Loot and Sacrifice

When Jay was done thinking about stuff after he saw the notifications, he then went over to the others to see what they were so excited about.

Then he suddenly remembered "Oh yeah! After Gorovin is killed, he has a chance to drop a Platinum ranked equipment. And if I remember correctly, the item will either be a staff or a dagger."

But the moment Jay saw the loot everyone was looking at that caused their excitement, he also cannot help but feel excited too.

"Hahaha!!! Finally! My luck is not so bad anymore!" Jay excitedly said as he looked at a black-colored staff that had a red, flower-shaped magicka crystal on top of it that had a set of intricate designs on each petal. He also saw a dagger that had a black colored handle and its blade was oddly shaped which looked like a flame.


[Deathblossom (Platinum/Rare)

- A unique staff that once belonged to the great necromancer, Gorovin

- Damage Rating: 200 + Spell Damage

- {Passive Skill: Doom Petals - After casting 5 spells using the staff, allows player to instantly cast any spell below 5th Tier}

- {Passive Skill: Magicka Fountain - Quickens magicka flow when casting spells. (Reduce spellcasting time by 50%)}]


[Harrowfang (Platinum/Rare)

- A unique dagger that was once used by the great necromancer, Gorovin

- Damage Rating: 500

- {Passive Skill: Horrific Strikes - 50% chance to cause Fear when used to attack.}

- {Active Skill: Harrowing Strike - If used on targets with health below 5%, it will instantly kill the target. Can only be used on Feared targets.}]


"Hey! Jack! What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Roasted Boar asked since Jay started crying a few seconds after he saw the weapons.

"No reason... I just feel very happy." Jay said as he picked up the weapons.

"Okay, I have a suggestion on how we are going to decide ownership of these weapons. We are going to have an auction. But, instead of using coins as payment, we will use items like potions or magicka stones. What do you guys think about this?" Jay asked everyone.

"No objections here boss!" Hot Buns happily replied.

The rest of them also agreed. The moment the auction started, Roasted Boar immediately made his bid.

"5 magicka stones!"

He then showed Jay the magicka stones. What was surprising about it was that the stones varied in size.

When the others saw what Roasted Boar set as his bid, they immediately gave up.

Then after that, Bloody Harvest started bidding for Harrowfang.

"5 Skill Books for that dagger!"

At first, Jay was tempted to accept Bloody Harvest's offer, but just as he thought no one else will bid, Yale, the ranger shouted.

"5 Skill Books and 100 Repair Discount Coupons!"

Jay became more excited when he heard Yale's offer since a Repair Discount Coupon can save him a lot of money when asking for repairs. But then, Roselia, the Demon Hunter, made her bid.

"I will give you this stone tablet! And also this weird stone I have!"

When Jay looked at what Roselia was bidding, he did not know how it was possible for a player to be just so lucky...

"Too bad she does not know the use of these two items. She will probably cry a lot in the future if she knew she handed over a 'Skill Enhancing Stone Tablet' and a Magicka Crystal for a single Platinum ranked dagger..."

In the end, Roasted Boar got Deathblossom after handing over five magicka stones of varying sizes to Jay. As for Harrowfang, Roselia was the one who got it after she handed over the weird stone tablet and a magicka crystal to Jay.

"Woah! How the hell did they even get this items? My 'other self' just looks like he has an endless supply of these magicka stones. As for Roselia, I do not know what kind of luck she has. First, she got the special class of Demon Hunter, and now she has this stone tablet and a magicka crystal with her..."


[Unknown Stone Tablet (Rare)

- No one knows what this is. It is just probably a stone that a mage used to practice his spells.]


[Magicka Crystal (Rare)

- Can be used in creating items that require Magicka. Item can be activated.

- If item is activated, increase affinity to Very High with any type of spell desired.]


"Okay, are you guys tired? Or should we continue hunting some undead monsters?" Jay asked the group after the auction that happened.

"Let's continue! I want to try using this staff of mine. Hehehe... I wonder how strong this baby is..." Roasted Boar said as he almost tried hugging the staff.

Jay then remembered something "Oh yeah... they cannot use the 'Observation' function anymore due to the removal of the system..."

They then proceeded and started hunting more undead monsters.


Lake of Frallia, the place where Fellis, the great Treant resides...

"Garvey! Dude! What happened to you guys? How did suddenly became our guild master?" A random player from Meteora Alliance asked as he and a large group of players approached Garvey who was waiting for them.

"Long story. But now, to the matter at hand..." Garvey then dived into the lake and swam towards Fellis at the center area of the lake.

When his guild members saw him doing this, they immediately panicked. Crimson Lotus then shouted "Garvey! What are you doing?! Stop!?"

While everyone of them tried to warn Garvey, after a few seconds, Garvey reached Fellis' roots. He then got out of the water and knelt down in front of the Treant.

"Oh great and benevolent...Treant. Please help us find a way out of this place. Our numbers keep decreasing by the day, if this continues, I do not know how long it would take before everyone else dies. Please, I beg of you. Help us!"

But Fellis did not even bat an eye to Garvey. So everyone just waited for hours, while Garvey kept begging and started shedding tears.

Just as they were about to give up hope, Fellis suddenly spoke.

"Child, what is your name?"

When Garvey heard Fellis, he replied in full honesty.

"Great Treant, my name is Garvey Graves."

After Garvey replied, he noticed that his body was slowly vanishing.

When everyone saw this, they immediately started shouting frantically. "Garvey!!! No!!!"

Then Garvey turned into a ball of Nature Energy. But just as everyone was feeling even more despair, Fellis spoke to them. "Follow your friend into the forests and you will find a way."

They all then noticed that the ball of Nature Energy started flowing towards a direction so they did as the Treant told them and followed it.


Somewhere else in Murkwood Passage...

"Hey Jack! Is it just me or the undead monsters are becoming more scarce?" Roasted Boar asked since they have been killing undead monsters non stop for around 4 hours already and he noticed that the undead monsters are getting fewer and fewer even if they spawn in the same spot.

Just as Jay was going to reply, they suddenly heard a voice speaking to them. As for Jay, he knew that it was Fellis based on his previous encounters with the Treant.

"Thank you for cleansing my home from these abominations. But, the Demonic Abomination is still within my home, hiding and lurking in the shadows. Please get rid of him for me."

Everyone was shocked when they heard Fellis. As for Jay, he was even more shocked.

"Strange! We haven't even killed half of the required number of undead monsters... Did something happen?" Jay thought to himself.