What Am I Going to Do from Now On?

Feeling the cool breeze pass by my private area, I couldn't help but shiver.

Thinking on this note, I start walking away from the ruins of my house, while thinking about what I will do from now on. I no longer have any place to call home, no place of refuge.

Where will I aim to go? Should I try to go to the nearest village? Or should I find something to cover myself with first?

I decided the most important was to cover myself first, then go to the nearest village. After all, even if I am two years old, there are still perverts out there who might like younger children, even in an 'anime' world. Gross, I know.

Then afterward I can go to the nearest village to stay for a couple years. Eventually, I can even start training this fragile body of mine.

As for where I'll stay...

There is no place I can stay. I would normally say, 'Just make a survival home!' But it's not possible, I'm too young at the moment. I wouldn't be able to lift or cut any wood, not to mention build my own house. Not even if it was tiny.

I guess I'll just have to settle for being a slum rat at the moment...

The streets, huh...

Whelp, this sucks... But I guess beggars can't be choosers after all.

Maybe I had best disguise as a boy, making myself seem more boy-like... After all, as I said before, there are a lot of perverts out there, and if I'm going to stay there it might be a good idea. I'm only two years old after all, and who knows what would happen if I went to the town without disguising myself and some pervert lolicon saw me alone without any parents... Euhew, I shiver to think just what might happen.

I decided. Dressing as a boy is the way to go. With my body being so young, no one would be able to tell the difference. Especially if I dressed and acted like one.

With my course of action decided, I now had to find some clothes and navigate to the nearest village...

Speaking of which, how do I get to the village?!

Argh!!! How frustrating...!

Speaking of how to get to the village, I have been walking for a while now...

My face drained of blood, I'm sure it looked quite ghastly.

I looked around at my surroundings. All there is, is forestry no matter which direction I looked.

Where am I?

I face-palmed. If I meet a wolf, the only one I can blame is myself...

Honestly. I'm so stupid. Asuya would never have done what I did. She would've thought about it first while staying in place, deciding which direction was the most appropriate to head towards. Not to mention, if I had just followed where I had seen the nine-tailed fox appear at, then I would've been closer to the village.

If only Asuya was here...

I started walking back to where I came from.

However the farther I went, the more lost I got.


I kicked the rocks around me. I could already feel that the boiling emotions inside of me were becoming more intense. All I thought about was centered around how stupid I was, due to my regret.

I could already feel my left eye getting warm. A tear slowly slid down my cheek.

I looked downwards and rubbed my eyes.

Ara? Am I crying?

I'm not even sad.

...Must be due to my body's young age. Yes, tear glands must be weak when you're young.

I'm definitely not actually crying because I got lost... It's the truth, I swear.


I heard the wind blowing in the thistles...

A husky voice sounded, "Hey."

I jumped.

I felt my heart start racing. I put my hand on my chest. Exhaling, I calmed my frantically beating heart.

I almost had a heart attack!

Looking up, I saw a handsome young man looking at me. He has spiky black hair and black eyes that seemed to suck you in. He wore a Konoha Anbu outfit. It is the same as Konoha's standard uniform except it was black with a grey flak jacket, metal arm guards and gloves, as well as ninja sandals that had spikes underneath. He has a muscular body that was also slender, not too bulky and not too thin. He also has a sword strapped onto his back.

He seemed to be carrying a piece of clothing... A grey shirt maybe?

I split secondly decided to conceal my knowledge and act innocent.

I spoke in a cutesy, childish voice full of innocence, that wouldn't even doubt a pervert, "Who?"

He put one of his hands in his pocket and threw something to me with the other hand.

Grasping it with my tiny hands, what I see is a grey shirt that is too big for me. Looking down at the clothing I start to put it on.

"Thanks, mister."

Just saying it was too big for me, is honestly an underestimation. It was WAY too big for me. This must be this guy's shirt. As when I wear it goes all the way down past my feet, dragging on the ground.

Are you okay with it dragging? It's gonna get dirty you know.

I wanted to say this, but I was afraid I would reveal my abnormal knowledge. After all, no two year old should have that much vocabulary yet.

I look at him with curious eyes. I pulled on the shirt and hinted with my eyes that the shirt seemed to be dragging on the ground.

As if understanding what my mind was thinking, he said, "No worries. I'll fix it."

He approached. Appearing right in front of me, and I couldn't help but startle a little bit at his sudden fast movement.

He bunched all of the extra clothing together and used something like a pin to hold it.

He directed a dazzling smile at me, "There, all better."

This guy is an Anbu, but he seems to be pretty nice... At least to kids. Speaking of which, Anbu all have a mask... Where is his? Maybe he approached without it cause he was afraid I'd be scared? That's nice if that is the case.

"Where are your parents?"

I wasn't sure how to respond to him. I mean, they aren't dead... Well, I don't think they are at least.

I shook my head, "Don't know."

It's true, don't give me that look. I really don't have any idea where they are.

"Siiigh. Alright, let's go to Konoha."

He picked me up, doing a princess carry.

This would have been so romantic... Had this not been with a two year old.