Earth Golem Ore

"Hey, you're supposed to be the big brother right? Shouldn't you be helping you're brother then? Come on it's been 2 days since the last time I rest can't you take pity on me or something, big bro?" Mada was complaining with weak voice.

He had been dragging the small hill of Earth Golem parts that they were suppose top sell to earn money when they get back from their mission as the Earth Golem was something that can fetch a decent price if sold in the markets.

But what Mada didn't imagine was Rayious making him pull it all the away from the Mist Valley wall the way to Sunlight City but what made his heart ache more was not because he was made to dragged it by himself but because he was not even allowed to rest when he wanted to.

Every time he tried resting it wouldn't even last for 3 hours before his big brother smack him with his tail. He tried retaliating by fighting him but he wasn't able to catch him or even hit him because of his fast speed so he was only able to complain inside his heart.

[What kind of an older brother make his brother drag this thing for god knows how long.] but no matter how he complained he was not able to do anything and could only continue to make his way towards the City.

As Mada continued to complain a voice came from the top of the artificial hill of earth Golem body parts "Stop complaining, you're a man aren't you? Just do it you didn't want to leave these things behind so what right do you have to complain, besides you this kind of exercise will help you train your body, come on just a little more and you're done."

In all truthfulness Rayious was having the time of his life as he watch Mada suffer down the hill [You hit you older brother who tried to help you huh.]

3 days ago when he saw Mada suffering as he continued to drag the small hill of Earth Golem he felt something awaken inside of him, it was faint but it was something he felt really good. That thing was happiness on seeing Mada suffering.

"Come on now, there's the [Mercenary Guild] I will take care of the procedure when we reach it so hang in there okay." Rayious like to see Mada suffer but he was still a older brother at least he believe he is so he was still concern for him.

Mada gave a groan and didn't say anything anymore as he continued to pull the small hill behind him. Ignoring the fatigue he was feeling he continued to pull the small hill and the moment he reach the entrance of the [Mercenary Guild] he sat down on the ground to meditate and regain the enrgy he expended.

He didn't bother with the stares that was around him and only sat there like it was the most natural thing on the world.

The people around them that was whispering something to one another stopped the moment they saw him sat down the ground they were afraid to make any noise causing the young man with the white hair to be angered and out of anger do something they will regret.

Rayious started to fly down of the small hill and made his way to the woman who was standing in front of the entrance of the [Mercenary Guild] "Hey do you know where I can find the person to report the mission that we just finish?"

The lady was startled for a moment when he was asked by Rayious but who could blame her a Dragon just spoke to her and what's ore is that in a polite manner at that, she was startled and it took her some time before she regain her composure.

The moment she did regain her composure she answered "I am, I am one of the people who can do that. That young Master actually got his mission verified by me so I know what you need and what is the reward will be given."

"Is that so? That will be easy then. Oh yeah can you ask someone to sell those things?" Rayious made a motion and pointed towards the small hill behind Mada "I believe that we can get some good price if we can sell those right? Uhm what was your name again?"

The lady was startled as she gave an answer "Its Dolly, the mission entailed that you will be able get 100,000 gold after finishing the mission but will you convert that to spirit stones? As you might know it cause 10,000 gold coins for a level 1 spirit stone but seeing you are cultivators I thought that you will like it more if you have spirit stones than gold right?"

Rayious was brought into a deep thought for a moment but after another moment he made the decision to convert the gold coins to spirit stones not because he knew what those things are but because he thought that it was more valuable than gold.

"Here is the beast core of the Unihorn Saber Tooth Tiger, I leave the matter of selling the Earth Golem body partsokay, oh can you get me and my brother a room and a lot of meat?" Rayious pass the beast core of the unihorn Saber Tooth Tiger to Dolly.

Dolly took the beast core of the Unihorn Saber Tooth Tiger and prepared to take her leave but was stopped by a voice that came from behind "Wait miss Dolly can I ask you to do one more thing for me?"

Mada stood up from where he was sitting earlier and walked towards the direction of Dolly "Can I ask you to get these things for me?" He took out a piece of paper in his sleeves and pass it on to her.

Get those things for me. Dolly took the piece of paper from Mada and looked at the content that was written on it. She looked into it for a while before saying "I can get most of these for you but regarding the blood ginseng I might not be able to get it."

"That is fine as long as you get a red river lotus it would be fine."


The Sunlight City was brought into a fervor as the news of a young Mercenary that dragged a pile of Earth Golem into the City became widely known around the City. The citizen of the whole City was talking about it and after half a day nobody in the Sunlight City was not aware of the mysterious young mercenary who had the little dragon with him.

The information cause many people to be in awe, the fact that a young man was actually a mercenary became somewhat change though as many version of the story started to emerge one after the other.

Some say that the young mercenary was a young hero that was in some kind of training or a journey, some say that he is a fake that fabricates things and that he was actually just making a false image of himself by making the scene he showed in the [Mercenary Guild].

They say that what he did was all fake that the young man had some kind of outside help and he wasn't the one who actually did it.

Well no matter what the others think is the truth there were only a single truth that that everyone accept and that is that the blacksmiths and the alchemist of the City would be dying to buy that Earth Golem body parts that was being sold in the market.

The Earth was a rare piece of material that almost every Alchemist and Blacksmiths yearn for they all wish to get it so they can apply it on their work. The Earth Golem was a rarity because it only live in the Mist Valley and nobody in the town would like to go there voluntarily.

Even if there are people who can go there they wouldn't risk their necks without any pay wouldn't they? The earth Golem was well known for their defense and their hard body that can withstood a force that a middle stage Earthen realm were able to dish out.

Because of the fact that they are so hard to kill and the fact that they live in the Mist Valley that also house not only the Earth Golem but also many other kind of demonic beasts that were also as dangerous.

These reasons made the supply of the Earth Golems really hard to find almost to the point of impossibility, but there were naturally times when there are people who was lucky enough to get one of this materials.

So the fact that there were an abundant amount of Earth Golem ores or so they call it the Alchemist and the Blacksmith almost didn't want to believe the information that they had receive, but the truth was sometimes weirder than what is not.

The fact was that there really were an abundant amount of Earth Golem ores to be bought and the amount that was said was that there were a total of almost a 1000kg of Earth Golem ores. Even if they were still not real Earth Golem ores and still needed to be refined it was still a good thing.

The refinement of the Earth Golem was not easy but it was not that hard either, so many Alchemist and Blacksmiths quickly made their way into the [Mercenary Guild] to take a look at the Earth Golem that was said to be able to small hill.

And the moment their eyes laid upon on the sight of the hill made by the Earth Golem body parts all of the Alchemist and the Blacksmiths became frantic some even tried to go into the higher ups of the [Mercenary Guild] in order for them to buy it.

In one of the office of the [Mercenary Guild] many people were trying to get an audience with the 'young hero' who brought the hill of Earth Golem.

"I want to meet the one who brought those Earth Golems, I am one of the best Alchemist in the City Du Li so I believe that the [Mercenary Guild] wouldn't make me lose face now would you?"

"Old Du how can you're face be so thick as to call yourself as one of the best in the City! Don't talk nonsense the one who will get to meet the young hero who brought these will be me Meng Ciu."

"Shut up you old fogies, we from the black thorn armament will be the one to meet with the young hero so you old alchemist scurry for me now. Those Earth Golems will be ours either way so go home now."

"That is right the Earth Golems would be bought by us blacksmiths so go home now or you might hurt your backs."

"Tang Gu you dare to call us old? You are not that either am I right? What right do you have to call us old?"

The old men of the many powers in the City that had something to do with Alchemy or Blacksmithing begun their squabbles at the [Mercenary Guild] the moment they all got to meet each other making the people of the [Mercenary Guild] rather scared.

These old men were important people in the Sunlight City and all of them carried some kind of prestige making the people of the [Mercenary Guild] feel rather tense.

But the one who were at the most tense position was Dolly, she was the one in charge of the Earth Golem matter so she was the one who were being pressure [Why do I have to be treated like this?]

All she could this time was cry inside her heart while complaining as she was able to make move that will offend these old men.