
After Jay finished the two giant skeleton warriors, he then went back to the small hill where the mausoleum was located and saw that everyone was still doing pretty well.

He then shouted "Guys, leave the place for now. After I enter the mausoleum, just wait for the boss to show up. Wait for further instructions afterwards."

Everyone followed Jay's instructions while Jay run past the undead monsters and entered the mausoleum.


Inside the mausoleum...

"Kukukuku... An idiot stumbled upon my house. He will be a very fine specimen for me to use..."

A ghastly and creepy voice said the moment Jay entered the mausoleum.

Jay then shouted "Gorovin, come out! A failure like you does not deserve learning the Dark Arts!"

Then a sinister aura filled the mausoleum...

"YOU DARE QUESTION MY WORK? HOW DARE YOU!!!" An old, hunchbacked and skinny man whose eyes were replaced by a green flame then appeared in front of Jay.

When Jay confirmed that it is indeed Gorovin, he taunted him even further "Remember your wife and daughter resting on the graves outside? I pissed on their graves after I killed them the second time!"

"YOU PIECE OF !@#$% AHHHHHH!!!!" Gorovin became so pissed after that last remark from Jay.

"Time to run! But, I want to try one more taunt... this is so fun..." Jay thought to himself as he said "I may be a piece of !@#$% but how's your lover's pieces doing in Fellis' stomach?"

After Jay's last taunt, the mausoleum suddenly started to fall apart due to the concentration of the sinister aura coming from Gorovin.



Outside the mausoleum...

"Hey! It's collapsing! Jack!!!" Everyone started to worry as they saw what happened. But just as they were getting worried, they suddenly heard Jay "Everyone RUN!!!"

They did not want to question Jay why but they ran as fast as they can since Jay told them so.

"Damn... I should not have said that last taunt..." Jay thought in his mind as he saw Gorovin, or more precisely, Gorovin in his Lich form, chase after him.

"Crap! If I remember correctly, he should have only entered the Lich form after his health dropped to 30%. Wait... If I make him chase after us until we reach Fellis..." Jay then formed a plan in his head.

"Guys, follow me!" Jay then increased his pace and started leading everyone, including Gorovin, to the lake where Fellis resides.

"Gorovin, I once took a crap on your brother's grave!" Jay taunted it once more to make sure it will follow them.



Meanwhile, the people from Meteora Alliance decided to pack up camp.

"Everyone! I will be near the Treant waiting for you. Make sure not to waste your time killing monsters anymore." Garvey said since he had a plan in order to get out of this place.

"I just hope that I can open up a way for everyone to leave. Sorry guild master, but this might be the place where I part ways with the guild." Garvey said to himself as everyone moved out.


Somewhere in Murkwood Passage

"Gorovin, come here darling! Your sister wants to play with you!" Jay said while using a skull he randomly picked up as some kind of hand puppet.


"Oi! Jack! Are you out of your mind?! What are you doing anyways? Won't it follow us to the ends of the earth if you keep taunting it like this?" Roselia asked since the moment Jay caught up to them, he kept on taunting the Lich chasing after them.

"Don't worry. We have one final trump card to deal with this guy. Just make sure you do not fall behind since if you get to close to it, it will start casting spells."

When everyone heard Jay saying that there is a chance that Gorovin will cast spells at them, they got nervous and decided to just run as fast as they can.

"Okay, we are near our destination." Jay said to everyone then taunted Gorovin one last time.

"Gorovin. Do you know the reason of your parent's death? It's because I led Frallia to their house to kill them!"


For some reason, the Lich's response changed and started crying in agony.

"Huh?" Everyone was surprised at the Lich's reaction. Just as when they thought it will start chasing after them again, the Lich transformed back into an old man and started casting spells randomly.

"S***! Guys, dodge!" Jay shouted when he saw that Gorovin was starting to act strange.

But for some reason, Gorovin never even managed to hit them once with a spell. He then knelt on the ground and grabbed the grayish soil in his hands and started crying.

"Noooo!!! Father, Mother... Aaaahhh!!!" Gorovin then started chanting a weird spell.

Just as everyone was going to run as far as they can, the flames in Gorovin's eyes vanished and he died.

"Huh? What the hell?" Jay questioned himself since this never happened before because Gorovin usually died due to players killing him and not from suicide.

"Better make sure..." Jay then fired his flintlock pistol at Gorovin's body.

But after 3 shots, he confirmed that Gorovin is indeed dead.

Then Nuggets suddenly spoke to Jay "Congratulations! You managed to kill a boss by only using your mouth."

But to others, Nuggets only made a chicken sound.

Bawk Bawk!!!

When Jay heard Nuggets' remark, he did not know whether to laugh or cry since he felt kind of bad saying all of those things from before when he saw Gorovin's final moments. Crying while grasping the soil in his arms...

Just as everyone was shocked at what was happening, Jay received a notification.

[Jay successfully killed an NPC using words...]

[Sage's Wisdom+ unlocked

- Allows you to impart knowledge more easily unto others.]

[{Passive Skill: Toxic} unlocked

- You need help. You are too 'toxic' when speaking to others. (Skill allows you to kill by only using words.)]

[{Passive Skill: Slander} unlocked

- You can easily blame others for your wrongdoings. (Skill allows you to slander anyone. Has 20% chance of not working)]

"What the f***? It's not my fault okay... I just wanted to taunt him out of the mausoleum..." Jay told himself as he looked at the notifications...

While he was thinking as such, Roasted Boar and the rest tried looking for loot on Gorovin's body.

After a few seconds, they almost jumped out of excitement when they saw the loot.

"Jack! Take a look at this!!! Amazing!!!"