The Preparations

"You shouldn't take away the heir that I picked out Suma out of jealousy." Shimo lifted his hands and directed his palms towards the gray pillar.

The light that was being emitted by Shimo's hands shot towards the direction of the light pillar like an arrow. It was Shimo;s piercing light 'Piercing Light' that was able to pierce and destroy the lightning dragon that descended from the ninth heaven of Suma earlier.

But this time the 'Piercing Light' was much larger than before and even more resplendent than the one he use before. Then in front of the pillar of light a handsome man covered by lightning slithering around him like a snake appeared then a shout from the man came out it was Suma "'Thunder cage'".

Thunder flew from the body of the man and snake like lightning and thunder was formed by the man and started to slither around the vicinity of the pillar if light that slowly forming behind him and formed a cage.

The 'Piercing Light' of Shimo flew with astonishing speed and terrifying might even slightly distorting the space around it because of its light. The terrifying light was about to collide with the lightning cage like it was trying to run through it but before it could even reached 20 meters from the cage 3 lighting dragon that was dancing in the cage few out and confronted the 'Piercing Light' of Shimo.

The 3 lighting dragons and the light was about to meet with one another but before it could even meet the earth trembled like it was crumbling from the energy of the two magnificent force. And when the two attack of the Shimo and Suma finally met at last the heavens was also shook and the earth in the 5 kilometers was uprooted.

The various houses and building of the City in half of the City was disintegrated from the two energy waves created by the collision of the two opposing energies dust and some lucky infrastructure was still left to rubbles from that great collision of the two.

And the Manor of Suma was also disintegrated into nothing by the great force and not only was the Manor disintegrated a crater was created by the two around a kilometer wide and 500 meters thick. The crater was emitting concentrated energy of the earth and was becoming excited from the two great energy.

The sky have long tuned dark and the thunder was becoming more and more frequent and the sounds created by this thunder was able to make the soul tremble it was like a dragon was continuously roaring from the heavens making it seem like it was the end of the world.

But even from the devastating force from the two attack of Shimo and Suma the garden that was Mada and the other children with the women of the Manor was still as lush and healthy as before, the scenery was still the same and even the wind was still like the spring breeze not a hint of the earth shattering fight was visible inside the garden.

The people inside the pillar was showing various kinds of emotion especially the children some were still confuse if not much more compared to earlier and some were trembling some were just dumfounded but from this myriad of emotions all of the children were all in awe to Suma.

They were looking at him with great reverence, all of the children in the garden even though gullible and easily fooled by Mada and Ning earlier, they were not fools and the only they were fooled by Ning and Mada was because they all held respect for the two people them being the child of the master of the Manor and the other the strongest of them all. Basically Ning and Mada and was just a shrewd crafty pair.

In truth all of the children of the Manor was all brilliant and can even be considered geniuses wherever they went and that is just based on their intellects alone.

All this things considered the children in the garden knew that the old man was most probably an enemy, and when they saw the terrifying 'Piercing Light' of Shimo earlier they all became worried to what will happen next but when they saw Suma acting all of a sudden to stop the terrifying attack they were somewhat worry because they only knew Suma was just a go happy uncle that all of them love.

And when they saw him stopping that terrifying 'Piercing Light' they came to idolized him.

"Uncle Suma is amazing! He was able to stop the terrifying assault of the old man truly amazing!"

"Hahaha nice one uncle Suma you are the best."

"That dragon is amazing same as the lighting cage that is surrounding us he is amazing."

All of the children in the garden was becoming excited by the minute same with Ning and Ling-Ling, Ling-Ling was even doubtful if that was his father. Only Mada, Mera were not that shaken to what just happened because they all knew what Suma was capable but this didn't mean that they weren't admiring Suma did.

Every adult in the garden knew just how strong Shimo is, and even Mada who saw him earlier didn't know what he was truly capable.

The lighting cage that Suma have set up earlier was now looking a little pitiful as it showed a faintness from what it used to looked like earlier.


The dust that was in the crater was suddenly scattered by the roar of a dragon and in the crater a lighting dragon emerge the lightning dragon flew towards Suma and fused with the lighting cage that was surrounding the pillar of light.

When the dragon fused with the lightning cage some of the radiance that the lighting cage lost earlier came back and even though it wasn't restored from its earlier splendor the lighting cage was still slightly better than the time the collision of the two attack.

Seeing the Dragon emerging from the smoke and fusing with the lightning cage Shimo who had an indifferent looked on his face earlier slightly raised brows in surprised and interest but there wasn't anything else that was on his face no worry or any kind of distress emotion were showing like he knew that the 'Piercing Light' he attacked would be successfully intercepted by Suma.

A smile appeared on his old age and wave his hands and light emerge from it but no attacked was shot out like earlier instead it quickly dissipated in the air it looked like he was only playing around.

But when Suma saw this his face change, he knew what Shimo just did and he also knew what wil appen next so he raised his hands and the lightning and thunder that was swimming in the air started descending like it was being summoned.

The lightning descended from above and hit Suma's hand and slowly but steadily balls of lighting with a length of an arm kept appearing around him. But he didn't do anything to this ball of lightings and just kept summoning the lightning and thunder from above him and continued to form the lightning balls around him like he was preparing from something.

Shimo also just watched him like it had nothing to do with him.

The people inside the garden also saw this and became worried especially Mera, she then quietly informed Angelica about it with her spiritual sense as she didn't want the children to know what is happening and be in a panic state.

When Angelica learned about what Shimo just the spreading of the gray light pillar became faster than before and the other people outside of the garden also became alert and also started to pour the energy of their body to the focal points of the array.

And others flew towards Suma who was summoning lightning to create the lightning balls right now there were around 1000 lightning balls around him, this made him seemed like a divine creature that had descended descended from above to the mortal realms.

The lightning and thunder that was descending to Suma stopped all of a sudden and the creation of the lightning balls stopped and Suma who have been now looked slightly pale on the face but it still carried his emotion earlier when he face the attack of Shimo and that was stubbornness.

"Seems like the master of the Manor is doing extra hard right now." Mu's voice came from behind with 3 other men with him. "Suma we only need 5 minutes in order for the Spatial Transportation Array's accumulation of energy is done. In this time we only need to hold out no matter what happens we need to hold out or else that old man will start a slaughter."

"That is right so we need to get ready, but seeing that the you have already set up your 'Thunder God's Domain' I dont think you need me to say that to you though." Vertani looked at the 'Thunder God's Domain' and the sight of the thousands of lighting balls made him reminisce the time when they fought together on the battle field.

Suma smiled and nodded to Vertani sjowing his thanks for him.

"Hey what was the old man talking about earlier about the young being the heir of the empire of that old man? didn't he came for you to go back home?" Domato was asking about what had Shimo saod when he appeared about the matter of Mada being made into the heir of Shimo instead "But isn't it impossible for him to picked Mada to become the heir i mean your the old man should hate him for being born from you and Miss Angelica right?"

"It must be because of what happened earlier." Suma furrowed his brows as he remembered the scene of him letting Shimo almost get to capture Mada, and if not for the mystical or even miraculous thing that happened earlier Mada should in Shimo's hands as a hostage now.

"What happened?" the 3 men asked at the same time.

"I exactly do not what happened but i only know is that the my father still hates us, you guys saw the right arm of Mada right?" as he spoke of this the lightning balls became restless and started to flicker with electricity and looked like it will become a storm any moment.

"Calm down the arm of Mada can still be fix when we get out of here tell us what change his mind." Mu saw Suma was becoming angry and tried to comfort him.

Suma circulated his eergy and tried to calm himself down then explained what happened to Mada when the shackles of light appeared and how it entered Mada's body and mysteriously disappeared in Mada's body.

"No wonder the old man want him Mada is actually capable of that huh, the young master is really is amazing to think that he didn's cultivate just until 3 months ago." Mu was enlightened and became happy. "But the old man still tried to kill Mada does he think that the young master will just say okay when he takes him?"

"The empire have a method and given how weak is Mada right now he would be able to do it as smoothly as possible." Suma said with a serious looked on his face.

"Heads up guys seems like the old man really called for the idiots." Vertani said to Suma and the other two as he looked at the spatial rift in the sky.

Then fluctuations in the air happened and the air distorted as a rift appeared in the sky just like what happened when Shimo first appeared in the City.


The spatial rift was now beginning to become bigger, and from the spatial rift silhouettes of 8 people can be slightly made out. They didn't have the light that they carry when Shimo appeared but they all all this silhouettes had some grandeur in them.

When this 8 silhouettes finally step out of the spatial rift 5 men and 3 women can be seen walking out of it. These 8 people then made their way in front of Shimo's and all of them kneeled on one knee in the air and the man in front of them spoke. "Your Majesty give us your command."