Water Nightmare

The winds bellowed as the ocean waves surged. Rain pelted against the espers as they struggled against the storm. "Release the sails! Tai yelled towards the crew. "Turn the ship starboard! Wind espers, power the sails!" He walked up and down the deck, his back straight and head held high. He no longer seemed like a gentle young man, looking every bit the part of an imposing sea captain.

The crew pulled ropes, unfurling the sails. The rudder turned, directing the ship to the right so that the ship would move away from the nightmare. Green wind blew from nearly a hundred espers as they tried speeding the ship up further. The wind was so strong that the sails frequently ripped apart. Other espers had to hurriedly climb the masts and repair them as best they could. It was a task made all the more difficult when considering they had to face the espers' wind at the same time.