Konoha in Ruins!


He picked me up and raced off into the distance.

I was currently experiencing for myself just how fast an Anbu ninja can really go.

He jumped from the ground to the trees, and jumped tree to tree very easily.

Not to mention how fast he is going... Ninja's are so cool!

Now I could feel why those super fan's of Naruto want to be reincarnated into another world.

Perhaps, was I really lucky?



"We're almost there. I need to stop a while before we enter."


He pointed to his clothes, "I need to change out of these."


That's right. I had forgot, how could Anbu go into the village with their Anbu outfits on? That would literally be saying, hey, look at me! I'm an Anbu! That'd just be asking for trouble.

We landed beside a tree, and he put me down.

He warned me sternly, "Wait for me here. Don't wander off."

He walked off into the distance, seemingly to go change his clothes.

I plopped my butt down on the green grass, 'Whelp, I guess I don't have much of a choice.'

Honestly, I wonder if he realizes... A normal two year old would probably take that as a challenge and wander off. But luckily for him and myself, I'm not a two year old.

I took my necklace into my hands and looked down at it.

It's a beautiful silver necklace, and at the end of it is a beautiful pointed sun...

I couldn't help but feel a little bit melancholy.

I whispered with a tinge of sadness, "Mom... Dad..."

'I'll definitely find out what happened to you and take revenge.'

I clenched my tiny hands around the sun pendant.

*Rustle* *Rustle*


Looking up, I see the Anbu from earlier come out in front of me, wearing a plain white t-shirt and blue jeans.

I tucked the necklace under my shirt and got up.

Wait. Was that... A look of pity on his face???

'Why would I be pitied?'

I thought for a bit and came to a realization, 'Oh, that's right. My earlier display... He must have seen it or heard my whisper.'

Dismissing my wandering thoughts, I realized he had never told me his name.

"Mister, what is your name?"

He looked apologetically at me, "Oh, right. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ryuji."

"What's yours?"

"It's Rin."

He held out his hand, "Well, it's nice to officially meet you, Rin."


I took his hand with my small one, trying to shake it. However the difference in size was way too much.

Smiling at the sight, he came in front of me and turned around, holding his hands out behind his back.


He look back and saw my face. Bursting out into laughter he said, "Ahahaha... Come on, we are going to go into Konoha now."

His shoulder's were still shaking. I seem to be getting laughed at...


I pouted and got on his back, letting him carry me.

He started to walk towards Konoha.




It seemed we weren't actually that far from Konoha. Within a few minutes of heading off, we were already in front of Konoha's entrance.

Two guards were stationed there.

As we approached them, one of the guards nudged his companion.

"Hey! It's Ryuji!"

The other guard stumbled, "Oh, Ryuji! You're back!"

He responded with a poker face and a bland tone, "Yeah."

They whispered with a sigh of relief, "Thanks goodness."

The guards looked at each other and then looked back at Ryuji. They wore a saddened expression, "The nine-tailed demon fox suddenly appeared in the middle of the village. It's all over now, but... Many lives were lost, and half of the village has been destroyed."


He couldn't keep his calm.

I tried to take a peek at his face, he had his hand on his chin. It seemed he was deeply contemplating about something...

I tried to guess what he might be thinking about.

What could it be?

'Oh. Is it that he has family in the village?' I seemed to have arrived at a possible answer.

He headed straight into the village. As we passed by the guards I looked back at them and saw the guards stationed there looking at me and him back and forth with confused expressions.

They must be thinking of something ridiculous right now. Like, is he bringing home another kid?! Was he out playing all this time?!

I inwardly giggled as I thought about that. I did it without any sound, since Ryuji would probably think I was maniacal if I laughed when the village had just experienced a major disaster. Especially with the possibility of him worrying about his family's safety. That would be bad, wouldn't want the village or Ryuji to treat me like a monster cause of a giggle.

The sight as we entered... Was of a village in almost complete ruins.

Darkness covered the village and sight was supposed to be limited. But even with that being the case, for some reason I could still clearly see. It was just like the guards had said. Half of the village is in ruins, and the other half of the village isn't in ruins.

As we walked on, we came across people on the streets crying and grieving. The air permeated with the sadness of loss and death.

Yep, good job me at not laughing in the middle of this. I would've been hated by everyone and treated like a monster. I can imagine it now... If I had laughed then, even with the excuse of me being a child, I would end up being pointed at and called a monster wherever I went in the future.

I let out a sigh of relief...

"Sorry, I seemed to have almost forgotten that you were with me."

Oh. He just admitted to having forgotten my existence. Great. He must've heard my sigh and realized I was still here, huh...

Putting aside the joking though... Where are we going now?