
Hello my loyal readers,

As most of you already know, I'm fairly new to writing. My background is in Business and Information Technology, so I never really thought I'd be writing fiction. I only picked up reading as a hobby a couple years ago to kill time while I was bored at work. Then I entered some writing contests, found out I enjoyed it immensely, and now here we are.

I don't really have some super inspirational story or anything to tell you guys. Sorry, haha. I'm just an average person that found out that I enjoy writing and that I'm relatively decent at it for a beginner. I've already mentioned this a few times previously, but I wanted to post an official announcement chapter. As of December 1, 2018, Steampunk Apocalypse! will be going premium.

Here are some of the things you can expect with the book going premium.

• There are 5 more volumes planned for the book (3 through 7).

• Chapters will continue being posted daily as they have been in the past.

• As thanks for all the support from the readers, mass releases will now happen twice a month on TGIF. I'll probably do them during the middle of the month and end of the month. The number of chapters might vary, but it will usually be 5 chapters per mass release. I plan to continue doing this for the rest of the novel.

Other than the above, I'd like to talk a bit about my future writing plans and goals. As of right now, I work part-time and attend graduate school full-time. I should graduate sometime in May of 2019. I'll likely be finishing up Steampunk Apocalypse! a month or so after that. At that point, there will be two possibilities for the future novels I write.

1. If I'm successful enough with Steampunk Apocalypse, then I'd like to become a full-time writer after graduation. If I take this path, then it would likely mean even more chapters being released weekly for my next book.

2. If I'm not successful enough, then I'll be hunting for a fulltime IT career. In this scenario, writing my next book would remain a side hobby, and we'd probably only see a few chapters per week.

Neither of the above two scenarios will affect my current book, and I do plan to continue writing either way. It really only affects how much I'll be writing in the future.

With all that being said, I'd like to thank all the readers that have supported me until now, and I hope you all continue reading and supporting the story after it goes premium. Writing wouldn't even be half as fun without your comments and support.

Thanks so much,
