1st Match! Devil vs Sheng

The following day, Yu lie and Lianne left the inn and went driectly towards the Ring. For Yu lie, last night was a forgetable experience for him. If not for Unlce Mo, Yu Lie truly felt like he would not have made it to the semifinals.

Looking at the figure next to him, He could only smile to himself. He had learned a tough lesson about angry and playing a woman.

Soon enough they had reached the Ring. looking at the huge area, that was now full with people. One could feel the change in the atmosphere, it was more lively compared to before. There were many people here, the four clans, the queen and concubines, even the crown prince was in attendance.

Walking into the areana, Yu lie and Lianne, drew the glares of many, epscially Yu lie. If a glare could kill a man, Yu lie would have died a millions times. The saying was true, a beauty can bring ruins to a Kingdom.

" Yu Lie, this way" Yu Lie turned his head and saw Sheng walking over, After giving a nod to lianne, who also returned it, Sheng Turned his foucs over to Yu Lie.

While Yu Lie and Shang were talking, the crowd had erupted into a cheering, looking over at the source of the sound. A young man, around the age of 16, wearing black clothes, slowly walked towards the stage. Finally reaching the Ring, he slowly turned around with his dark foggy eyes, he eyed Sheng.

Notcing the glare and the meaning, Sheng said is good bye's to Yu lie and Lianne and slowly walked towards the stage. Looking at this mysterious figure's back, Yu Lie could feel a temendous loniless coming from it.

" Lianne did you not say that the bone sect was a major sect, that could rivel a Kingdom? yet why is a memeber of the bone sect competing in this tournamnet." Yu lie asked as he watched the two firgures on the stage.

" There is indeed a great sect called the bone sect, but there is also smaller sect in our Royal Kingdom. I do not know the details, but i've heard, that a specific senior elder of the Great Bone Sect, fell out of line against the master of the sect and was kicked out. In response, this great elder build another Bone sect using the help of the the royal kingdom as a mean of revenge.

" I see"

On the stage, an old man dressed in blue, patently waited for the duo to start. This old man's name was Zhan Luan, an elder of the royal sect, with a strenght at the 3rd realm of core-creation, he was no small fry. Raising his hand up, he looked at the duo and said; " This is the first match of the Semifinals! Sheng vs The DeviL, Once my arm falls back down, this match can begin".

" Hehehe, the mysterious Shang, the most mysterious men in this tournmant. Hehehe, don't worry after this match, i'll let the entire Iron Continent know that your a fake" The Devil gazed at Sheng and spoke in an ghasty voice.

At this moment, over a thousand people at the stage. One of them with an oblong face said to another Disciple by his side. "brother Li, I bet that The Devil will definitely take his head within 10 moves."

"I bet it'll be five moves!" The man called Brother Li looked at the man with an oblong face and said, "40 Soul Stones, do you dare to take me up on this bet?"

" hearing the betting going on, many other diciple got invivled and started to bet on The Devil",

" I bet 25 soul stones!"

" 50 here"

"70 here"

" I bet 100 Soul Stones Sheng" right at this moment, a calm and clear voice resounded.

All the diciple's looked over at the source, when they turned around that saw Yu Lue grinning. Taking out a 100 sould stones, Yu lie dropped placed them as his bet, while grinning to the other: " 100 soul stone's, that Sheng will win, and if you dare to match! match than"

Brother Li eyes flickered, and then he said, "We… we can bet with you. What only a 100 soul stones...."

Before he could even finsih, Yu Lie took out book: " This is called the Giant fire ape arts, i'm also willing to bet this aswell!"

brother Li suppressed the excitement in his heart, he and like everyone else knew the power of this art: I'll bet 1000 Soul stones!"

" 500 Soul Stones!"

"200 soul stones"


When he saw this, a smile that was not a smile formed in Yu lie's heart.


Soon enough the battle in the stage started!

The Devil made the first move, activating his he launched a palm stike"

" haha brother Yu, it seems like Brother Devil is takign this fight seriously, he has already actived his ghost step with Ghostly plam stike comb!" Brother Li calmly replied.

Surpsing to every in the arena, what they had foresaw did not occur! Instead they saw, Sheng using the back of his sworld hilt and blocking the palm strike, followed by a finger strike, that pushed the devil back. But, this was not the bigest surpise, the devil had attacked again, and the same result happened again, but this time Shang had used a palm strike to throw The devil across the stage.

Shocking everyone, the once calm and cleared Brother Li was the oppostie now.

In the hid room, where the royal King was at.

An Shocked expression was on the King's face: " interestiing"

Hearing this, the two attends were confused. Sensing this, whether he was just talking to himself, and telling these two attends: " Sheng has already reached a frighting level of mastery in his skills at such an age. Not only this, he's also used these amount of unnessary movements, The Devil is running back and forth, without learning from his mistake, yet Shang has yet to move from his place and those move's he's using should be the lost Iron Palm and the shifting single finger strike of the Buddha arts!

Listening to this, the two attends were shocked. The Buddha Arts came from the Buddha temple, That no longer existed, only remnants remained

A loud roar, pulled the attends out of there thoughts and back to the stage, bewilderness appeared in there eyes onces again.

This was because Sheng had finally moved! for the 1st time he moved! his sword was drawn, in a spilt second it was placed right at the tip of the Devils throat.

The Devil was shaking! the sword was few inches away from his death. The entire arena was quiet, the people that bet on The devil looked gloomy, Yu Lie was happy inside but he was also serious, the strenght Sheng showed surprised him!

" Lianne can you get the money from the betting stand" with that Yu Lie walked towards the stage. The 2nd match was about to begin!