
"I should leave this place already. Too many bad things happens." Jay said as he resigned to his fate. He planned to leave Murkwood Passage since it was the main cause of the 'roller coaster' of emotions he felt ever since he got reincarnated. Just as he was about to run off...

[Chicken Hat is now bound to player]

[Unknown Feathered Armor is now bound to player]

[Bird Claws is now bound to player]

[Winged Arms is now bound to player]

[Chicken's Pendant is now bound to player]

[Summoning Chicken Companion...]

"WHAT. THE. F***. IS. WRONG. WITH. THIS. GAME???" Jay angrily shouted as he looked at a small golden chick in front of him


[Nuggets - Permanent Companion]

Health: 1/1

Level 0: 0/100 EXP

Description: Nuggets has the ancient bloodline of a mythical beast. But for now, he is in your care.


{Passive Skill: Chicken Hearted - Grants 500% movement speed when running away}

*Permanent Companions have shared EXP with player. Player gains 2x EXP for every EXP points companion receives. Player's EXP is reduced by 20% if companion dies.


While Jay was shouting and venting his frustration, the chicken, Nuggets, got scared of him and ran away. "Hey! Where the hell are you going! No! My EXP!!!" Jay's frustration grew when he saw Nuggets run away since Nuggets only had 1 point in Health and can easily die just from something throwing a rock at it. And if that happens, Jay will have to say goodbye to 20% of his precious EXP.

"Screw it! That chicken's too fast. I guess I have to wear the Chicken Armor set to make him go back..." Jay then equipped the Chicken Armor set.

[Jay equipped Chicken Hat]

[Jay equipped Unknown Feathered Armor]

[Jay equipped Bird Claws]

[Jay equipped Winged Arms]

[Jay equipped Chicken's Pendant]

Somewhere near Jay...

???: "Hey! All of you hurry up! The shouting noises are coming from this direction."


Explosion Explosion: "I'm sorry Jay. But you just decided to betray us."

Bob the Adventurer: "Huuuuhhh??? What was that Explosion kid? Want me to kill you first?"

Crimson Lotus: "Chill the f*** out Bob or I'll kill you first!"

Deathly Finger: "Enough!!!"

???: "Hey, something's coming. Rangers in position. Warriors, follow me."

All of these players from Meteora Alliance was preparing for action, but the moment they saw what was heading towards them, they were dumbfounded.

Bawk Bawk!!!

"Come here you little piece of s***! I'm your daddy, why are you running! I'm sorry my son, please come back to daddy. (Good thing there aren't any players right now, this is very, very embarrassing)" Bawk Bawk!!!

"Please JUST GET OVER HERE!!! If you don't I will turn you into real CHICKEN NUGGET!"

Bawk Bawk!!!

While all of that was happening and Jay kept saying this things, he did not know that there were around 100 players watching him. Some even took pictures and video recordings. And all of them had one thought: "... What in the hell did we just see?" While everyone was stunned at the 'glorious sight' of two chickens chasing after one another, Bob broke the silence and said "WHO THE HELL CARES ABOUT SOME CHICKENS! I WANT TO KILL THAT KID NOW!!!"