Soul Wars

Haru anxiously waited for Flair to return. Ed remained unconscious, and the war was beginning to grow fiercer. The battle in the sky between Sect Leader Fang and the Seven Sect Alliance occasionally caused damage to the troops on the ground due to their powerful wide-range attacks. The elemental giants were easy to fight individually, but their numbers never seemed to stop multiplying. A small mistake could easily end a cultivator's life on the battlefield.

Suddenly, Haru spotted Flair flying in the sky. He frowned as he realized that she was alone. Soon, she landed right in front of him, an awkward expression on her face. "I'm sorry." She sighed while shaking her head. "I didn't." She choked slightly, finding it hard to get the words out. "I didn't make it in time." She felt extreme anguish and guilt at admitting it, believing it to be her own fault. After all, if she had been paying closer attention to the kids, then she wouldn't have allowed them to run off on their own.