Goodbye (1)

Support my main contracted novel and winner of Writing Prompts #26 - The Legendary Mage!

Desolate Mage: A Legend Reborn!!

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"What would you do if, one day at school, at work or at home; a monster appeared?"

Without hesitation, she answered. "Smash it to a pulp!"

"What if it's stronger than you...?"

Blinking once, she paused a tick then answered, "Run away...?"

"Then, what would happen to your friends...?"

"They'll get hurt...?" At this, she was forced to think, something uncommon for her. Her friends... Lily, Reeve, Shanzi, Gandharva #1 - #4, Stefan, Uncle Dhar-dhar... She thought about how she'd feel if they were hurt; and replied.

"I'll protect them." She clenched her fists tightly, displaying her child-like determination. "I'll keep them from being hurt!"

"But the monster is stronger than you right...?"

Sam didn't know how to answer, so she picked up an egg and bit it, chewing.

(I'll... Die...?)

In the end, Lucius didn't get to hear her answer. It was breakfast; which 9 year old thinks about these kinds of things over breakfast?

* * * * *

(Why am I remembering this kind of story now...?)

Her eyes were slightly red around the corners when she remembered her breakfast table-talk with her grandpa. If she knew she would be in this kind of situation just after her birthday, she would have asked for a much better birthday present... Like a horse or something big. They looked pretty tasty with plenty of meat...

Sam stood between her friend Reeve and the black, armoured insect-humanoid; the small cuts all over her body and the shocking gaping wound on her bloodstained back enough to fell even a battle-hardened warrior.

She was uneasy, apprehensive... From what she had seen, she could match the creature head-on in terms of speed and strength. But she had no solution to its regeneration; and bare fists wouldn't work well against the thick, hard armour; and she felt a sense of repulsion and disgust when she looked at the thing - as if it were something anathema to her.

She had been waiting for the teacher to come, nervous about Reeve but trusting that he would be strong enough to win. Then when the creature survived his trump card, Sam had moved before she could think. When she realised what she had done, she was already here; covering Reeve.

Valiant though she was; Sam was still just a 10 year old girl without many experiences in life. And definitely not any life and death experiences. She began to cry, and anxiously wiped the tears away so that they wouldn't blur her vision.

(Grandpa... Uncle Dhar-dhar... Stefan... I wish you were here...)

She touched her hair ornament, remembering her friends and playmates.

Despite her tears, her face was resolute - today, she would not run.

* * * * *

(This boy's physique is excellent...! His core stats must have a very high cap. And from his records, he's just level 1... I can't imagine how strong he'd be if he were level 3 like the other boy. It's too bad he has no future with his low level and no talent for mana or the divine...)

Nadal relaxed as he realised that Sam couldn't hear or see him. Not that he was scared, he was just surprised. Perhaps at most she could sense danger and was vigilant towards the unknown and unseen source. Which was fitting.

Nadal was impressed with the two boys. Geniuses were known to level-skip based on their innate talents and high combat multiplier. And for a level 3 to defeat a level 6 nightmare stalker was phenomenal.

If Nadal's stalkers weren't enhanced with a roughly 20% boost, the young hero's use of his Minor Heroic Feat: Time would have been enough.

Nadal smiled, a smile that would raise the hairs on the back of one's neck; that was somewhere between the smile of a skeleton and a hyena. It was just too bad for the boy that his nightmare stalker's enhancement gave them the skill of regenerating 2 times a day.

As for the other boy... Nadal no longer cared.

If he wasn't even level 2 by 15 years of age, he would never reach expert-level no matter how strong, fast or talented he was.

A purple-grey portal formed behind Nadal, revealing a picturesque island with crystal clear waters and white sands.

(Kill them both). He instructed his minion and left quickly, before the two monstrous guests of the Principal could arrive.

* * * * *

Sam had remained alert, waiting for the stalker to move. As it remained motionless, she sneaked a few glances behind her to check on Reeve's condition. The forced concentration was draining her rapidly, she was reaching the limits of her stamina.

(He needs treatment...)

Sam's eyebrows perked up as the mist and dust began to clear, a sign of clear change. As she was in the midst of rejoicing that the teachers had arrived, the mist cleared for her to see the many children asleep on the ground. At first she thought they were dead - she was relieved when she could see their chests rising and falling rhythmically. The teachers were nowhere to be seen, likely having left long ago as night fell.

Her heart clenched - the academy was slightly outside the town, and the training grounds at the far end of the academy. Would anyone even notice them here...?

Then she dismissed those thoughts as the stalker moved.

Where before the creature attacked with purpose and human-like movements, it was now mindlessly charging over, soon moving in a loping 4 legged gait.

Faced with the monsters charge, she took a stance and prepared to execute her amalgamation of her natural instincts and eastern footwork, ready to dodge and then burst forth with maximum power.

To her shock, the creature did not stop or lash out at her once it was in range - it ran into her attack and was stopped in its tracks - as if it ignored her existence!

She almost forgot to continue moving after her palm strike connected cleanly on its waist, pushing its centre of gravity and forcing it backwards. The monster screeched in frustration but doggedly continued pursuing its singular target, despite the cracks and dent on its armour. It rushed onwards to maul the unconscious boy.

Head spinning at the abrupt change of the situation, Sam could only throw herself forward in an attempt to keep the creature away from Reeve.

She rammed the monster with her shoulder, causing a solid thud and making it stumble back.

Maddened, the stalker leaped right over her, soaring up into the air and threatening to crush Reeve!

Sam's hairs stood on end - she couldn't move Reeve for fear of worsening his condition. Her mind raced as fast as it could, but came up with a blank. Left with only the option of brute force; she roared as every muscle in her body suddenly expanded by 20%, then contracted to exert more strength. Her muscles began to bulge incongruent to her slim frame, showing arms and legs as thick as a blacksmith's would be. Then like a spring, her leg muscles compressed, then burst forth in a level of power she didn't know she had - shooting her through the air to crash into the stalker!

Her weight of nearly double a grown man's was enough to throw both her and the creature away from Reeve and out of the circular arena.

The two opponents landed within 2 metres of each other. The aftermath of the high-impact clash could be seen in the stalkers left arm that was disabled and hanging uselessly - but wriggling as it regenerated.

Sam was no better off. She landed on her hands and knees, her every muscle protesting in pain and fatigue. Her wounds were widened, especially her shoulders which were bruised, bloody and scalded from acidic blood. The only thing keeping her from keeling over was willpower and a soothing warmth that she could feel in her every cell. It could be her imagination, but she could see a faint golden light surrounding her body, repleneshing her energy...

Unable to ignore her anymore, the stalker released a high-pitch cry as they landed. It slammed its claw down at her while she was still on the ground.

Sam hastily rolled away, not bothering to counter attack unless she could land a blow strong enough to break through its armour. She rolled again in the other direction, before pouncing backwards with all fours, as it clawed at her with its recovered left arm.

Sam would have cursed if she knew how to. It seemed to barely slow down after its regeneration... And the chitinous armour was terribly hard to pierce...

Then Sam had an idea.

The monster roared, and she roared in returned as she gracefully flowed around to the creatures back and struck its right elbow with a palm slap - one that looked pathetically light.

The creature appeared unfazed at the apparently ineffective blow, turning to chomp at Sam - when its arm ruptured with repulsive black fluid frothing forth.