Hopefully, I Could Survive This...

"Jun, you shouldn't live here alone. You're too cute. Even if you are a boy, there is no doubt this won't be the last time this happens."

He nodded, "Yeah, you're right. But where would I even go? My family is all dead."

"Hmm, you're not the only orphan you know. I am too. Why don't you stay with me for now?"

His eyes widened and his mouth dropped, "W-wha? R-really? Are you serious?"

I looked at him weirdly, "Yes. I am very serious, why?"

"N-nothing. Thanks."

I looked down at his body, he was wearing only rags...

"It's no wonder some weird guy came after you, you're only wearing rags."

I went to get some clothes from the basket, searching for some clothes that might fit him.

It seems the only thing in the basket that would fit was some girl's clothes. I grabbed the least girly one.

I threw the clothes to him, "Wear this for now."

He held up the clothes. There in front of him was a pink and frilly shirt, matched with a frilly pink skirt. Very cute.

He said in rage, "Are you making fun of me?!"

"Nope. That is the only thing in here which will fit you."

His faced contorted, "Why should I wear it?!"

I said sternly, "Do you want another strange lolicon coming after you? This is much better than rags. Wear it."

I wasn't joking when I said another strange lolicon will come after him, he's just too cute.

He felt anger and indignation as he said, "Fine! I'm going to change, turn around or wait for me outside of the alley!"


I walked just outside of the alley, and waited for him to get changed.

He quickly got changed, and I went back into the alley. There before me was a beautiful little gir- I mean boy, dressed in a frilly shirt with a frilly skirt to match.

He blushed and turned his head away, "Stop staring."

I smiled at him. It's not just his face, he's got a very cute personality to boot.

He blushed harder and yelled at me, "I said stop staring!"

'Ara? Is that embarrassment I hear?' I snickered to myself.

He got angry upon hearing my snicker, "Grr, you-"

The man from earlier slowly started to stand up, his eyes bloodshot with rage. He grinded his teeth and grabbed Jun's legs and slowly held him upside down.

My mouth dropped, 'He didn't faint?!'

A deep and angry voice resounded, "Little boys, you've done it now!"

His bloodshot eyes stared into Jun's eyes, and glared at me next.

Jun screamed towards me, "Run away!"

The man's grip tightened on Jun's legs.

Jun screamed, "AHHH!"

I awoke from my stupor and ran towards the man, biting his arm that held Jun upside down.

My teeth clenched harder on his arm, biting into his flesh as hard as I could.

I said with a muffled angry voice, "Let him go!"

The man became enraged, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

He grabbed Jun by his shirt with his other hand, and swinging the arm that I bit into, he hit me up against the nearby stone wall.

The sound of my back hitting against the wall resounded.



My back ached with pain.

As soon as he stopped slamming me against the wall with his arm I grabbed his arm that was currently against my throat, and shook my head with his arms in my teeth's grasp.

For some reason I was actually able to tear some of the flesh off of his arm.

I spit the flesh out while thinking, 'How abnormal.'

But now was not the time to think about it. He started to get more enraged, dropping Jun onto the ground.

He grabbed my shirt and pinned me against the wall, readying his fist to hit me once again.

"Jun, run! My companions are out there, go get them! They are called Ryuji and Asuya! Go-"

My words were interrupted by the man bringing his fist down on my face, hitting me once.

I saw Jun running out of the alley.

Hopefully my body could bear this man's hits, while Jun got Ryuji.

The man's fist came down upon my head a second time...


I ran as fast as I could out of the alleyway and into the street.

I shouted as loud as I could, "Is Ryuji or Asuya here?! HELP!"

The people around me gave questioning looks towards me, but I ignored them and continued to run out.

I frantically ran around the streets trying to find them, where could they be?! At this critical point of time!

"Ryuji, ASUYA! HELP!"

My eyes got hotter by the second, my vision blurred and the tears slowly tried to escaped from my eyes.

The nearby villagers started to form a crowd around me as I called for help. If only they would hear me...

The tears started to fall down from my face, 'Right now, that girl was getting beaten up. I have to find her companions.'

I started shouting even louder than before, my voice getting hoarse, "ASUYA! RYUJI! HELP-!"

In front of me two people stepped out of the crowd gathering around me.

Are they Asuya and Ryuji?!

A man with black hair and eyes approaches me, "What's wrong?"

"R-right now, she was, she is..."

I fell down onto my knees, my tears pouring out of my eyes.

"She saved me from a thug..."

His face showed surprise and apprehension, as he seemed to realize something.

He started panicking, "Let's go get her. Quickly! Show us were she is!"

He picked up Asuya and I shakily got up to run to where we last were.


My voice was shaky, "T-this is it. S-she was getting beaten in this alleyway here, after s-saving me."

Ryuji, still carrying Asuya went into the alley and looked around.

He said with fear in his voice, "They aren't here!"

I went in after him, my eyes still hot and vision blurring.

"N-no w-way, w-was s-she k-k-kidnapped?!"

I fell to my knees and cried, my shoulders shaking, "It's all my fault!"

"If only I had noticed that he had woke up..."

Ryuji faced me, "It's not your fault. Besides, right now is not the time to cry, but rather to find her. They couldn't have gotten far."

He questioned, "What did the man look like?"


I slowly came to, awakening. Both my body and face aches, I really just wanted to scream out in pain.

Remembering my situation I try my best to not let whoever is carrying me know that I am awake, so I don't make any sound. I'm not strong enough to take a full grown adult on yet.

I feel my body hanging, like I was in the air and being held by my shirt's collar. I keep my eyes shut due to not knowing what my current situation is.

He seemed to be carrying me somewhere, as I felt my body swaying as the wind hit my body.

I played dead, and stayed limp. Doing my best not to rouse his attention. He seemed to be carrying me to somewhere, although I do not know what for.

How will I get out of this sticky situation...

Maybe if they drop me on the ground, I could make a run for it.

I quickly changed my mind, this is the world of Naruto. Ninja rule here, I wouldn't be able to outrun them.

I feel my body being lifted up, what is he going to do?


I was slapped.

"Wake up, you piece of shit!"

I felt my body flying back in the air.



What's his deal?! He could've just nicely let me down, not throw me!

'I guess I have no choice.'

I slowly opened my eyes and put my hand on my stinging cheek.

It hurts. I accusingly look him in the eye.

He startled and approached, raising his hand again, "W-what are you looking at me for!"


Now I was getting angry. I was feeling reckless, but I understand my situation will not allow that. I lowered my head and avoided looking him in the eye.

He snickered, "That's more like it."

He walked away from me and exited the room.


'Where am I?'

I looked around the room, it seems I am in some sort of cell, the door is metal and has a small window. There are no real windows though, it seems I will have to either wait for someone to rescue me or to find a way to escape myself.

Sadly, the first option does not seem viable, so if I can, I'll gather information secretly. Then figure out how to escape.

I went over towards the door and listened for anything that might give me a clue as to my current situation or where I am located. If that man isn't acting alone, then I should be able to gather some information.

However, it appears that the man that kidnapped me is being cautious. As I can't hear anything at all, even with the window. I also can't look out the window, as I'm too short.

I went back to where I was earlier, and sat in the back of the room against the wall.

'What to do...'

Sadly, I don't think there is anything I could do at the moment.

I stay seated while hugging my knees, waiting till someone would come. That way I could try my luck with escaping.




Some time later...


I looked up, and the man from earlier came into the cell and closed the door. He seemed to be carrying a tray with food on it.

He placed it on the ground in front of me and went to exit the room.

'Now's my chance.'

I decided to escape from under his legs as he opened the door, my body is small enough to pass out under his legs and out the door.

I quietly got up, so as to not rouse his attention.

I tip-toed behind him as he opened the door slowly, and following closely behind near to his legs, the door opened just enough for me to exit through.

He felt something behind him and slowly started to look back to where I used to be.

'Now's my chance!'

I quickly and quietly crawled under his legs, going through the door that he had slightly opened and started to get away.

He started to panic, "Where did she go?!"

I exited the room, outside was a staircase that led upstairs. I quickly ran up it and arrived at a door. Opening it, I arrived at a table with several people playing cards.

'Uh oh...'

One of the the four people was facing towards me, but thankfully he was looking down at his cards. I quickly looked around for an exit.

My eyes lit up and sparkled as I found a way to escape, 'An escape route!'

I saw a door not too far from where I currently was, and I quickly ran towards it. Standing on my tip-toes, I tried to open the door. I barely reached the handle, but I try to give it a small twist.

Before I could even open the door, the man from earlier came up the stairs.

He yelled to the other four, "The prisoner escaped!"

They mocked him, "You idiot! How could you let a little girl escape!"

The men at the table all got up, dropping their cards.

One of the men looked around and pointed towards me, "She's over there!"

The man from the basement ran towards me in order to stop me as I was still trying to get it open.

Just as it had started to open, I felt a hand on the back of my neck that lifted me up.

My legs flailed as I was slowly raised up from the ground.

He turned me around to face towards him and looked me straight in the eyes, glaring at me with killing intent.

I clawed at the hand squeezing my neck. Trying to make him let go.

'I can't breath!'

"Trying to escape... I might as well just kill you!"

His grip around my neck tightened, and my face started to lose the blood and slowly became a purple-ish color.

The other men approached, "Now, now. That's valuable merchandise, we can't sell her if she's dead or too hurt. She has a very rare hair color, she'll sell well, we don't want to decrease her value."

He spit in my face, "I'm still going to teach her a lesson!"

He grabbed me by my collar of my shirt, and carried me to the basement.

He opened the cell door, and once again threw me towards the back.

My body went flying.



My back screamed in pain, my entire body ached, and I felt as if something in my body broke with that hit.

I covered my mouth with my hand, *Cough!*

I felt something sticky cover my hand.

I looked down at my hand, and what I saw was... blood?

At this point, I wonder why my young body is able to survive his hits... No two year old would be alive after this treatment.

I saw a shadow approach me.

Looking up, I see the man from earlier crouch down next to me.

He grabbed my hair.

"Stupid kid! You almost ruined me!"

He yanked my hair and raised his fist above my head.

Hopefully, I could survive this...