Rematch! Yu Lie vs Lianne!

With Swift movements, Lianne had intiated her attack. With a quick steps, she had appeared infront of Yu lie, and lunged her sword towards Him.

Seeing the attack coming towards Yu Lie, Intiated his Lighting horn Cheetah set and quickly cirled around Lianne, being at her blind spot, Yu lie throw a full powered first at her. Sensing the fist, Lianne turned around, using her sword she quickly blocked the incoming fist.

In a matter of a few seconds, several moves were shared between them. Curently both of them were seperated and surveying each other and waiting for the next move.

Looking at the figure standing infront of her, Lianne heart was in turmoil. She, who was born in a Martial family, was considered the goddess, yet infront of her stood a youth, that was fighting on equal grounds, yet he didn't have the background or the help she had!

Relaxing her inner thoughs and the turmoil in her heart, she took a quick breath and smiled at the youth in front of her! She trully was happy, There weren't many people that she consider family, yet the person in front of her was family and she shared a close bond with him. She was trully happy.

Seeing the smile on the Lianne, Yu lie, couldm't keep himself from looking at her, he was toned into her face.

Notcing the deep look, a blush had appeared on Lianne's face. Putting that aside, she had gone in her battle stance.

" This will be my final attack! I will use all of my power in my inscription in this attack. " A raging mist erupted out of Lianne sword. " This is the skillset that i recevied 3 years!"

Thinking back to 3 years ago, Yu did remember. It was the time he auctioned of 2 skills sets! One of them was the Blue Mist Sword Skills set! Recalling These memories, Yu lie didn't know wheter to laugh or not, he still remembered how he was able to play Lianne and increased the price on the setr, looking at that smile yet not a smile on His face, anger had rised on Lianne's face.

She had erupted with a vast amount of Aura!

Looking and sensing at the figure that stood infront of him, it was not gentle and heroic figure that was happily talking to him a few moments, but now it felt like a raging river that was about to hurdle down towards Yu Lie!

At this time, while senseing the flutuation of the water enrgy around lianne. Instead of staying scared, Yu Lie felt a different type of emotion arising in him. The Raging River like aura was not frighting Yu lie, instead it was inviting him, slowly he had finally achieved inside into the heaven's and earths energy of water. He had the affintiy of 4 elemets!, Fire,water, Earth, and wind.

Throughout the history of the Iron Continet know had achieved an affinty with more than 2 elements, 4 was unheard of!.

Knowing this, a delighted Yu Lie, raised his head, a sword had appeared in his hand.

A battle of Swords Skills! The blue mist sword skills vs the Jade Emperor skills.

Using the 2nd skill of the Jade Emperor, the SKy shattering Slash, along with the the lighting -horned cheetah footsteps, He had made his attack!

Lianne also followed suit, using the Hallowed misty slash along with her movement skill set, she launched her attack aswell.

The two silhouettes, one coming in with a vertical slash (Lianne) and the other with a horizontal slash (Yu)

Boom! The two swords crashed with each other!

One exchange, yet the impact it had was termendous! the group beneth them cracked, small fissure were seen. Eventually the impact reached the two Silhouttes, throwing them back.

As the dust Cleared, Yu Lie was on one knee, blood pouring out from his mouth and using his sword for support. Lianne also was not any better, blood leaking from the side of her mouth, the hand that was holding her sword shaking. At the moment, Lianne is filled with astonishmenet, it had to be know that she had water affintiy inscription layered on her weapons, increasing her strenght. Yet, what she just expereinced was diffcult to explain. Yu Lie was able injure her! worst if she did not have her inscription Yu lie would have beaten her!

Soon enough, their swords were retuned into their scabards.

" The Jade Emperor Swords skills are truly magificant! and Powerful" Lianne could not fanthom just how powerful that last strike was! Even without an inscription the stike was stronger than he incsription infused Hallow Misty slash!

Yu lie Faintly smiles: " the Jade Emperor Sword Skills altogether has 5 moves. Just now, this was the 3rd move, Shuttering slash. it is the second strongest attack in this set!

Lianne secretly sighted to herself: " i see, seem like it's my lost again". Quickly she takes out two pills, walks over to Yu lie and hands him one while she eats the other one. Seating down, she starts to cuiltave. Looking at what she was doing, Yu lie, knew what the pills and did the same. The pill was a low grade recover pill.

After a while, Yu lie finally recovered form his injuries and opened his eyes. He saw Lianne, who had already recovering sitting under a tree.

Noticing the Glance, Lianne looked over at Yu lie, and called him over: "it was my fault, and such here's your reward". She take's out a dry fur like sheet from her bag.

Looking at the sheet, Yu lie knew that this was inscription.

' This is an earth-base inscription, that once activated can help a user call upon the earth based elementz" Lianne said with a smile: With this incription your power's should have a dramtic increase! what you still need to be prepared and be careful!

With that Lianne turned around and headed back to her room. Watching the beatuy from the back and noticing her curve, Yu Lie was Thunder stuck but also felt gratitude. Watchign her walk futher and futher away, yu lie remembered something, quicly he took a small book out of his bag.

" Lianne! wait!" quickly running to her he had the book and than took of to his room.

Lianne still lost in her thoughts, quitley looked down at the book, and astonishment filled her. reading the title, The misty sword skills and not just this, this was the compete skil set!

Reading the book, instead of being delighted, angered flash in Lianne's eyes. Yu lie had tricked her 3 years ago! the 3 skills of the Misty Sword skill were the weakest and lowest quality, not only that he had the the entire compete set, yet he still played with her! closing the book Lianne quickly followed Yu Lie.