Battle of Iron continent!

"Spies? why would there be spies?" Yu lie asked.

Looking at the deep night, Lianne gently answered his question.

" This tournament is nothing more than a ranking tournament. The real tournament is going to happen in 2 years, and this battle will not only be between the warriors of the Royal kingdom but all of the kingdoms and the Great Sects of the Iron Continent"

" All the Great Sects and Kingdoms... Lianne, I know there are two other kingdoms in the Iron continent, the Northen Winter Kingdom and the Eastern Sage Kingdom. But, what are these great Sects."

" These 3 great Sects, have the power equal to the Kingdoms, The 3 sects are called, the bone sect located on the outside of the Royal kingdom, the Great Heaven Sect located deep in the seven mountains, and the Wild wilderness Sect located at the edge of the wilderness. I know that the Great heaven's sect is considered the strongest and that the Wild Wilderness Sect is the most secretive!"

" The 3 greats Sects, what does this have to do with these Spies?"

" Simply due to the Battle of Iron Continent! My master has told me that the winner of this battle receives a wide variety of awards, including pills, Martial arts, etc. For this battle, I've heard that a Blue rose Foundation pill is one of the major rewards, this is a really important pill that can lead to wars!

" But Liane wouldn't this be too dangerous! a pill that can start a war! are the risk worth the award"

" hahaha, everyone would say that, but this is not the biggest award!, the biggest award, one receives is that they get to be the personal Disciples of the Protector of Iron Continent!"

" Protector of the Iron Continent? Who is he and why haven't i heard about him!". This was shocking information, everything that Lianne told him led him to be shocked? but the protector was the most shocking! Just who is this person that Yu lie has never heard about him!

" Yes the Protector, the most mysterious person on Iron Continent, many would say that the Royal King would be the strongest, But no one knows just how strong the protector is? Not only this but the number of people that have seen this person can be counted on a single hand, Reportedly even the Royal King has yet to meet him!

Yu lie was star struck, still trying to comprehend this information. Looking at his bewildered face, Lianne smiled, she too was at a similar spot when she heard about this.

" Due to this battle, and the awards, every kingdom, and Great sects have sent spies into neighboring kingdoms and the great sects! Therefore, not everyone has been using their full potential! "

" So why have this Tournament? why not just directly go to the Battle Tournament?

" Out of the thousands and thousands of warriors like us, the strongest 5 are represented! and these Kingdom ranking Tournaments, are held in every Kingdom and Great sects to determine the top 5! Once the top 5 are selected, their respected kingdom will have 2 years to further strengthen them! a Kingdom can easily put forth everything into developing these chosen members!

" And you're probably wondering why would the kingdoms do this? Why spend their resources on us! simply, the rewards that the kingdom wins is no small matter! So, therefore, a kingdom needs to win.

" Now enough talking let's fight! also, there's no need to hold back! I've setup concealing arrays around us, unless someone is at the peak of the Sky Lord realm no one will be able to sense us! Let's start"

With that said, a blue light like glow appeared around Lianne's Sword. .

Looking at the blue light like glow, to Yu this was similar to his battle against the fire fairy. Just like the Glow, He remembered the fire of Fire fairy.

Bewilder by this, Yu Lie became more confused by the Core Creation realm. " Lianne, didn't you mention, that unless one has reached the 2nd step of core creation, there unable to call upon their heavens and earth energy affinity? Yet I can feel the energy of water circling you, just like the fire of the Fire fairy.

" hehe, seriously you need to learn more about the martial world! every youth, once they step in the outline realm of core creation, they can sense a bit of there affinity. At this level, one can also activate an affinity level inscription'

" My sword is equipped with the water layered tunica inscription, like the name, says it is a water attributed inscription that I can use to call upon my affinity without reaching the 2nd step!

'Here I come!"