The Birth of a Hero (2)

Support my main contracted novel and winner of Writing Prompts #26 - The Legendary Mage!

Desolate Mage: A Legend Reborn!!

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There had been many geniuses throughout the history of Urth; each of them known by a title related to their unique distinguishing specialties. All of these geniuses and heroes had one thing in common - their innate talents set them head and shoulders above even the most gifted rivals of their time; allowing them to become a legends of their own eras.

Gilgamesh of many blades - whose talent allowed him to grant an independent persona to one weapon for every level he had achieved. Kairos of the sands - whatever non-living thing he touched would turn to sand; which would then obey his every whim and fancy.

But there was one more thing these heroes had in common - their inborn talents could grow with their level. And Reeve was the same.

Sword of Truth had initially manifested as Sword Materialisation. However, amidst the celebrations of Reeve's 12th birthday, he had advanced to level 2 - and his talent was unearthed to be a growth-type talent; advancing with him to become "Sword of Energy"; a blade made of highly condensed mana.

And barely a month ago, Reeve grew to level 3; catalysing his talent to metamorphose into the highest grades even among growth-type talents - one in which a natural law was fused.

Sword of Truth.

The Sword of Truth dispelled illusions. But not only that, it also removed all debuffs from the wielder, buffs from opponents and granted Reeve immunity to every negative mental effect. From the experiments, even effects from a person up to 1 level higher would be dispelled completely; and weakened if the opponent were 2 or more levels higher - proportionate to the level difference.

The supplementary effects were not effective against Sam, but the blade was sharp and Reeve's skills were fierce.

Reeve channeled mana into his body as he burst forward with speed now equalling Sam's - her initial advantage in physical abilities erased by his use of mana reinforcement.

Sam could only helplessly dodge as Reeve's effective range was greatly increased. And all her tricks or beast-like moves were rendered ineffective - Reeve was adept in his mastery of the sword and continuously pressured her back.

After swaying away and dodging Reeve's controlled horizontal slash; Sam had to quickly duck as he then launched a diagonal backhand cut. Then she scrambled in reverse; barely avoid the returning downwards chop.

The combatants came to a short stop; but as the clouds of dust kicked up began to settle; Sam suddenly realised too late that she was already at the edge of the arena; without any further room to manoeuvre. Her heart raced - backed against the proverbial wall, she had nowhere left to dodge.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows with the arrival of dusk; the students who should have long departed for their homes were enthralled by the conflict of the two indomitable warriors.

And as the sky began to grow dark; Sam knew she was left with only 1 choice - to duke it out with Reeve.

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Initially his wild, unstructured movements bewildered me; invalidating my clear advantage in experience, technique and combat multiplier. I was stupefied - this slim looking boy who was clearly untrained had left a wound on my face; without even using mana or divine reinforcement!

I was enraged, and it had nothing to do with my pounding heart or the warmth I felt in my cheeks - it must be the shame of me having to use mana reinforcement first just to keep up.

But now I was confident; maybe his mana reinforcement was still weak - but whatever the case, I was now in control of the spar and could re-establish my superiority in this small town.

Having backed him into the corner, I smiled.

"Had enough of dodging...?" I spoke softly, so as to ensure the others wouldn't hear me taunting him. "Oh! I forgot! There's nowhere left for you to run, is there...?" I smirked, intending to goad him into the first move. I was disappointed as he just stood there without any reaction.

I tensed up and prepared to end this detestable spar, raising my sword's tip slightly off the ground at a diagonal angle, when he held a hand up and beckoned at me, saying, "Show me."

I was angry.

But I kept my cool - I wouldn't fall for such an obvious trick. I carefully slid my feet to close the 1/2 distance between us; placing him just in range of my sword. I was surprised to see him still not react - so I released a quick and light slash at his waist.

He swayed back to dodge without moving his feet; so as to stay in the ring. Before he could close the gap for a counter attack, I followed-up with a horizontal slash. This time, I felt my sword graze him; as he could only tuck in his stomach to avoid.

I backed off; my confidence brimming - I could read him! His moves could not elude me anymore!

We both caught our breath as we faced off once again. He shifted his position slightly every now and then, as if to probe me for weaknesses - but it was futile; even if he were a journeyman warrior, he would not be able to find any gaps in my offence or defence.

Then my ears perked up as I heard a student ask a question that left a sour taste in my mouth.

"Teacher, isn't the fight getting... Dangerous?" It was Stella, probably worried for her new prince charming. I frowned in rage at the bitch interrupting this exciting... This disgusting battle.

"No, no. You don't need to worry; I have this all under control." Professor smiled reassuringly.

My brows eased and I smiled, and I saw Samuel smile too. Was he a masochist who looked forward to defeat...? No matter.

I aimed a sudden one-handed slash at his neck; he responded by ducking just enough so that my blade brushed the hairs on top of his head. I kept my distance to avoid any counter-attacks and didn't give him any space to recover as I swung and swung and swung my sword in nonstop attacks; slowly covering Samuel in uncountable nicks and cuts. Despite none of them being deep wounds, I knew it was just a matter of time before I finished this spar.

As he once more tucked in his stomach to avoid the sweep of my sword; I recognised my chance - I unsummoned my sword to dissipate the inertia of the swing; and lunged forward in a thrust with my empty fist while resummoning my blade. Seeing the shock in his face at the surprise move; I smiled in triumph.

I heard the other students cry out as they saw me make the deciding move; perhaps in awe, shock or fear that I would leave Samuel incapacitated. I cared not. It would just be shrugged off as a training accident.

But like an illusion right before my eyes; Samuel suddenly took a right step forward, turning his body sideways to me; then smoothly turned counter-clockwise; his left foot stepping forward.

He had avoided my thrust and stepped behind me in an instant with his lightning fast footwork. It felt like I had eaten a mouthful of dirt - he had lulled me into a false sense of confidence with his pretense of being untrained; only to reveal a hidden dagger at just the right moment.

I had been made a fool of; and my anger which had long faded was renewed. I felt indignant; and promise or not, I could not bear to hold back my skills any longer.

As I strained to move my body out of the thrust stance, I turned my neck and saw Samuel out of the corner of my eye; ramping up his momentum to start a spinning backfist.

I channelled my mana and triggered a defensive skill - Heavenly Bulwark I, forming a solid mana barrier for 3 seconds.

I could see the surprise on his face as his fist hit the back of my head - and rebounded without any impact to me. Before he could recover from the rebounding force, I slammed my shoulder into the left side of his torso.

I was shocked as it felt like I had run into a stone wall - Samuel merely slid back a half inch from my charge, and if not for my skill keeping me from damage, I knew that I would have been the one worse off from the impact.

I thanked the gods that Bulwark still had another 2 seconds of protection as I was now in close contact and full of openings.

With my weapon ineffective at close quarters, I unsummoned my sword and activated another two skills; Haste and Bull's Strength. The sudden doubling of my speed and strength caught him off guard; as he struggled to twist away but couldn't avoid the punches, kicks and elbow & knee strikes I rained down on him.

Despite his abnormally sturdy and heavy physique, I could feel my strikes landing solidly and I could feel his evasion getting slower while his wounds widened.

(Only 4 seconds more of my buffs...) I needed to finish this fast.

Ducking under Samuel's desperate counter-hook, I knocked him up 3 metres with a double-fisted uppercut; then channel my mana to resummon my sword to launch the finisher.

Sword Art: Helix Cut. 3 spins and slashes at breakneck speed, each rising higher up.

In mid-stance, I froze. I suddenly felt like I was mired in a swamp; wrapped around by thick vines pulling me under. My heart felt like it was grasped by the claws of a dragon, and I couldn't breathe.

Samuel had recovered his stance mid-air - and when I met his eyes, my vision went dim as a ferocious killing intent flooded me with panic. Samuel's demeanour changed mid-air, as he turned to face me - from a gentle and friendly smile to the visage of a vengeful god of war.

He seemed to tower over me, as if he were an ancient behemoth about to crush me in one fell swoop.

And then the feeling dissipated. Covered in cold sweat, when I realised that Samuel had landed and was standing right in front of me; I hastily backpedaled to get out of range.

What had just happened? How... Why didn't he attack while I was stunned?

I could see hesitation and doubt painted on his face as Samuel stood there, unmoving.