
The face of Mada was pale white the moment Leo landed from the air to the gates of the elf palace. Mada, Rayious and Leo have travelled 5,000 miles for 180 minutes by flying in the air.

And the speed they flew with was not something to laugh at, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the speed they travelled was at breakneck speed. In fact Mada's neck would have been broken if Leo didn't shrouded him with his own unique energy and slowed down his speed.

Rayious on the other hand was full of delight the moment they landed and even demanded for them to once more go fly in the air "Come on are you a cowards or something?"

But his provocation was to no avail. Mada only waved his hands up in the air surrendering to the circumstances he was facing. After a while Mada regained his balanced and stood upright like a sword in front of the gate that was made out of vines and flowers that emitted an aroma that soothed the mind.

The aroma of the flowers made Mada feel comforted from that hellish way of travelling, with his mind at ease his heart calm and the barf he was holding in conquered he started walking towards the gate made of that magnificent flowers.

Leo led the way with Mada and Rayious behind him, the palace courtyard was a big place full of greenery that made you see and appreciate the beauty of nature. But what attracted his and Rayious' eyes were the fruits that was on the trees.

The two of them wanted to get those fresh and juicy looking fruits but were stopped by Leo "You better not do that or you will regret it later."

They continued walking for a while more and the more they walked the more the two beasts behind to be tempted more and more. But before the two broke down and started running to those fruits like savages they have finally reached the palace.

They all entered the palace and what greeted them was an elf maid that was wearing a white laced with green leaf embroidery on the chest part. The maid carried with her a basket full of fruits that they had seen outside and passed it to Leo who passed it to Mada and Rayious.

Leo then said his farewells to Mada and Rayious "This would be my farewell for the time being."

Mada then saw the vision of Leo's back and like he remembered something he shouted to Leo "Leo thank you, the girl yesterday keep watched on her she is someone special."

Leo heard Mada and was surprised from what he had said [Is he talking about my Trinity? What did he meant by someone special?] Leo was lost in thought but he didn't tried questioning Mada at the moment.

Mada, Rayious and the maid was left on the hall, they looked at the maid that was beside them. And before they could even asked a question the main spoke "Follow me please I will be leading you to where the Elders and the Queen is."

Without saying anything the maid started to walked and Mada with Rayious on the shoulders followed behind her closely while eating that basket of fresh fruits that was in the basket.

Mada and Rayious walked on the palace and the more they saw the more amazed they were from what had seen just like some kids on a field trip. The maid led them to the depths of the palace and in those depths there stood a garden more beautiful than the one outside.

And in the garden there were a group of people that was seated on a round table. The group of people was composed of 3 men and 3 ladies that had the air or pride and knowledge on them, it was Elder Pang, Elder Oli, Elder leaf, Elder Ying, Elder Fey, and the Elf Queen Evergreen

The maid that was guiding Mada and Rayious bowed to these people respectfully "I have brought the guests that you are waiting for my Queen."

The Elf Queen Evergreen that was on the middle of the group nodded her head towards the maid and spoke to her "You have done well good job you may leave us for the time being."

The maid then raised her head and started walking towards the direction where Mada Rayious and she came from.

Then a voice came from that group it was the voice of a man "Hey kid, state your name, and the little Dragon," the way that person spoke didn't have a y trace of elegance in them and the way he questioned them was like how a gangster operates, the one who spoke was Elder Leaf.

"My name is Mada and this is my older brother Rayious." Mada answered them in a rather carefree manner.

The way he answered didn't make any of the people in that garden feel awkward but they felt admiration for Mada, ordinary youths his age would most like tremble when they are questioned like that inside a palace.

But what they didn't know was that Mada have a fair share of unnerving experienced like that time when he was attacked by that man in black inside his own room or the time they were attacked by Shimo, or the time the attacked of Shimo and Suma that time was able shake the very heavens and uproot the earth.

Because of this events Mada was not affected by most things that didn't interest him, and concerning the pressure that was around the place he was also not affected by it because Rayious was also enduring it with him.

Elder Ying spoke to Mada "We will not idle anymore and would cut to the chase, what are you doing in the elf territory?"

"Esteemed Elder, we are in that forest because my older brother was caring for me so my wounds that I have suffered in the hands of some group of people that ambushed us?" Mada tried to explain why they were here and of course there would be some alteration here and there.

This time Elder Oli spoke "Then why did you cause that incident in the forest which destroyed countless trees and burned the ground making it hard for the plants to grow in there for the coming decade."

Before he answered this question he thought inside his mind [Are they playing some kind of relay race? the speaker is different from time to time they should just pick who would speak though.]

"The attacked that I have suffered on that ambushed made my body burn when it was about to be cured and because of this my body started to heat up from inside out making my body feel like it is being roasted alive." Mada once again gave a fabricated story.

Elder Pang asked the question next "What are your plans in the elf race?"

[Seriously are they really playing some kind of relay?]

"I do not have anything planned for the elf race and I do not have any kind of intentions for the elf race or your kingdom." Mada answered honestly this time.

The people in the round table was actually enjoying their time at the moment because they were only making this questions on the fly, before they called out the 'Dragon' for a talked they have longed received various information regarding how he acted same with the little Dragon that was on his shoulder.

Through this various information they had gathered and collected from that various reports they already made a decision to what to do with him, but after thinking about it they all decided to first test Mada to see if they were right.

And the thing they were laughing at was how Mada was answering them the way they had envisioned him all of them had the same thought [This kid is not that honest but he doesn't have any ill will.]

Questions after questions was answered by Mada, then the Queen who have been staying quiet all this time also spoke to asked a question "Mada this is the last question that you need to answer."

Mada did not why but the Queen in front of him now looked a little different from the elf Queen he was seeing earlier now she seemed to be a bit divine? He wasn't able make a heads or tails for the reason so he just ignored it and waited for the question.

"What is this Purple Cloud City you spoke of? Is it a City of Dragons?" the Queen asked what have been bothering her this entire time. She was knowledgeable when it came to knowledge of the different races like where they live and where Dragons live because the teachings of the Elders composed of that.


Mada's hope was shattered of getting some kind of lead about his own town was shattered when he heard the Elf Queen asking him about the Purple Cloud City. [Even the elf Queen do not know what happened to the Purple Cloud City? Or even know what it was?]

He became silent startling the Elders, he had given answers about the questions he was given earlier but this time such an easy question made him tongued tied?

Mada didn't answer for a while he only stood there but the Elders and the Queen didn't bother him and even called out for him because they felt the sadness that was inside Mada.

Rayious couldn't take it anymore so he slapped Mada with his tail waking him up from his stupor.

Mada was woken up from his stupor and upon realizing the disrespect that he did by not giving any answer "Apologies Esteemed Elders and your Majesty."

The Elders only waved their hands showing their attitude of indifference to what he did, and the Queen who asked the question didn't do anything and only waited for his answer.

"Purple Cloud City is a human City where the strongest is at the late stages of Earthen realm, this was the City where I grew up in and where my parents live and I have lost my way and could possibly thousands away from my home." Mada spoke slowly as if he was trying remember these words.

The Queen and the Elders was surprised by what Mada had said [a human city? Your whole family live there? Didn't the dragons hate those kind of places?]

While they were pondering about the answer of Mada they heard his voice once more "My I ask one question?"

The others nodded their heads and the Queen gestured him to start, "Can I go out of the elf territory today or the next day please?"

The others wasn't that surprised by this question because they have long anticipated that he would asked how to get out of the elves domain, and originally they would let him leave anytime he wanted but now it was quite different.

From the time they had learned about him emerging from the body of the Dragon he was suspected to be the Dragon himself and even until this moment he was still being suspected, but upon mentioning himself as a human they were living in a human City they were all surprised.

[Since when did the dragons lived with the humans?]

"Just making sure child are you a Dragon?" Elder Fey asked

"No I am not." Mada gave a quick answer.

All was silent upon hearing Mada, then somebody broke the silence.

"Mada you would like to get out of the elf territory right?" Queen Evergreen saw Mada nodding his head and continued "Then take this with you."

Queen Evergreen brought out a wooden sculpture of a flower that was in fool bloom. The moment the Elder saw this item they all understood one thing on what the Queen was planning.

Mada didn't know what the others was planning and was only attracted by two things at the moment the first was about getting out and the other was by the wooden flower