We're Here for You!

"What did he look like?"

Jun quickly answered, "He has black hair and eyes, and was wearing a large overcoat with sweatpants and sandals! He had a scar on the right side of his face, running from his right eye to his cheeks."

"Alright, let's quickly get a move on."

He carried Asuya and Jun. They did a quick run around all the nearby streets close to the alleyway, asking if anyone saw the man carrying a little red haired girl. To which everyone said they hadn't seen them.

While they were on the move, Ryuji asked Jun, "So what exactly went down?"

Jun told him how he had asked for food from her, how the pervert followed him to the alley and he got cornered. How Rin rescued him by dropping bricks onto his head and how they had almost made it out and the guy woke up. How she made the man drop him, and the pervert took her in his place as he ran to get help.

He contemplated, "I see."


They searched everywhere, but had no luck in finding his trail.

Ryuji sighed, "I'm going to need to pull up some contacts to find her."

Ryuji and the rest of them did a detour. They went to go ask one of Ryuji's friends from the Inuzuka family to help them in their search of Rin.




-Inuzuka Family-

Ryuji knocked on the Inuzuka family's door.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Hey, Aki! Are you in?"



The door slightly opened, and there before them appeared a man in his twenties with brown hair and black eyes.

"What is it?"

After a quick explanation of what had happened, their friend agreed to help them. They went to their previous location.


The Inuzuka arrived with his brown wolf companion, Haruto, "Is this the alleyway?"

Ryuji agreed, "Yes. She was last seen here."

He smiled and with one hand on his hip, he confidently pointed at himself, "Alright! Leave it to me!"

"Woof!" Haruto responded with a resounding woof in acknowledgement.

He started to sniff around the area with his wolf companion. It did not take long for the renowned Inuzuka to pick up a scent. Soon, he had found a trail.

He pointing down an alleyway, "It's this way!"

They ran behind him as he headed deeper into Konoha, leading them into the outskirts of the village. All of them were feeling apprehension and worry for Rin. A kidnapping is something very serious, and it would not be an exaggeration to call it a life or death situation for Rin. It all depended on them finding her before anything serious could happen to her.

It took them two hours for them to get anywhere, due to the constant turns in the alleys they had to take while following her scent.

They finally arrived at a run down house, near the edge of Konoha. This side of Konoha was deserted and no one could be seen running around or playing in the streets. It's the equivalent of a slum, it makes for the perfect place for a kidnapper's hideout. It seems the kidnappers had went to a great deal of trouble to not catch any attention, as well as to throw pursuers off, with all those twists and turns the kidnapper took while carrying Rin.

Asuya asked, "Will we really find Rin here?"

Aki answered with urgency, "Yes, the scent leads us here. We had best hurry, we do not know what state she might be in right now."

Ryuji sternly told the kids, "You had best stay here with Haruto, kids. Wait for us outside. We'll be done in a jiffy."


Asuya stood next to Jun with Haruto watching over them, and waited outside.

Ryuji and his friend slowly twist the door handle and pushed it open.



The four people at the table all dropped their cards once again and panicked. Readying their kunai, they threw it towards the two intruders at the door.

Ryuji and his friend deflected them with their own kunais, and lowering their bodies they rushed out to confront the four.

The four took on a defensive posture and prepared to back each other up, two of them took out a kunai with a bomb attached, and threw it forwards, hoping to kill the two intruding shinobi.

Ryuji and his friend both dodged to the side upon seeing it come close, and a big explosion shook the house, destroying the flooring. It caused the room to smoke up, and neither of the two parties could see each other.

Ryuji and his friend rushed through the smoke and ran towards their opponents last known location, they each threw a kunai out of their pouch, and engaged their opponents in close quarter combat.

Aki's opponent was taken by surprise by the kunai, and although he dodged to the side, the kunai that Aki was holding went for his neck, slitting his throat. Three opponents left.

Ryuji's opponent was much smarter, he dodged and he also made sure to counter the other incoming kunai as well.

One of their opponents came up behind Ryuji as he was fighting their companion, and tried to back stab him. But Aki saw him approach and snuck up behind his opponent, cutting his throat before he could back stab Ryuji. He died with that single attack.

"Thanks, Aki!"

Aki threw a kunai towards the other thug that was approaching Ryuji, as the thug was trying to help his companion and gang up on Ryuji.

The enemy saw this and deflected it, while Aki ran towards him and stabbed out as he was deflecting the kunai he had thrown. He tried to defend himself against Aki's kunai but was not able to, due to only being able to do one thing at a time.

He was killed, and only one enemy was left.

Ryuji was still confronting him, and they were evenly matched. The enemy saw Aki kill the others when he was fighting, and seeing him approach he couldn't help but start to panic.

While he was panicking it provided a moment of lapse in his movements, giving Ryuji a moment to successfully stab towards the enemy's heart. Killing him with that one hit, his lifeless body fell to the ground.

All four of their enemies were killed, now they just had to find Rin. Hopefully she was safe.

"Let's search the area. Rin should be around here somewhere."

They spread out and searched, but it seemed there was something they were missing as they could not find Rin or any door leading to another area.

Ryuji started to panic, "Could there be another location that they bring people to?"

Aki calmed him, "Wait a second. Maybe the walls have some hidden door on them. See if the walls have any mechanism to open a door."

They went around and checked the walls of the house, and sure enough they had found something. One of the walls has a bookshelf on it, and could not be opened unless you pulled out a book.

Aki pulled out one of the books one by one. Eventually the door seemed to unlock with a click, as it opened like a normal door now, swinging side to side. On the other side of the door was a handle that could be twisted to open it from the other side.

Aki stared down the dark stairs, "It's a basement."

"Let's quickly go down. Hopefully there aren't any hidden guards stationed down there."

Aki started to search the wall for something, "Wait a second. Let me see something..."

Sure enough, he found a light switch.

"Aha! There we go."


He flipped the switch. The staircase lit up, and at the end of the stairs was a metal door with a window on it, and a hallway that lead to several other metal doors were lined up on the sides of the one on the middle.

Aki said, "It seems we found something big today. There must be several people they had kidnapped in these."

"Let's each search them one by one, who knows, we might find Rin in one of them."

They stepped down the creaky steps. They started to search each door separately, each starting from the left and right ends of the long hallway.

Sure enough, it seems that they had kidnapped several kids. As when Ryuji opened the door on the farthest side down the hallway, he found two young kids huddled together and shaking uncontrollably as he opened the door, fearfully staring at him. As he went into the room, he noticed that it smelled of piss and excretion, as well as of rotten food. There was handcuffs on the walls, presumably to hold someone in place, he felt shivers down his back.

He slowly approached while comforting the kids, "It's okay, I'm one of Konoha's shinobi. The bad guys are gone now, no need to feel afraid."

The two kids had a head full of messy hair, and were wearing only rags on their bodies.

They both looked up at him and one of them shakenly spoke, "I-i-is it r-really okay n-now?"


They slowly got up. Ryuji noticed as they stepped into the light, they had whip marks on their bodies and their hands had red marks along their wrists. It seems they were tortured, possibly due to disobedience. They followed him out of their cell, he and Aki both went to each room to check up on any other captured children. Finally, they arrived at the one in the middle.

Ryuji said, "This is the final room. If Rin is not in here, then it means they have already taken her to another hideout, or somewhere very far away."

Aki pointed to his nose, "Don't worry, I smell her here. She's definitely in here. We've found her, or at the least her remnants, should they have taken her elsewhere."

Ryuji slowly opened the door, and as he went inside, what he smelled, was even worse than what was in the other rooms. He smelled heavy amounts of blood, and lots of it. Along with the heavy scent of piss. He panicked and quickly threw open the door, "Rin!"

What he saw, was a little kid covered in blood laying in the back of the room under a pool of blood, with a man of about his thirties laying sprawled over her legs, possibly dead. He matched the description that Jun gave, as he was wearing a long overcoat with sweat pants and had short and disheveled black hair.

He approached closer to get a better look, as the cell was covered in darkness. As he approached, he noticed the man had long and deep claw marks all over his body, and his clothes were torn. It was on his shoulders, his back, and the back of his head, he was even missing hair. Under his body was a pool of piss.

He felt perplexed "What?"

He approached and turned the man over on his back, and saw his face had three long claw marks on his face running from his forehead all the way to his chin.

Aki ran forward to check it out, "Claw marks? From what?"

He directed his gaze downwards to the kid who had previously had the man dead on her legs.

He went closer and sniffed her face, "Hmm, blood and... Rin's scent."

Ryuji looked towards Aki, "Do you think Rin did this?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. Logically speaking, yes. After all, she was the only one here. Who else could have done it? I don't see anyone else here."

He was feeling perplexed at the oddness of this situation, "But, what kind of power would this be for someone her age?"

Aki shook his head, "I don't know. It may not be logical, but what's before us right now says what it says. As for why she was able to do this, there is nothing hinting towards what it could possibly be. So for now we should just check if she's actually alive."

Ryuji crouched down next to her and grabbed her wrist, feeling for her pulse.

His face paled, "There is no pulse..."

Aki came forwards as well and crouched next to her, "What?! No way!"

He put his finger under her nose and checked for her breath.

"But... She's breathing."

He took her wrist from Ryuji and felt it for himself, "She has a pulse."

"What?! But when I checked there hadn't been a pulse."

"Momentary lapse, maybe? Whatever the case we had better get her to the doctor quickly. Look at her body, besides the blood, it's all beaten up. She's hurt severely."

Ryuji took a quick look and noticed her body was severely beaten up and bruised. Her wrists were red, and blood poured from her head onto the wall. It showed that a struggle had taken place.

He looked worriedly at her face, "Your right. The claw marks had me so distracted that I didn't notice. Quickly! We have to get her to the hospital."

Aki pointed at himself and assured him, "Leave her to me, you can take care of the rest of the kids we rescued. With Haruto, I will be able to get her there as quickly as possible. We also need to report to the Hokage about this incident, as well as about the gang of kidnappers."

"Okay. Thanks Aki..."

Ryuji picked her up, and all seven of the rescued kids followed behind Aki and Ryuji.

They went out the door to the house, and saw the kids and Haruto waiting there just like they were told to.

Asuya took a look at the kid Ryuji was carrying, "What happened?! She's all covered in blood and hurt!"

Ryuji deeply sighed, "Haaah. I'll explain what I know once I take care of everything. I have to go report this to the Hokage. Aki here will take Rin to the hospital with Haruto."

She looked downcast, "Okay..."

Jun asked, "I-Is she going to be okay?"

Aki got on Haruto while carrying Rin, and smiled towards Jun, "Yeah! I'll make sure of it."

He and Haruto rode off to the hospital in all haste.

"What's going to happen from now on?"

Ryuji told him softly, "You kids will have to come with me for now. I'll drop you off at home. Asuya, you'll have to take care of Jun as our guest. I have to take the kidnapped kids to see the Hokage to give their accounts of what happened."

She startled at his sudden mention of her, "Yes, daddy."
