
Support my main contracted novel and winner of Writing Prompts #26 - The Legendary Mage!

Desolate Mage: A Legend Reborn!!

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[23 August; 4:12 AM]

Caitlyn woke with a start.

It was still the wee hours of night; but she could feel tremors in the ground and the faint, far-away sounds of conflict - coming from the direction of the Queen's palace.

She darted out of bed, running over to the window and peering out – from the position of her room on the 4th floor, she could just about see the palace grounds over the treetops.

The sky was lit up - a sign of flames and magic spells both offensive and defensive.

"Snow! Sebastian! Romilda!" She yelled in urgency as she flung her room door open and hurried out to the hallway - just in time to see Sebastian about to knock on his mistress' door.

Caitlyn's heart skipped a beat, her eyes landing on his side profile. His muscular shoulders and impeccable hair. (Did he even sleep? How can he still look so neat and yet… So manly…)

"Caitlyn." He acknowledged her presence with a glance and a nod as he knocked on Romilda's door; he was cordial without seeming cold. "It seems trouble is brewing." He spoke after turning back to the princess' door – his detached attitude at odds with his words.

As they waited at the door (hearing the sounds of a girl frantically getting dressed); the middle-aged woman blushed a little; glad that the darkness could hide her embarrassment – she knew that she shouldn't feel this way; but… Why did he have to be so gentlemanly; and so courteous in everything he did…?

They had grown to know each other better during the journey, despite having to be succinct and guarded due to the presence of Sir Jacques and his escort. At first Caitlyn had the pre-conception that the man would be ruthless, cruel and self-serving – just like the rest of his sect.

However she began to realised that, despite the older man's cold appearance, he was caring, gentle and paid great attention to details – even those he had no need to care for.

Such as ensuring to prepare warm water not just for his mistress' bath; but for her as well (ignoring the Principal). Or how he cooked every night; and noticed what she preferred to eat and what she didn't like; and adjusted his cooking to suit her tastes – all without a word spoken about her preferences!

(It's not my fault… I'm just, grateful and admiring him you know…) She consoled and spoke to herself, then sighed. Her eyes perked up as the sleepy Romilda opened her door; still rubbing her eyes, her beautiful golden hair in disarray.

"Sebastian…?" Then she blinked to clear her eyes and widened them when she saw their whole group gathered. "Wh-what's… What's…" She let her sentence trail off as she looked to her focused elders for explanation.

"We still have time to leave." Principal Snow bounded up the staircase from his room on the lower floor; smiling as per usual. But unlike usual, he had a serious look in his eyes.

"I'm about 80% recovered; I can hold back the Paladin while you escape first. Paladin's were never any good at pursuit anyway—"

"No; even if things look dire here, it'll be even worse if we abscond. We'll drag our countries into it and escalate things even further." Caitlyn spoke analytically; but was unable to hide the urgency and worry in her voice. She drew in a quick but deep breath then sighed. "We can't afford any inter-nation conflict at a time like this; when we face a great external threat."

"But…" Romilda voiced out her views, gingerly interrupting them. She continued only when she saw that they were willing to hear her out. "But; why do we have to leave? We don't even know what's happening – maybe i-it has nothing to do with…" She trailed off again when she saw their disagreeable expressions.

"Your highness." Sebastian bowed his head slightly as he spoke. "I mean no disrespect; but you are yet young – and naïve to the ways and schemes of this world." He glanced at Caitlyn; drawing a blush and cough from the woman; then to Snow.

"Would not the best targets for, ahem, setting up as the villains be a group of suspicious foreigners…?" He spoke impassively as he lectured her expressionlessly. "Especially…" He glanced at Snow again. "A group with an ex-Militant faction leader, and a preposterous story."

While Romilda was still digesting his words, Caitlyn continued. "At this point, we won't know whether we will be made a decoy; or whether it is the Queen who seeks to disparage us." Then he clenched her fist tightly; raising her voice passionately. "But what choice do we have? Each of us is living not only for ourselves; but for a master; and a cause bigger than ourselves!"

Snow laughed; a terse "Hah hah!" Then spoke. "Young lady; before talking about causes – let's talk about surviving." He clicked his tongue then. "Tch… Once you enter a Gallian prison…"

His eyes darkened; his visage twisted with rage as he recalled a broken past. "…You'll never see the light of day again."

The group were quiet for a moment; Romilda glanced at the clock on the wall – 4:18 AM. More than 5 minutes had passed since the beginning of their discussion.

"So… Are we leaving? Or staying?" She asked, stumped and growing impatient.

"Let's run – I know a way—"

"No! Regardless of the consequences we should stay and not pull our nations into this!"

"Young lady; you—" The bald man raised his voice in response, face turning red.

"Don't you young lady me, you cowardly deserter!" Caitlyn angrily shouted at the man; snapping under the pressure of false accusations and the time limit placed on them to make the decision.

Then Caitlyn gasped, raising a hand to her mouth - realising that she had crossed the line with her words.

"S-Snow, I-I'm sorry; I didn't mean…" But Snow merely blinked and cast his gaze away from her; face a mask of apathy.

Just then, Sebastian coughed. "Ladies; Sir General. We have company."

On the front-yard, they saw two heavily armoured men approach – at least one of them at the semi-divine level.

They tensed up; one preparing for the coming conflict and the others ready for the coming accusations.

* * * * *

[23 August 4:39 AM]

The sounds of marching of a squadron of armed soldiers; their levels scattered around the threshold of the Outstanding[1] tier.

"Halt!" The voice of their captain, a level 15 Expert[1].

"Present, arms!" The squad of 30 soldiers, shortswords sheathed at their waists and round shields strapped to their backs, stood at attention and performed a military salute.

The carriage door opened, welcoming Duchess Corrine. She paused to nod at Paladin Roland expressionless before taking the last step down.

It could not be seen; but Corrine was simmering with rage - only; she placed duty, decorum and procedures above her own emotions.

Paladin Roland had his sword out and at the ready; though as a show of manners, he did not point it at any of the group of the four.

"Men!" She called out sharply; her voice trembling slightly as she held in her wrath.

"Bind and transport our guests in the prison car! Show no mercy if they resist!" She was referring to the rune-reinforced metal car behind her carriage; pulled not by horses but powered by two Grandmaster mages guarded by two World Class[1] knights.

And so, despite having the capability to resist or at least escape; the group of four - Romilda, Caitlyn, Sebastian and Principal Snow - complied; taken to the prisons of Paris.

They stood accused of undertaking regicide - of an attempt on Queen Elisabeth's life in the night just past.

The evidence: cultivation charms and signs of eastern Qi; reported by trusted eyewitnesses - the Queen herself and her closest aide, Vivian.

They were troubled; but unable to break out without sparking a major conflict - one that Paris and their own countries could barely afford in view of the demonic threat looming over the continent.

Romilda chewed her lips in consternation and worry; wondering if her invisible courier bird had been received by Rome. Similarly; each of the group wondered if their communications had been successful.

And in the distance; a cloaked watcher smiled.




[1] Concepts such as power levels, ranks and adventurer ranks have been posted! Please see auxiliary chapter: Strength, Ranks & Levels System!


Thank you to TOP 6 VOTERS!







Also thank you to the Top 7-10 voters!





LOG ON TO DISCORD (see synopsis for link) to claim your rewards and discuss your characters! So far only Zombielond has joined and given a cool character concept!