(Prologue) I'm Glad I Could Save You

My parents died in the war, so ever since the age of three years old, I've lived without any parents. That day, my uncle picked me up from my day and night care, made for those who worked in the military. Ever since he picked me up, I've been living my life with him.

The day he took me home I was confused and scared. "Where is Mommy?" I would often ask. Every time I asked that he would make a face that said 'I don't know what to say.'

Thinking back on it, he never did have any dealings with children and neither did he have a wife or even a girlfriend.

He even ended up raising me like a boy, due to his lack of experience with girls.

For some reason, he was always afraid, afraid that we would one day again enter an age of war and strife. So much so that he taught me and raised me to be strong, to be a fighter.

That doesn't mean I was a brute of a girl, however. I got along very well with my peers, both girls, and boys.

I learned about being more girly from the girls, as even in high school I would reluctantly get dragged to the mall to try on some cute clothes.

However, even if I hung out with the girls at times due to being dragged off, the boys are usually who I would end up hanging out with the most. Especially when I was young, as my playing style in kindergarten was especially rough.


As for why I am reminiscing so much?

Being reminded made me come back to my senses, as my side stung with pain.

I am currently in a sitting position, holding my stomach as a fountain of blood seeped through my fingers.

'It hurts...' (1)

Maybe for whatever reason, but the people around me all gather and stare with panicked expressions.

I can't even think straight anymore... But let me try to explain what just went down...


I was walking to college as any other person would, and as I was walking there was this young boy standing at a pedestrian crossing.

He had white hair with white fox-like ears on his head that twitched, and a white fluffy tail that stuck out of his pants.

I was walking ahead while staring and I couldn't help but think, 'What is with kids these days? They are always doing the strangest of things.'

He looked back at me, his eyes meeting mine. We stared at each other for a while, our eyes still locked together.

It was one of the most awkward exchanges I've ever had in my life.

This strange child, started walking across the street, even when it was red. A truck was headed for the child, but this kid didn't even seem to notice.

At that moment, I couldn't help but feel apprehensive and worried, this kid would certainly die a horrible death if I just watched.

I rushed out and at that moment, the child's face showed a surprised expression.

I bear hugged the kid while trying to get us both out of the way of the truck.

However, due to my rotten luck, the side of my shirt got caught on the truck. The truck hit the breaks, and due to the inertia, the truck threw me several feet. I flew backward into the air and violently hit the back of a brick wall.

I felt pain in all my body, but the worst was at my side. I looked down, and lo and behold, some sharp pipe of some sort was protruding from my stomach. As for why it was there, I have no idea. Must've been due to my rotten luck.

The kid is nowhere in sight, and the truck driver is standing worriedly in the crowd. I wanted to make sure, that before I died, that I said something to him. That my death wasn't his fault. I squeezed out the words, "My death, it isn't your fault..."

Like that, I died. Hearing one last time as I closed my eyes, a young and squeaky voice told me, almost as if next to my ears, "It was my fault, I didn't know you could-"

Before I could hear the last of this person's words, my consciousness faded.

[I'll make it up to you...] (2)


(1) When I put an apostrophe around text it means that the character thinks this to themselves. Ex: 'I like bananas.'

(2) I bet you are curious, however, it will only be explained later in the story. This line is meant to be something you can't understand yet, just in case you are wondering.