I Will Find You, No Matter Where You Are...

'If the house burned down... Then what happened to my parents?!'

Currently, I was in full panic mode.

If they really died, that would mean I'll have to live my entire life without a family. All over again... That would be the worst, and I really don't want that.

'Not everything was burned. There is still wood remaining after the fire... So there must be something left of their bodies, some evidence that they really died...'

I utilize my small body to the best of my abilities, frantically searching the ruins for any evidence of their death.

Reality proves that using a two year old's body for this was strenuous work. But luckily, I didn't have to lift anything up. The majority of the wood was already burnt, and the remaining wood was in small to medium sized pieces. So it wasn't too difficult.





It took me around thirty minutes to search around the ruins of the house.

I was exhausted. Having such a small and fragile body was truly inconvenient.

I fell down on my butt in an exhausted manner, letting out a long sigh of relief.


...I didn't find any bodies, not even a part of a body... There wasn't even the smell of charred meat.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy. But what this means is... My parents aren't dead?

I took a contemplative stance, putting my hand on my chin.

'If they didn't die... Then where are they?'

I thought about what happened during the fire.

However, no matter how many times I thought about it, nothing seemed to come to mind. During the fire, I didn't hear anything from my parents, not even a squeak...



I do recall hearing something.

It was just before I got off my bed...


Just as I woke up, there was sounds of the fire crackling and spreading, burning down my house...



I remember that I was crying and scared, a very normal reaction for a two year old.

"Mommy, Daddy! Wuu!"


Then... Afterward there was the sound of swords colliding...




But immediately afterward, the sounds stopped.


I had several questions bombarding my head all at once.

Who was fighting? Why were they fighting? Was the fire related to this? What does this have to do with my parent's disappearance? If my parents were fighting, does that mean they were killed? Why was I left alone? Did they think I would die in the fire?

I wouldn't get anywhere trying to solve it all at once. Slowing my thoughts, I went to the most important question.

'Who was fighting?'

I recalled my father had a katana he kept by his side. Was it my father who was fighting someone? But for the fight to end so quickly... Just what was he fighting against?

If the opponent was so strong as to end it quickly, then my father must have been killed, along with my mother... However, their bodies weren't in the ruins. Does that mean they wanted something from my parents?

I wanted answers, and I will have them.

I felt conviction surge through me.

I want to know what happened, and I want to know the identity of the one who attacked us and take my revenge. Especially since he ruined my family. Hopefully, I can also find my parents. I hope they are alive...

I directed my gaze towards the sky. My current emotions could only be described as turbulent. I was happy that there might be a possibility for them to be alive, upset that they were gone, yet also angry at whoever attacked my family.

Such turmoil...

My gaze still on the sky, I watched as the clouds moved. I slowly went through each of the troublesome feelings I am currently feeling.

The sky started to clear, and moonlight slowly shined on the ruins of my house.

I directed my lonely gaze to my home.


I saw something glimmer in the distance underneath the moon's light.

'What is that?'

I got up and walked towards it.

As I approached it came into view. It appears to be a necklace...

I reached out to grab it.

Lifting it up, what I see is a beautiful silver chained pendant with a small silver and black pointed sun hanging off of the chain. It sparkled as I held it up.

Seeing this necklace, I was reminded of my mother. Yes, this necklace is my mother's, I remember her wearing it. She seems to have worn it every day.

'Mom, Dad... I'll find you, no matter where you are...'

I put the necklace around my neck, inwardly feeling thankful that the sky had cleared. Otherwise, I would never have found my mother's necklace.

I had actually also never really thought about it, but now that I think of it, I was in the middle of a fire... Shouldn't I have been burned? It's just not logical for a human being to not be burned in a fire.

How did I survive? I honestly don't know. It's just not logical...

Oh well. I had best just focus on the things I can solve, instead of the mysteries that I have no answer to.

Speaking of which, I had best find some clothes... All this time, I've been running around butt naked. How embarrassing... Even if I do have the body of a two year old... To run around naked... I can already feel my face heating up in embarrassment.