What Is A Chicken Doing Here?

After a few minutes...

Bawk Bawk!!!

"Finally caught you, you little bastard." Jay grinned like some kind of demon as he looked at the pitiful golden chicken. "I guess I need to carry this guy around until I find a rope to tie its legs." Jay thought inwardly.

Bawk Bawk Bawk!!!

Somewhere on Murkwood Passage...

Crimson Lotus: "Stop wasting everyone's time Bob. We have been searching for hours and still haven't seen that kid. He might have gone to the nearby town already"

Bob the Adventurer: "Are you high right now? We do not even know how to exit this place and you think some random kid can? Aaaaaaaaghhhhhh!!!!" Bob was just so frustrated that even with the guild sending over 100 players, they still could not find Jay. "Fine. Everyone, let's focus on leaving this place first. That kid better hope that I do not see him again." Just as Bob said this...

???: "Hey dude, what do you think is a chicken doing in a special area?"

???: "Do you think it activates a hidden quest?"

???: "We will only know if we catch it. But if I remember clearly, that chicken seems to be chasing another chicken. It just looks like a random funny bug in the game."

???: "I'm hungry, let's hunt for them and eat. Hey, any Chef around here?"

???: "Yo! Over here! Go hunt for those chickens and I'll start preparing my ingredients."

Bob the Adventurer: "THEN GO CHICKEN HUNTING YOU USELESS F***ING... Aaaaghhhh..." Bob was already 'red as a tomato' since he was so angry at Jay, his team, and some random chickens that is now the focus of the team. But he kind of liked the fact that a Chef will cook the chickens for them so his tummy started growling...

Deathly Finger: "Ahahahahah! Oi! Hurry up and find those chickens or Bob might start eating us."

While this group of players were talking to each other, they did not know that the 'chickens' that they were looking for was nearby and heard the whole conversation.

"... I am starting to hate chickens right now." Jay said softly as he was trying to avoid to attract any attention since these players wants to 'cook' him together with his useless companion. Just as he was looking around to make sure no one is following their tracks...

Bawk Bawk...

"SSSHHHHH!!!" Jay hushed Nuggets and grabbed its beak and forced it close to shut its mouth

[Nuggets received 1 point of damage due to suffocation]

[Nuggets died]

[Player's EXP deducted by 100,000,000]

[Player's level went down to 21 (Level 21 - 1,250,000,000/1,350,000,000 EXP)]

[Companion reviving in : 5 minutes]

"!@#$%^& GOLDEN PIECE OF S***" Jay accidentally shouted very loud the moment he saw the system's notifications... And of course, everyone of the players responsible for hunting the 'chicken' heard his shout. "Garvey, I found the chicken. Everyone, on my position. Hurry up."

[??? used Quickshot]

QUICKSHOT - Increase bow draw speed by 300% for 2 shots; Cooldown - 2 minutes; Class requirement (Ranger)

"Please spare me! I'm not a chicken." Jay said as he ran for his life. But before he managed to run at full speed, a random arrow hit him in a 'special place' between his legs.

[Jay received 9,999 points of damage due to getting hit in a vital spot]

[Jay died.]

[Resetting level... Unknown Error...]

[Jay is now Level 1]