A Fake Legend, A New Path

Damon looked at the temple and decided to go in and end this farce, he stepped inside. dust and spiderwebs filled everywhere, he ignored all that and went deeper. he eventually reached the main room of the temple after walking for half an hour, the temple was huge.

the main room was very big and magnificent, a statue of a dragon was resting in the middle with an alter below it. it gave off an ancient air if an ordinary person stepped inside here they would be overwhelmed by the pressure of the altar and pass out.

Damon looked at the altar, he felt his body's presence above it inside the dragon's body, it was still sealed. he waved his hand and the dragon statue slowly began turning to dissolve into ash.

A bright blue crystal in the shape of an eastern dragon appeared in the middle, floating in the air, Damon flew near the crystal, to his surprise he saw a message written on the surface of the crystal with some unknown method.

"The Black Wizard Declared what slumbers inside this crystal must be a slumbering divine entity.

The Dragon Igneel Declared what slumbers inside this crystal possesses a Divine bloodline, superior to Dragons.

The Sage Dragon Declared the entity inside as God of Dragons, Eithil.

Irene Belserion declared The Great Eithil the guardian of Dragnof Kingdom, May he bless us with protection.

The Dragon King couldn't leave a mark on this crystal after a month of attacking, he left in a rage.

Oh, great Eithil, Dragon kind has become extinct in this world at the Hands of the Dragon King, We pray, upon your awakening you bear witness to these words and get Justice for us. Belserion, A believer."

the text ended there, his body had probably been sealed in the statute when the last message was written to preserve the texts. Damon didn't know whether to feel honored or funny, he knew his body emitted a pressure because of systems seal, not his body itself.

Shaking his head, he sighed and touched the crystal and closed his eyes, the crystal began vaporizing, slowly a body identical to his with different hair and eye color appeared.

he touched the body with his hand and felt a longing from his soul, without hesitation, his current body began overlapping with his original one, the fused into one, his appearance didn't change, he still had red eyes and pitch-black hair, but he felt more complete.

He sat down and muttered "As long as one has a will to be sapient, they instinctively wish to be protected, even if they worship unknown things. this is what probably happened in the Earth's ancient era, humans worshiped unknown forces or aliens out of ignorance, this brings the question, is there really a God? or something we still don't understand and worship."

He could only keep his questions in his heart, maybe one day he could find the answer if he could get powerful enough or maybe not, If there was a God and he didn't want him to know, he simply couldn't. 'I will kill Acnologia if I see him since they asked so nicely.'

Damon now was faced with a dilemma, he had a plan to reach here but he didn't know what he should do next to become omnipotent. He began thinking of ways, remembering the various techniques and life experiences, fictional information and everything existing his head.

He didn't open his eyes for a month, constantly thinking and coming up with various ideas, in the end, he sighed and said "There is only one way to Become Omnipotent that I know about, Cultivator in Xianxia stories become nigh-omnipotent at the end of their story but I don't want to go to such a world yet, its too risky but it seems I have no choice. I have to create a technique to become omnipotent, I need a soul and a body that is nigh-omnipotent then fuse them into one, but that is really hard to do so in a short time, it has to happen in a very slow and gradual way, like a lifetime. I will create a technique to let me live three lives in three worlds, starting from scratch with no memories except those of earth. having memories from this life won't let me completely separate from this form, it won't let me seamlessly integrate into a new world and the world itself will hinder me, no world wants an outsider becoming omnipotent inside of it, I don't have the power to go against an entire reality yet. in the first one I will make my soul omnipotent, the second one my body, the third one will be to fuse them and become truly omnipotent.

The most optimum World for the soul is bleach, If I can get my hands on Hogyoku my soul can grow indefinitely, eventually becoming omnipotent.

For the body, I will go to the Dragon ball series Multiverse, they have the strongest bodies I know of.

The last one will be a Xianxia world, I need a Xianxia world with the craziest power levels, I will think of it at that time, right now all I can think of is Desolate Era. no need to rush the last one though, it will depend on how the first two turn out to be.

I first need to create the technique and experiment it once to see how it works, I will do it here, in Earthland."

Damon closed his eyes again and started another round of deep thinking, two months past.

the next time he opened his eyes, they were filled with excitement, "I got it, I have created three seals, the seals grow stronger as I do in those lives, I won't even notice its existence no matter how strong I get in that life, making it have my own soul aura will make others unable to sense it as well. When I have reached my objective in that world the seal will force me to fuse back into my true body, the same can be done to the soul, in the third life the seal will be different it will slowly fuse my body and soul as I cultivate and reach the apex, I would have become nigh-omnipotent three times and the fusion becomes complete at the same time, breaking through a barrier that will be true Omnipotence."

He laughed out loud and shouted, "I will name this technique, Trinity Life Seals of Omnipotence."

He continued "I have to do a test run, let's create a body first."

A drop of his blood appeared in front of him, He Stared at it and shouted "Rinne-Rebirth: One Body No Soul."

The drop of blood began turning into a fetus, Damon fed it his energy to help it grow, The fetus began to age and eventually reached the age of 12, Damon stopped then.

What appeared before Damon was a virtual copy of himself, albeit a younger version. The child had Pitch black Hair and Red eyes, Damon was a bit unsatisfied so he started making changes to the body.

He even made the body more attuned to the Ethernano in the air of Earthland that made magic possible, he used his eyes to observe the body of a mage in Fiore. he used his power and newly gained knowledge to create two magical containers in the body, one ready to activate and the second hidden then he began making external changes.

he was eventually finished and satisfied. what floated before Damon was a very cute boy around the age of 12, he had many resemblances to his previous appearance from Earth, it was obvious he was going to become handsome but not extremely so when he became an adult, The boy had dark silver hair, silver-colored eyes, fair skin and appeared elegant and slightly muscular.

Damon then began observing the magic of this world, he stole some magic books with Kamui and began learning everything he could get his hands on, a day later, he had already grasped what magic was in this world since his life here would be for a test run he didn't pay much attention to anything else, he added a few things to the body, he added a weak but perfect healing factor, it could even regenerate lost limbs and scars, as long as the organs were intact he would regenerate to his perfect state but depending on the wounds it would take from a minute to a month.

The reason he created a child's body was that he had learned that wizards would develop magical power roughly between the ages of 12 to 28.

He decided to create an affinity for the body and enter his new life, he didn't let himself have any cheats because it could ruin his experiment. he couldn't have them in the three lives because of seamlessness or the world would sense something wrong, upon death his soul would return to his original body with the help of the seal and remember everything.

he added a pain resistance factor to the body as well, just in case if something went wrong. He grasped at the clouds and captured a white lightning bolt, it gave off a powerful feeling of destruction, he sent the lightning to temper the body, it took a long time before the body and its magic containers had gotten that affinity. The body now had a slight aura of destruction similar to a brewing storm.

Finished with the body he smiled and began creating a seal on his memories, he created the intended seal he had designed before he went through with his plan though, he waved his hands and all the heroic spirits in the throne of heroes appeared around him, their faces filled with confusion. all the alternate versions of the heroic spirits had fused into one to complete the heroic spirits, except the ones who had different genders.

He said "I hereby command you all as the owner of the Throne and God of heroes, Sage Gilgamesh you shall be The Emperor, All the Kings remain as Kings but you must obey The Emperor, Heroic Spirits rejoice for you are free now, do what you want but do not break the 4 restrictions I shall put:

1. Do not appear near the kingdom of Fiore and its neighboring countries, Do not even make a connection, it is forbidden to affect them, including Alvarez.

2. if you see a black dragon covered in blue marks or the person in this picture, ignore them. (Acnologia)

3. Do not use attacks that would disturb the world or damage it unless absolutely necessary.

4. Protecting my true body is your first priority."

'nothing in this world can affect my true body but it's best to be careful.'

all the heroic spirits nodded solemnly. Damon turned to Gilgamesh and said, "Gilgamesh, I am going to send everyone with my true body to a very distant location, till I awaken, protect it."

Before he could continue he heard a voice "Where are we exactly?", Damon answered, "This is another world, you can begin new lives here and achieve your wishes, all of you have eternal youth and upon death will return to the throne."

The heroic spirits were excited but before anyone could say anything he sent them all away to a distant land beyond the Pergrande kingdom, surprisingly someone had refused to be forcefully teleported, it turned out to be Artoria. This Artoria looked the same as Saber with a crown and a more mature body but not to the level of her lancer counterpart. All the Artoria's had fused together and had become her.

She looked at Damon with complex feelings in her heart, She said: "You helped me resolve my past, you said that I was perfect the way I was, was it all a lie?".

Damon smiled kindly and said, "I was telling you my own Ideals, I am perfect the way I am and so are you, a clash of ideals was inevitable. Never doubt yourself."

Artoria looked at Damon and said with resolution" then I wish to repay you for helping me."

Damon looked at her thoughtfully and fell silent, he thought about it for a while and replied "I want you to help protect my reincarnation, I am going to reincarnate for a secret reason and upon death will return to my current self, you have to protect me for 10 years, this is a favor I am asking of you so it counts as you repaying me."

She said without hesitation "I hereby swear upon my honor as a knight, I shall do my best to repay you as you asked me."

Damon smiled and said "Will you accompany me across this reincarnation? you will have your memories and can summon your noble phantasms but your magical might and body power will be reset, you will be turned into a child version of yourself. you and I will be tossed somewhere unknown in this world, I can't control that because it will happen after my reincarnation had begun. you have to find me"

She only nodded, Damon made another body through the same process for Artoria, without making an affinity for her.

he didn't place a seal on her since all heroic spirits were effectively immortal as long as he was alive in body or soul.

He placed the seal and kickstarted the process, two portals were beginning to appear near them, with the Eye powers he had, Damon had summoned them to teleport himself and Artoria into random locations inside Fiore and its outskirts.

Damon slowly forgot the grail war he had been in, then he forgot the events in Narutoverse and the System, He forgot everything after the day he had made that wish.

Then his true body disappeared to appear were the heroic spirits had been teleported to, His body's survival was connected to all the heroic spirits and they knew that which is why even if he didn't ask, they would have protected it with everything they got.

His soul fused with the child body he had created, the same happened with Artoria, their bodies were sucked into the portals and they disappeared.

Gilgamesh Was laughing, many among the heroic Spirits were filled with joy at this chance, especially people like Iskandar, Gilgamesh shouted with an elated tone "Listen, Mongrels, I have decided to create the mightiest Empire in existence, A kingdom of heroes, One that will be worthy of my rule, Kings gather around me, we have much to do, besides the Restricted areas, all this world is for our taking, hahaha."

As a crazy calamity was brewing for various kingdoms existing outside the area's Damon had restricted to stop them from messing around with Canon's timeline, he had failed to investigate a very important matter.

He thought he had appeared at the beginning of the story and didn't investigate the matter, but he was wrong, so very wrong. The spark brought him randomly in time, not in canon's time year X784. it was the year X776. this single mistake caused all his plans to go to waste. Fortunately, he didn't remember anything, his last memory would be of the wish he made on Earth.

This reincarnation or better to say special transmigration would greatly affect him in ways he couldn't have imagined, all because of a neglection on his part.

Remember to always prepare fully and gather all the information available to you before doing something.