
The sun slowly rose from the east as the day finally arrive, the moment that the sun did a knock followed outside the room Mada and the others were in.

Sol turned to look at the door as she said to Mada "Expecting someone?"

Mada didn't bother answering Sol, he walked towards the door and opened it "Dolly, what're you doing here? Does your work start this early in the morning?"

Giving a soft chuckle Dolly explained herself "No, I do not have ant shift today as I will be going to the Thousand Lotus Manor to check how the auction goes. I am only here to tell you that the auction will be start at noon and that it will be held at the Thousand Lotus Manor."

Mada rubbed his head and gave a wry smile to Dolly "I won't be going to the auction, I am very sorry Dolly."

"It is no problem, I will only be forcing you to come. You don't actually need to personally go there yourself but if you change your mind later on just go whenever you and show this card to someone that work there and they will lead to one of the room that is reserve." Dolly pass a card that had the number 3 on it and gave Mada sweet smile.

She was about to leave when she suddenly turned around and asked Mada curiously "What happened to your friend is she alright now? Did the medicinal plants that I gave you help?"

"Yes she is currently at the room recuperating from the treatment last night, thanks to the medicinal plants that you gave she was able to recover." Mada thanked Dolly for her efforts.

"It's no problem I just want to say that those medicinal plants were brought from the Thousand Lotus Manor that is hosting the auction so if you need to buy something you can ask me to make inquiries there, I know the person in charge in there so it will be easy to get in touch."

Mada gave a nod to her showing his understanding, after saying some pleasantries he made his way back in the room and sat down on the floor cross-legged and look at Sol.

"Didn't you say that we were getting money from that auction? Why are we not going there to check how it proceeds then?" Sol asked a question to Mada.

She didn't know why he would reject the idea of going to the auction as he clearly stated that it was an important matter where they will get resources, so when Mada said that they were not going and that they would be handling some important business later she was surprised and intrigued at the same time.

She was intrigue because from what he heard Mada talked earlier it sounded that the matter they would be going to would be important.

Mada didn't answer right away as he was trying to collect his thought on how he should answer her question, after a while of thinking he finally spoke "It's a job, and from how the guy who approach me yesterday it seems like the one trying to hire us is a rich one."

"Job? What kind of job and who are the ones that are trying to hire us?" Rayious didn't know what Mada was talking about as he didn't have any recollection of a person making contact with them when they got back from Mist Valley.

"It was when you went to place your order to get some meat dish, the moment that you left a man approach me and handed me a letter then said that the man who sent him wanted to hire us an Earthen realm Mercenary." Mada explained about the matter to the both of them as efficiently as possible.

He took an enveloped that had been open, he took out the letter that he was talking about and passed it to Sol who was sitting in front of him. Sol accepted the letter and read it aloud so Rayious would be able to hear it as well.

"Honorable Mercenaries, if you are reading this letter that means that you have reach the qualifications that we are looking for as an Earthen realm cultivator unlike those normal cultivators. We are looking for mercenaries that will go to the black marsh for us to gather a particular spiritual plant, if you can accomplish the thing that we want you to do we will be willing to give you any price that we can muster. Signed by the Sunlight City's City Lord, Me Tong."

After reading the letter that she was given with Sol looked at Mada "So you're saying that we will be seeing the City Lord? That way we will be able to get there first than any other mercenary that is eyeing the price am I right?"

"That's right, it was stated in the letter that there were many other mercenaries that were given with the letter. So if we don't go now the mission just might be finish by those guys that have already went earlier than us, also if we go about this mission now it will also help you in using your energy." Mada gave a bunch of reasons to Sol to make his point.

Sol didn't argue with him as she already stood up from seating, she made her way to the door and was about to go but she notice that Mada was still seating there so she called to him "Aren't we going yet? You're the one who said that you want to take on the mission so what are you doing?"

Mada wave his hands "My energy is still not recuperated, I spent a lot of energy last night trying to treat you so let me just regain some of my energy right now after that we will be going to the City Lord's manor right away, besides big bro haven't eaten yet so wait for him alright?"

Sol heard him, she place her hands to her forehead as she said to herself [Seems like my life in the future would not be that easy with this two.]