To Help a Fellow Villager

"When I heard you jumped in front of a car, I was really saddened."

Asuya's tears slowly dripped down onto her hands.

My voice was hoarse, "Asuya... I'm sorry."

'I had no idea...'

She wiped away her tears, "Everyone believed you committed suicide..."

She looked into my eyes and sternly asked me, "Tell me, did you really commit suicide?"

I feel the blood drain from my face as I frantically corrected her, "No, no... Asuya, I didn't commit suicide!"

Confusion showed on her face, "The teacher said it appeared on the news, someone recorded you jumping in front of the truck."

She leaned forward and pinched my ears, "This girl... Are you lying to me? I was really sad you know?"

...I was shocked speechless. They all thought I committed suicide? But I only did it to save someone!

I was perplexed, "But, wasn't someone there walking across during a red light?"

She shook her head, "No, otherwise they wouldn't say you committed suicide."

'What... is going on?'

"Asuya, call me crazy, but someone was there. I did jump in front of the truck, but I was trying to save someone as well!"

Her mouth opened and her eyes widened, "Truly? That's un-scientific, but I guess I have no choice but to believe you. I guess it's not like you've ever been able to lie to me before, either way."

I took her hands and held them, "Thank you Asuya!"

She withdrew her hands, startled, "Wha- N-no need to thank me."

I directed a big smile her way.

"A-anyway, now that we are in Naruto... What do you suppose we should do?"

I laid back into the bed, crossing my arms behind my head, staring at the ceiling.

I spoke carefreely, "No idea."

"Rin, this is the Naruto world we are talking about! We need to have a plan!"

I spoke like I didn't having anything I wanted in life, "Well, you mean like enjoying ourselves in this alternate world, playing around, and-"

She glared at me, "Rin!"

She started pinching my leg. Ferociously.

"...I get it, we'll come up with a plan."

She sighed at my display, "Don't you have anything you want to do?"

"I do."

She looked at me with surprise and added sarcastically, "You, Rin, actually have something you want to do? Wow!"

I looked into her eyes and stared at her.

This conversation reminded me of what happened earlier, "You know I never had parents right?"

She looked confused by the sudden seriousness, "Yeah? Why? ...Wait. Could it be?"

"Yeah, this time I have parents."

"But, when I asked who you were... They said you were an orphan."

"Well, let me correct myself. I had parents. For two short years."

I quickly explained everything that happened in the house when I woke up and my speculations afterwards.


"I don't know why, but they weren't killed in the house. I think our assailants had something they wanted from them. Thus they couldn't kill them, and only set fire to the house."

She looked at me and put her hand on her chin.

"But just what were they after?"

"I don't know. I also don't know if my parents are alive anymore. But I do know that as soon as I find out who they are, I will have my revenge. No matter how strong they might be..."

"Rin, that may take a long time."

"I know. I will train my hardest and to the best of my abilities, and gain enough strength to take revenge."

"Rin... Well for now, you should focus on what you can do. It's going to be a really, really long journey for both of us. But if I can, then I will help you avenge your parents."

"Thanks, Asuya..."

She smiled towards me, "Why don't you let me explain what happened to my parents. We could let you stay here, and could train together. Much better than being on the streets, right?"

"Thanks. But to rely on you more than necessary, would be-"

She interrupted me, "Rin, just let me do this for you this once. You'll have an advantage, as we can study under my Anbu dad."

"Thanks. But staying here for free would be a burden on your parents."

"I'm sure we could come up with something that would work for both of us, Rin."

"Then I guess I could stay for a little while, but not forever."

She let out a long sigh, "You are so stubborn. Fine. I'll talk with my parents tomorrow."

"Great, lets hit the hay then. The village was destroyed, so I'm sure we'll have to go help out at some point."

She yawned, "Right."


Early morning...

*Chirp, Chirp*

Shinko yelled, "Girls! Wake up! Time for breakfast!"


Asuya, slowly woke up, rubbing her eyes she turned to see if Rin was awake yet. ...Which she seemed to still be fast asleep, and hogging all of her former blankets.

"Rin... Wake up."

I smirked evilly, and grabbed the edge of the blankets and tore them off of her, yanking all of them off with a tug.

Rin spoke with a sleepy voice, "No~! Let me sleep."

She frantically searched for her missing blankets with her hands, "Where...? Where... Uh-hueeeh, why~"

I said while laughing, "Time to get up~" I pinched Rin's cheeks, and pulled.



Asuya had to drag me off the bed as I refused to move. Thus I woke, and thus I also want to go back to bed.

I looked at Asuya with my watery upturned puppy eyes, "Asuya..."

She remained unaffected and sternly told me, "No ifs, ands, or buts about it. It's time to eat breakfast. Dad said we are going to go around the village to help. Now get your lazy butt moving and eat breakfast!"

I reluctantly went downstairs and Asuya made sure that I didn't crawl back into bed, this time.


I sat down at a chair in the dining room, quickly eating my now soggy cereal.

Father hurried us, "You girls about ready to go? We are going to go help around the village."

"Almost, dad~"

She hurried me, "Go on, grab some clothes from my closet."

She looked down at my feet, "You can also borrow my shoes, as well. Although, we'll have to get you your own soon."

I ran up the stairs and raided Asuya's closet, "Something easy to move in, something easy to move in..."

"Aha! Found you!"

I grabbed some plain looking shorts and a tank top with a black jacket to go over it.

I changed and quickly headed downstairs, putting on the extra pair of sneakers that Asuya had.

I saluted, "Rin reporting for duty!"

Ryuji laughed, "Alright, let's get going."

We all went out the door and went to go around the village, helping those who needed it. Whether it's for things like food, supplies, or helping the village rebuild, we would help.


We walked all the way to the part of Konoha that needed help. As Asuya and I were too young, we could not help rebuild houses. We could only hand food and clothes out to the nearby people who had lost their houses and were now homeless, as Ryuji participated in rebuilding the houses.

We were to walk around the streets and hand out food and clothing to anyone that asked for it.

I shouted out as loud as possible, "Anyone need some food? Or clothes?"

I trotted around the area, handing out clothing and food to those who approached me to ask for some.

A cute young girl approached, holding out her hands to ask for some food.

"Could I have some food?"

I smiled brightly, "Sure!"

I handed her some food and thought, 'That little girl is too cute. All that fat on her cheeks makes me want to just reach out to pinch her little cheeks.'

I was having very evil thoughts of pinching her cheeks and of teasing her.

She smiled and waved, walking away, "Thanks!"

I watched as she walked off, and got back to work.

As I was handing out clothes I turned my gaze back to her direction, and I saw a strange uncle hiccuping and swaying while walking briskly after her, maintaining a distance from her while occasionally looking her way.

"Could it be?"

'Was this something like a kidnapping happening before my very eyes? After all, that girl was very small and cute. She wouldn't be able to resist if someone wanted to kidnap her. I feel like this wasn't something that should happen in broad daylight, but if it's the Naruto world... Then who knows, it might really be happening.'

Seeing him get farther in the distance, I decided to go check it out just in case.

I chased after him with the cloth and food basket in my hands, handing them out to whoever approached as I followed him from behind, being careful that he didn't see me.


He walked into an alleyway.

For some reason it seems the little girl went there as well...

'Why would a little girl go into an alleyway, and so carelessly at that?'

I felt baffled at the ridiculousness of the situation.

I approached the narrow alleyway and leaned up against the wall, right next to where they had both entered.

I put my head slightly out from behind the wall to get a glimpse of the situation.

He was walking towards the cornered little girl, swaying and hiccuping.

"Little girl, this uncle here wants to play with you."


She backed up into the corner, a small makeshift tent beside her, "Go away!"

'Ah, it seems she lives here...'

"This uncle here just wants to play, little girl..."

He approached her with his hands out to grab her, and as he reached out, she dodged his grubby hands.

'The situation looks dire, I better hurry up.'

I looked around me for anything I could use. This body was just too small and weak to take out a full grown adult, I had to find something I could use.


All I see is a bucket and a couple of bricks that are laying on the ground. I direct my gaze towards the surrounding houses. I see the one I'm leaning on has boxes on the side of it, all stacked up. It looks like I'll be climbing...

I thought up a plan, 'This could work...'

I quickly went to work, I partially climbed up with the bucket in hand, tossing it up the roof. Then, I grabbed the bricks around me and carried them up the boxes by putting them one at a time in my shirt, helping me carry it.

Although they were very heavy for me to carry, it proved to be possible somehow.

I looked down below, seeing them play a game of cat and dog. I was now ready to commence the next part of the plan.

I went to the edge, where I see that the little girl is doing her best to evade him. However it could not continue forever, as he finally got a hold of her, lifting her up by the neck.

She grabs his hands at her neck, and kicks out at him, "Let me go!"

Seeing this, my eyebrows lower slightly in anger. I pick up the first brick, and position it over above his head while leaning over the roof. I adjust to where it is just right for it to fall and I drop it.

It falls with accurate precision, landing right on top of his head.

He shrieks, "OW!"

He crouches to the ground, but before he could move any further from my next brick's trajectory, I drop the second one.


It falls right on his back, close to his upper neck and he completely falls to the ground, splayed. That looks very painful. Another one.

I pick up the third and final brick and drop it overhead once again, and this time it falls on his lower back.


He lies on the ground, motionless.

'Did he faint? That's good.'

I was going to use the bucket to cover his head if I needed it, but it seems that it won't be necessary.

I climbed down from the roof, and went back to alleyway. I stood there in the entrance.

The girl I saved was standing in the alleyway, speechless. Her jaw dropped and her eyes opened wide.

I approached her, "He probably won't be bothering you again. What's your name?"

She was startled at my approach, "I-I'm Jun."

"Oh, Jun? That's an odd name for a girl."

She puffed up her cheeks, "I'm not a girl, I'm a boy!"

I looked at him apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize."

'He's too cute for a boy... I feel bad, his future will probably be riddled with difficulties. All because of his cute face.'

"I-it's fine. W-why did you s-save me?"

I shrugged, "To help a fellow villager, I guess..."