so.

Angra Mainyu had absorbed a great deal of the Grail's power, the Grail would need extra power to grant his wish now, Damon was glad that Servants like Gilgamesh had been summoned. Gilgamesh alone would serve as 3 ordinary servants.

It shouldn't be a problem for the grail to grant his wish, he had prepared a trump card just in case if it failed.

As he was beginning to consider his next step, a familiar arrived and gave him a massage then disappeared, He had been invited to the banquet of kings by Rider.

Damon was not surprised about the invitation, what surprised him was how the familiar found him, although he hadn't taken any measures to deliberately hide, it still piqued his interest.

Damon moved towards the address given by the familiar and he found Saber and Rider sitting across each other and drinking wine.

Just as he appeared so did Gilgamesh, The surroundings became silent, Archer's Gaze was cold and full of wrath, Caster's expression was provoking with a mocking smile on his lips.

Rider seeing that they were about to fight again, stood up and shouted: "Caster and Archer, As this is a banquet of kings, we have gathered here to talk about kingship, please cease fighting and disrespecting our honor."

Archer looked at Rider with an arrogant look and said: "Even a mongrel like you is having honor in front me?".

Caster said to Archer with a rare solemn tone" Archer, Restrain yourself, By disrespecting their honor you are disrespecting mine and your honor as kings." Caster turned to Rider and said neutrally "I won't do battle with Archer till this banquet is over, Be grateful for my Consideration."

Archer looked at Caster and calmed himself, he began walking towards Rider while saying "Fine, Since I am a magnanimous King, I shall spare his life for now."

Caster laughed and said"Sure, Sure", and sat beside Saber.

Rider offered Archer wine, Archer threw it away after sniffing it saying "What is this disgusting swill, you really thought we could discern a hierarchy of heroic spirits with this?".

Rider pouted somehow and replied, "This cask was amongst the very best I could find in the city market." Archer sighed "you are Pitifully ignorant of true drink, stupid mongrel."

Archer raised his hands and took out a golden flask of wine with golden glasses from the gate of Babylon, "Now behold, This is the beverage of a true king."

Rider replied joyfully "A fine treasure indeed.", and poured for everyone a bit then drank it.

when the Wine touched Damon's lips, his eyes widened, he didn't show his astonishment on his face though. he had never tasted this kind of drink, it was the best wine he could imagine, he decided to somehow get his hands on it later.

Gilgamesh was pleased with everyone's expression, He looked at Caster and confidently said: "This alone should indicate which amongst us is the greatest of kings, Don't you agree with me, pretender?"

Caster ignored Archer and murmured "This sure brings back memories.", he turned towards Rider and said: "Rider, Tell me why did you invite me to this banquet?".

Archer was not pleased but he kept himself calm and ignored caster as well.

Rider Replied, "I want to hear what wish you want the holy grail to grant, should you win it. after all, the wish is what gives the grail its purpose, only the greatest wish deserves to be granted."

Archer said indifferently "you are not Ruler here mongrel, already you wantonly disregard the time-honored rules, which dictate we fight for the grail." He took a sip and continued "besides all that, the grail already belongs to me, all of this world's treasures trace their origin back to my treasure house."

Rider replied sarcastically "then I assume you two once held the holy grail, you could identify it by sight."

Archer replied, "No, do not consider me as you would a lesser being, the amount of my treasures has long ago surpassed my knowledge since the holy grail is a treasure it means it also belongs to me. anywho would take it for themselves is not but a filthy scoundrel and a common thief."

Caster Said "How very interesting, This just shows how much my younger self is inferior to me, I have held the holy grail in the past, it was in an event called the Grand Order."

All eyes instantly focused on him, He continued "This is not the first Holy grail war I participate in, Mongrels, It is quite different than the one back in my days, I was a master then, now I am a Servant, how amusing."

Saber shook her head and murmured "your words are senseless and insane, it seems both of you have gone mad." Rider said "Let's not go that far, Saber." to mediate the situation.

Archer glared at saber and looked at Caster with a frown and replied: "Why don't you take out the grail then impostor, it should still be in your position if you truly are my future self."

Caster sighed and said with a sad look "Unfortunately, the grail was destroyed to save humanity's future. even if it wasn't destroyed you don't qualify to demand it from me. "

Archer's eyebrows rose up, and rage appeared in his eyes before he could attack Rider tried to mediate between them by saying "the matters of the past are of no meaning today, Archer and Caster Since the grail belongs to you, we must first get your permission if we desire the grail."

Archer happy to avoid Caster replied, "Indeed, however, there is no need for me to reward mongrels of your ilk for no reason whatsoever."

Rider solemnly stared at Archer "Wait a moment" he pouted comically and said, "You are gonna be stingy ?!"

Gilgamesh frowned and replied, "Fool, My magnanimity is limited to my vassals and my loyal subjects, which means if you were to swear fielty to me, I could lend you a grail or two. whenever you felt the need for one."

Rider and Archer continued to argue for a while, Damon ignored them and stared at Saber, his thoughts unknown.

Saber spoke up "Rider, a moment ago you agreed the rightful ownership of the grail lies with another and not yourself, and yet you would just take it by force. what makes the grail so important to you ?"

Rider seemed embarrassed and replied after a while "Reincarnation."

Everyone beside Damon was taken aback, waver jumped in claiming rider's wish to be conquest, rider flicked him off and said "As if I would leave the conquering to a mere cup, conquering the world is my dream to make true, the wish I would as of the holy grail is the first step towards that goal."

Archer said with slight anger "Mongrel, you would challenge me for my treasure over something so trivial."

Rider said his reasoning for his wish, by the end Saber, said: "that is hardly fitting for how a true king should behave." Rider intrigued said: "Oh, well then, let us hear what you would ask of the grail if you were to win it."

Saber replied with emotion "I wish for my homeland's Salvation, with the omnipotent wish-granting device, I shall avert Britain's fate of destruction."

Rider wanted to talk but before he could open his mouth Caster chuckled and Said: "Did you just say you wish to change fate, Changing the events long passed." Caster looked at saber and said "That is an interesting but impossible wish, how amusing, Mongrel you claim to know the method to achieve that wish, something that I as the Supreme Wise King don't know. The grail won't grant a wish if you don't know the method to achieve it, Indulge me of the method, I am very curious."

Saber was taken aback but before she could answer Rider said: "Are you sure of what you speak of Caster?", Caster replied, "of course I am, who do you think you are talking to mongrel."

Rider Said, "I don't know the method to reincarnate, can you kindly provide me with the method, in case I win the grail for myself, you claim to be the Supreme wise king after all."

Caster fell in thought and replied "Its simple, you need to have the grail sever the connection between your soul and the throne of heroes, build you a body as you desire and fuse the body and soul together to give it life. the being who comes to life will be you, be warned if you die you will ascend back to the throne of heroes."

Rider said gratefully "Thank you, Caster, it seems you are truly wise."

Archer was surprisingly silent, he was looking at Caster with a strange expression, but everyone ignored him for now.

Saber's eyes were wide, and despair was beginning to appear in her heart. Caster continued saying "according to my understanding, even if you knew of the method it would mean nothing, you would just create another timeline, things in your timeline wouldn't have changed, all you did was create another world, one where you wouldn't be you anymore, what defines you as you are the experiences you have. Listen, Saber your legend is a great one, don't sully the sacrifices of your followers by that kind of thinking, you have to understand that you and your kingdom were perfect the way they were. Rider I know you disagree with saber's way of kingship and yet different people and different ages need different kings and different ideals, what humanity needs to survive will change, as does humanity itself."

Everyone was looking at Caster in a different light, Rider said: "You truly deserve to be called a wise king, Caster.", Archer was beginning to doubt if Caster was an imposter, Saber looked grateful and relieved as if some kind of burden was starting to be lifted from her shoulders.

Before they could continue, a great number of black shadows materialized into assassins, Rider used his Ionioi Hetairoi to wipe them out and show his way of kingship.

The Banquet came to an End.