Another Path

Several hours passed as Ed meditated on his fight and thoughts on the nightmares. Soon, he finished and left his room, returning to the ship deck.

The espers were still busy melting the ice around the ship. They had started melting the ice at the top of the frozen wave and worked their way down so the ship wouldn't crash into the ground. By now, the ship was once again in normal ocean water. However, ice still surrounded them on all sides for an inestimable distance.

"Yo." Ed yawned as he walked towards Tai. "Any idea how long it's going to take?" He asked while glancing at the frozen waves.

Tai frowned. "The espers are running out of steam. I've never even heard of the Water Nightmare freezing large volumes of water before." He shook his head while sighing. "Who knows how long it'll take for this ice to thaw naturally. We could be here for months at this rate."

"Months?!" Ed replied in shock. "Can't we just... carry the ship over the ice or something?" He questioned.