Esper Rehabilitation Center

Ed and the President appeared in the sky out of thin air. Ed hurriedly examined his surroundings. The sky was dark despite it being daytime. Fortunately, his chimera eyes and mana-enriched body allowed him to easily see within the darkness. Ocean waves gently roared beneath him, and they were all he could see that was nearby. He searched in all directions, finally spotting something far off in the distance. On the edge of the horizon, there was a snowy mountain with what looked like steam coming out from atop it. "Is that a volcano?" He questioned aloud.

The President ignored the question and waited silently. Several minutes later, someone flew a steam quadcopter towards them from the direction of the snowy island. The hatch to the quadcopter was already open. The President Hurled Ed inside, and then turned around to leave, seemingly in a hurry to leave this desolate place. He didn't even spare Ed a 2nd glance as he left.