Tai's Fight

Right as the Purple Origin Sect's barrier shattered, Sect Leader Ying's floating mountain started to rapidly shrink in size. In just seconds, it became smaller than a fist.

Ed watched as the now fist-sized mountain returned to an exhausted Sect Leader Ying's hands. She was gasping heavily for air and sweating all over. Clearly she had used up a large amount of mana in forcing it against the barrier. It was rather surprising to see that such a massive object could shrink to such a small size. Granted, it was probably that size originally and had instead only grown large temporarily.

With the barrier finally shattered, the real battle could now begin. Just as Ying was about to order a charge, something unexpected happened. A shrunken human head rolled down Mount Dongling and landed in front of the Seven Sect Alliance cultivators. The head appeared malnourished, as if the person that had been killed had been starved to death.