I Shall Plunder This World

After the banquet came to an end, Damon returned to the temporary residence he had stol, caugh, Borrowed kindly from a friend.

when he arrived he decided to take a look at his dark dimension which he had imprisoned Angra Mainyu, to his surprise he saw Angra Mainyu had somehow been spreading himself in all directions like a parasite.

he realized if things continued like this, Angra Mainyu could potentially snatch his Dimension in due time.

He was alarmed and shocked at how persistent this thing was, it wasn't a surprise that he could corrupt a nigh-omnipotent wish-granting device.

Damon felt a headache coming, he didn't want to destroy it, it could become useful later on but he had no choice. He decided to destroy it but in a meaningful way, one has to take all the advantages they can get.

He decided to mimic the original Caster and unleash it in the river, as a bonus he would get to see Artoria unleash Excalibur and assess its power and beauty.

after preparing everything which took some time, he decided to do it.

he appeared above the river and released an enormous magical pressure to attract the other servants and masters, he waited for a minute or two before they all arrived with various expressions, all of them were cautious and didn't get close even Archer who was on Vimana.

"Rejoice Mongrels, Today I shall reveal an important truth about the grail. The Holy Grail was corrupted and as its rightful owner, it disgusts me that one of my treasures had become tainted by something so vile. I have predicted the cause to be a servant from the previous grail war, an Avenger, as punishment to you who tainted my Grail, I shall unleash what you summoned upon yourselves."

"Planetary Devastation: White hole" A white sun appeared under Caster and a giant mass of blood and flesh began flowing out of it to the river, after a while the sun disappeared, what remained was a massive and disgusting form the size of skyscrapers.

it began spreading to the audience that had gathered around them when it touched some bystanders they instantly melted and became part of it.

Everyone's became solemn, All of them knew if not for Caster, there would have been a calamity if anyone made a wish with that thing inside the grail. that didn't stop them from feeling angry at Caster for unleashing it here but there was nothing they could do.

Saber and lancer tried to engage it, seeing they couldn't, they decided to stop it from spreading by destroying every part that got out of the river, Archer wished to leave but because of Tokiomi's order attacked the thing but he didn't retrieve the thrown out swords, he felt they were too tainted to return to him by just touching that.

Just as Archer was beginning to take his leave, Berserker appeared and stealing one of the jets which were sent out to investigate the situation, he attacked him. Archer feeling angry, decided to kill Berserker and they began fighting a spectacular battle in the sky.

Caster looked at everything with a poker face and disappeared, leaving them to their fate. Rider appeared and began helping Saber and Lancer.

the situation got worse and worse, Saber stated that she could kill it with her noble phantasm if she had the use of her injured arm. Lancer broke his cursed spear to let Saber heal.

Tokiomi and Kariya fought nearby and Kariya lost. he somehow managed to get away with his life, Berserker retreated with his master.

Caster was looking at everything from atop a building, he felt excitement at seeing Excalibur being unleashed.

Rider used his Noble phantasm to buy them time. eventually, Angra Mainyu forced its way out of the Reality marble.

Saber stood her ground, she swung Excaliber with all her might supplying it with massive amounts of mana, unleashing her noble phantasm at Angra Mainyu.

A brilliant Golden light engulfed everything, it was purifying and destructive, Beautifull and deadly, it wiped out Angra Mainyu completely.

Caster looked with amazement, Excalibur was not strong enough to even injure him but it was very beautiful, He decided that the time for shenanigans was over.

He looked at the sky and muttered: "The time for games has come to an end, I don't care about the Fate of this world, The Holy Grail war comes to an End Today.", He appeared in the air again, unleashing massive pressure.

He shouted "Well Done, enough games, I have decided, the Holy Grail War ends today, Behold my true form and Despair at my true power."

On the sky he looked down at everyone, He slowly dropped his Henge, First, long back hair appeared falling to his waist, then two red stars appeared as his eyes, any who looked at them felt death and despair grip their heart, even servants felt fear.

His true face appeared, coupled with his shining eyes made for a magnificent spectacle, then the rest of his body changed to its original form, He looked like a god of death and destruction, coupled with his cold expression made him even more terrifying and at the same time elegant.

he looked truly looked like a king amongst gods, the pressure from his presence was suffocating, only servants could barely manage to remain on their feet.

The sky rumbled and black clouds gathered, red lightning bolts danced in the sky like snakes, Saber looked at him with a confused and angry expression, she shouted "you have been lying this whole time?! where is your honor Caster? is this all a game to you?!".

Archer wanted to say something but looking at Damon he held himself back, even he knew that Damon emitted a great Divine presence much more superior to his own, which meant either he was a true god or infinitely close to being one. he looked down upon the gods but in the presence of one, he chose to remain silent.

Rider watched it all with a dumbstruck expression, he said to himself: " Wait a moment, is he not a King then ?!!", Gilgamesh who was close by replied with a rare serious tone "He is much more than that, I think he is a divine spirit."

Lancer looking as shocked as anyone shouted: "Who are you?! why pretend to be someone else?!"

Everyone paid attention to what answer he would give to that question, Damon replied indifferently "I am known as the nameless Calamity, I am Death incarnate. I want the Grail and I Shall have it, I Shall plunder This world, I Shall achieve my true wish someday, all this is a means to an end."

Hearing that they all came to the conclusion that Caster needed to be put down here or else the world would suffer a great Calamity, Archer and rider rose to the air, Saber and lancer joined them on the ground, even berserker appeared again and joined them silently, they all knew that if they failed to kill Caster here, it would result in a catastrophe for the world.

Damon ignored them and only looked at Saber "Artoria, I can grant your wish, I can grant your homeland salvation if you wish.", Saber replied, "you yourself said that everything happened for a reason, and Britain and my fate was the perfect outcome Did you not?".

Damon said "Yes, I did", Saber continued "then why are you contradicting yourself, Caster".

Damon replied "SO what if it was perfect for humanity, one must always strive for himself, if you are in eternal pain what will the salvation of the world do for you, in the end, the only thing that matters is to stay true with yourself and get what you want. the word selfless has no meaning, the reason why heroes do good and sacrifice themselves lies with the fact that they feel fulfillment and joy in doing so, it's in their nature planted by god if they didn't feel that instead felt guilty doing so, there would be no heroes, the ultimate act of selflessness is in an off itself selfish. the words good and evil was created by the gods to control us, the words hero and villain was created by those with power to control the masses and create propaganda. one must have their own red-lines and self-worth but at the same time the determination to see the bitter truth of the world, the only thing that matters no matter what or where or who you are is power. if you lack the power to win, you will be the villain, become evil in everyone's eyes. Artoria these naive thoughts are not truly your own, they have been planted there by those who have the power to manipulate you to do their bidding, be it the knights, the aristocrats, or even the mage merlin, did they care for you? maybe some of them but what all of them truly cared about were themselves because they felt a need for a perfect ruler to save Britain, to save them. you were just at the right time and circumstance to become that person."

Before he could continue saber cut him off and said "All you say may be true or not, it matters not. even if I were to achieve my wish it would be by my own hands, I refuse."

Damon felt a bit angry but contained it, he only said: "We will have a lot of time to talk about after today, trust me, you will see the true face of reality."

seeing that the time for talking was over, Lancer initiated the attack and thrust his spear at Caster's head, Caster dodged to the left only to be targeted by Archer's Gate of Babylon, several hundred projectiles were shot at his direction, Archer pent up rage erupted.

Rider activated his reality marble and all of them were transported into it, Rider deemed the battle too destructive for it to happen outside, many innocents would die in the aftermath.

Saber and Lancer joined together and attacked Caster with great teamwork, whenever Damon managed to get out of this deadlock he would face the fury of Archer's barricade.

Rider's army joined the battle and whenever there were chances soldiers would rush in to strike him, he was surrounded at every side.

he took out Yamato and started a slaughter, blood and body parts splattered wherever he went, the only ones who could get close to him without dying instantly were Saber and Lancer.

every time Yamato collided with Saber and Lancer's weapons, it would leave marks on them and damage them, Excalibur had it better, Lancer spear was almost severed in half several times.

Berserker was standing far away, it seemed he was struggling with something, in the end, he charged in as well and attacked Caster with a pair of swords he had picked up.

it was an epic battle, an army vs one man, a world vs one man. no matter what they did they only managed to inflict superficial wounds upon Caster, they realized they had to utilize their trump cards, Archer took out EA, Saber charged Excalibur again while the army kept Caster at bay.

EA and Excalibur were unleashed at the same time upon Caster who was overwhelmed with Rider's Army. A devastating Golden and Red blast hit where he stood, it destroyed the world.

The reality marble faded away, they all looked at where Caster was supposed to be, they saw him heavily wounded with both arms missing, they felt relieved that they won.

suddenly Archer's eyes went wide, he shouted with a stupified and trembling voice "What is happening?", Caster's figure was gradually replaced by Lancer whose eyes were wide as if he just realized he was dying, Lancer faded away. Lancer Dead.

"You Didn't think it would be that easy, did you?" A calm yet mocking voice drifted from behind them. they all instantly turned around only to see Damon without a single wound on him, he didn't seem bothered at all, like he was taking a walk in the park.

Archer wanted to say something but before he could open his mouth, his vision became strange, he realized the world was moving around him, he eyes were filled with terror as he saw his headless body fall onto the ground, the last thing he heard was Damon saying indifferently "I have grown tired of your ramblings, Heavenly King, you belong on your knees in front of me". Archer Dead.

Iskandar suspected that he was dreaming, the situation seemed a little too unbelievable to him, 'a heroic spirit cant have that much power' He thought before his body was swallowed by Black Amaterasu flames and turned into Ash drifting away by the wind. Rider Dead.

Berserker had died during their coordinated attack. Damon didn't even need to kill him, he was too close to the center of Ea and Exclibur's blast.

Saber was looking blankly at her surroundings, seeing Caster utterly crush them made her feel despair and yet she didn't back down, 'even in the face of death I will stand proud as the king of my people', Damon seeing that smiled and made her fade away with his Asura path, she died without knowing it, absolutely painless.

Damon said coldly "Well, the last step of my plan in Nasuverse begins."

he turned to look at Irisviel, She had a blank face, the grail had begun manifesting itself.

Damon briefly looked at all the masters still near the site, after that, all of them turned to ash.

The Holy Grail manifested and Damon walked into it.

when he came into, He was standing on a beach, a very calm ocean existed to his left, gentle waves were caressing the sand, in the sky, a beautiful starry sky was visible along with a bright moon, in the distance stood Irisviel with an emotionless face looking at his direction.

He approached her, She said "What is your wish?", He replied, "I want you to use your limitless energy to craft me a spark.", she asked, "what kind of spark, explain fully."

Damon explained everything the system had implanted in his mind, the Method to travel the Omniverse Safely.

The Grail Replied to his wish "I am capable of granting that, there will be two limitations to this spark, First, it can be used once every decade If it is used 3 times in 5 years you cant use it for 3 decades straight, second, only you and what you carry with you can be moved through the created portal by the Spark."

Damon replied, "Create and fuse it with me". he severed his connection to the throne of heroes and brought himself back to life, then he sat there with his eyes closed. He instantly felt the world was rejecting him he thought 'Gaia's influence hmm. how weak.', he ignored it.

Alaya and the counterforce instantly noticed something unusual had happened, Alaya sent Counter guardians to investigate.

several minutes past and Damon walked out of the Grail with a confident smile on his face, " I am gonna name it Upgraded Planeswalker spark, check. Now, I am truly free to go where I want, Where to go next, ah I remember, my body is in Fairy tail, I should go there get my true body and chill for a decade, the spark gives eternal youth, time doesn't restrict my life anymore."

He noticed counter guardians had appeared and were assessing him, being in a good mood he decided to spare them, "Tell Alaya that I am gonna leave this world if she tries to harras me it won't end well for her."

They didn't leave, they used a secret method to contact Alaya and tell her what they found, Alaya replied: "What enters the Throne of heroes never leaves, He shall return after his death."

conveying her massage Damon laughed and said: "You are making me do this, don't blame me, since you are being so domineering I Shall plunder this world to my heart's content and see how you are going to stop me."

He burnt the counter guardians into ashes and began floating, Activating all his power, He could see the Throne of heroes and Alaya atop it, He made a gesture with his hand, and extended his other hand in a grasping motion.

A conceptual Hand the size of the moon appeared in the sky and Headed directly towards the Throne of heroes, Alaya couldn't resist it, it grasped the throne and forcefully took it away, the hand returned with the throne and all the souls inside it to Damon's hand. the throne shrank until it the size of a baby's fist, it resembled a toy, it was azure-colored with blue gems adorning it.

He said with a satisfied tone " Iskandar's Reality marble made an impression on me, I am gonna build an army and this is my first step, All the heroic spirits are my servants now." He created an inner world inside his soul and put the throne there, he had plans for it.

All the powerful entities in Nasuverse noticed what was going on, they all began moving towards Damon's Direction, He arrogantly laughed and said: "Farewell, as Gilgamesh would say MONGRELS."

He used the spark and located the world of Fairy Tail, and created a portal to it, without further ado he walked inside of it and the portal vanished.

the mighty beings noticed what was going on but were powerless to stop him, they gathered to find a way to fix the mess Damon had created or else mankind was doomed, Damon was confident they would find a way, they were competent enough.

As Damon walked out of the portal, he looked around dumbfounded, He just realized in his glory he forgot to set the time, so the spark had brought him to the Canon timeline, what made him sure of that was because he saw a massive and half-ruined temple in the place his body was supposed to be, He could read all languages with his eyes so he realized what the ancient markings meant.

"This Temple is for the Great Dragon God Eithil, The magnificent one, The origin of Dragons.

May he bless the lands, Dragons and all who worship him."