Light Tiger Sect's Secret

After passing through the invisible barrier, it was as if they had entered an entirely new world. However, it was not the type of world one might expect from the Light Tiger Sect. Instead, it was dark, making it difficult to see anything at all.

Ed rose his arm and poured mana into his mana-battery, creating a small globe of light in his hand. Their surroundings were revealed, and surprisingly, they were in what looked like a dungeon. The cobblestone walls were aged and cracked, appearing to be extremely old in age. The floor was covered in vines that had forced their way through the various cracks. The end of the hallway couldn't be seen, as it ended in a turn several hundred meters away.

White light lit up in Flair's eyes again. "It's an ordinary dungeon." She explained. "No traps from what I can tell."

Ed nodded, and the duo cautiously made their way forward. A minute later, they reached the turn. There was a split in the dungeon path leading left and right.